If only this guy had survived Spanish/Iberian unification would have happened earlier and Spain could have avoided union with the Hapsburgs.
Imagine Spain united and not wasting resources on Hapsburg wars. Spain would rule the waves even more then OTL. Their land border against France is also naturally defensible. Spain could let the French and Hapsburgs bleed themselves dry fighting each other while it focused on its overseas empire and becoming wealthy.
As a portuguese the idea of iberian union does not appeal to me one bit. I do however have a fondness for nuestros hermanos, despite our warring history.
Also Olivença is ours
Chase Hall
You chose the pleb option.Only based Padilla would have made Castile hit the industrial revolution in the XVII
Gabriel Allen
¡Mira, el gran cornudo de Iberia!
Gavin Turner
If only he didn't fuck up spain's economy...
Nathaniel Nelson
I have an slight interest in Spain under Franco and Spainish Empire during the 20th century when it was fairly small and confined to Africa but don't seem to know much about either of those.
Anthony Rivera
What do you want to know?
Jose Long
What was it like to live under Franco and how was he as a leader? And what was the Empire like also how was it thought of by other colonial powers and were the Spainish good rulers in the 20th century
Parker Rogers
>What was it like to live under Franco and how was he as a leader? Shit until the late 50's. After that Spaniards had a really confortable life with a massive raise on wages and the introduction of electronics and mass spread of cars. >And what was the Empire like also how was it thought of by other colonial powers and were the Spainish good rulers in the 20th century Guinea was pretty developed for African standards and Ecuatorial Guineans see Spain in a very positive light to this day. The empire in Morocco was kind of harsh and really violent and rebellious
Oliver Butler
you would be/would have been a superpower.
Austin Perry
Portuguese people have autism and believe that they had been relevant and people care about then.Olivares should have gone full berserker against them and the Catalans when he had the chance
Angel Jones
As a portuguese I could live with an Iberian union, had we become an actual superpower. There was actually a time in history when the crown of Spain was offered to a portuguese king, and he refused it because it would obviously lead to the portuguese just becoming second-class spanish.
Jaxon Rivera
>had we become an actual superpower It was a thing until Catalans and Portuguese chimped out in the most delicate possible time.Both deserve nothing but to be genocided due their treacherous nature and their low intelligence
Michael Cook
Spain lost the train with the unstability of the XIX century.
Thanks bourbons, It was a french inside job.
Nolan Nelson
F. His death set the King and the country into a deep coma. D Manuel the next king, altough blessed, was not near enough the promisse of a united Ibéria under a portuguese/iberian ruler with roots tracing back to the reconquista, instead of the invading french and german monarchs
Lincoln Myers
Aaron Johnson
One of nothing wrong with me
Julian Thomas
what did he do?
Christian Wood
Aztecboo here, fuck you guys
Brayden Sanders
So, is this the thread were people cry over dead princes?
Justin Sanders
You are now a spanish noble of your choice and charly is on his deathbed You retain all of your persoal memories but you also gain the memories of the spanish noble What spanish noble do you become and what do you do to save españa from the looming crisis