>2015 >have female coworker >has a bf since 4 yrs ago >I manage to bed her >she goes on vacation with bf and returns engaged >however we still bang on the reg >ffw to this week, lunch time in the office >"gee my ex called me to offer me a ride to the office this morning" >uh-huh >"I turned him down because I dont wanna mess up the wedding etc" >mfw internally >"yeah good thinking" >mfw 2 weeks ago we went to a cheap motel and fucked her twice in the jacuzzi, then went to bed and banged two more times and creampied her >mfw you turn down a ride because you wanna behave but it is totally ok when a guy raw dogs you >mfw last week we fucked again while she was having her period >lel women "logic"
Also this girls wants me to be her trainer to the wedding, we have like 4 months before they get married, what routine shall I put her into? do I just put her right into SS or SL with the proper form introduction? Also the diet, would IIFYM in a standard deficit be enough?
thx guise
Parker Lee
You should probably let the dude know
Also she's not going to want to put on mass for the wedding, she wants a trainer because she's worried about fitting in to her dress. Probably want her to eat little and often, plenty of cardio and an SS structure should be fine as it's not much volume on a cut but scrap the progression
I am well aware this is bait, but this is good advice for any woman getting married really
Oliver Davis
Dude i remember this exact thread a few months ago. Is this a pasta or a you the same guy?
Ryan Roberts
yea like a month or so ago
same guy actually... just bored and I still need the advice, bitch aint doing exercise for shit, too busy arranging her wedding
Thomas Wood
Some autist is posting this every couple of days.
Charles Williams
Angel Gray
Dude do the right thing and tell him. Fuck letting a guy marry a dumb where
Nathaniel Howard
nah op dont do it, is the guy even your bro or something? or a total stranger?
Camden Johnson
lol yeah that story was essential to your request for advice
Xavier Wilson
Do the right thing OP. Tell the guy on the day of the wedding. Make sure you get video evidence.
James Adams
When the world was yet young, this pasta was still stale.
Angel Scott
Brayden Powell
better than hai guise how do I get my fat gf to lift?
Kevin White
This. As soon as you are done with her tell her bf.
Thomas Collins
Why did you save your own story word for word you autist
Thomas Price
nah man I dont think I would tell him, maybe even after they get married I can clap those cheeks
Aaron Williams
Why do you keep posting this? You get shit on every time you do. Are you mentally ill?
Oliver Williams
yeah lets do SS...
Benjamin Johnson
Stale pasta
William Gomez
Honestly fucking some random guy's girl isn't the worst thing in the world considering if it wasnt you it would be someone else, but for fuck's sake don't let a fellow male marry this whore.
Leo Martinez
Let the guy know, Karma is a bad thing you know, and that hoe doesn't deserve to win this one.
Jace Bell
stop posting this no one cares and you're going to get murder suicided when he finds out just be ready
Christian Martinez
>2016 >muuhhh karma
Jonathan Phillips
Levi Reyes
because it's not the same guy you fucking autist
Connor Anderson
You have contracted the Veeky Forums curse.
Welcome to people spamming the same 250+ reply threads over and over again.
Gavin Jones
what routine you should do? I recommend anal creampies x 20, face sitting x 10 and rim job x 30
Jackson Cruz
Karma is for mental-manchildren
Carter Foster
everyone please stop responding
Nolan Ward
>everyone please stop responding
yet you still bump this shit, idiot
Jack Myers
Tell the guy or accept being a terrible person Jesus fucking Christ.
Would you marry a whore?
Julian Brown
but you dont get angry about manlet threads or >that guy threads, fuck off
Dominic King
All of this
Carson Nguyen
Nice repost meme faggot. Try harder
Benjamin Robinson
You sound upset m7, are you mad?
Nicholas Bell
Read the sticky
Gabriel Foster
Ayyy I was on that thread. I supported OPs decision to keep banging the girl and would encourage each of you to do this. As a guy you have to have your bitch under control, if you dont its your own fault
William Clark
Its good to have these reminders from time to time so I know to keep not trusting women
Kek life sure is a lot less stressful when you don't care about many things
Owen Brooks
Ethan Smith
Sage and reported
You keep reposting this shit. It's not fit related, you just want an excuse to brag about your slut fat co-worker. we wouldn't need your whole stupid life story if you just wanted advice on a routine for girls.
read the sticky, stop reposting this every 2 days
Josiah Hernandez
Murder. No one kills themselves smoking a cig, it just doesn't happen
James Phillips
>Cig left hand, gun in right, yet splatter on left wall
Jose Reed
She left a note though.
Juan Nelson
Nicholas Miller
It's not apparent whether it's a suicide note or not. Even still the murderer could have planted it
Luke Adams
Suicide. Her body is slumped in a way that suggests she was sitting on the stool facing away from the desk.
If she was murdered, i.e. facing towards the desk, she wouldn't have fallen in that way, would have had to rotate her entire body as she fell.
Gabriel Gomez
Nah brah
Someone must have put that cigarette in her hand afterwards
Lincoln Gonzalez
>Murderfags can literally logic anything away with "The murderer staged it to look that way"
This is dumb please delete that image
Benjamin Perry
My fuckbuddy is a complete christfag who's boyfriend ACTUALLY thinks she's a virgin
I shook the poor fucker's hand not even 4 hours after busting inside her on his own bed
She's all cutesy and like a kindergarten bible study teacher but then has this complete other side to her I brought out
How do guys even trust their girlfriends
Jack Garcia
No signs of forced entry
Ethan Ross
Jace Brown
>for those with a sharp eye >posts pic blurred as fuck
Evan Howard
This. Also pen over the note suggests left handedness
Grayson Nelson
But coke on left hand too. I'd rather write with my right hand and drink a can of coke with my non dominant hand. The glasses would most likely be on the left too since you would pick them up with your dominant hand.
Im going suicide facing opposite of desk.
Why is lamp ungplugged?
Justin Richardson
If it was a murder staged to look like a suicide she probaly new the person that did it. Also Im going with murder because you can hide a clue that she couldent have killed herself in that image but you cant hide a clue that she did it
Elijah Campbell
>Also pen over the note suggests left handedness
This is a really good point. While it can be that person would choose to kill themselves as if someone else did it (not their main hand) suicide often is the last resort of feeling power in a powerless situation so it's gotta be a staged murder.
Ian Morgan
Suicide. Ashtray is on left side, cig in left hand (makes sense). But the gun is in the right hand (doesn't make sense because of the blood).
So she turned around in the stool and shot herself in the head while sitting on the stool (can tell because the sandal).
Mason Cox
You idiots, she's left handed but the gun is in her right hand. Obviously murder.
Michael Diaz
what is sage
Jace Allen
>Im ugly as fuck and jelly reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lucas Smith
>How do guys even trust their girlfriends
I dunno man, after banging this bitch 15+ times I learned the hard way that women cannot be fully trustworthy, even after a 5+ year relationship
how sad, I just wanted to find the one
nice dubs also
Connor Bell
This tbqh, he wont probably wont understand at first but its fine
Connor Evans
how are you sure it's not a bot?
Brody Wilson
>what OP forgot to mention is that he is the bf, but his cognitive dissonance is so outrageous he easily forgets
you are getting married in a few weeks get your shit together man
Bentley Turner
Aware the boyfriend YBD style
Try not to go to prison like YBD did though
Carter Morales
I dunno from which shitty movie you got this, but no, Im not his manlet bf, Im a completely different dude
Easton Young
because bots dont have sex, duh
>YBD ??
Jeremiah Torres
>he doesn't know about Ya Boy Dave
Don't even bother looking it up. You missed the golden age of the Internet.
David King
>Talked with a chick from a bar on facebook >She was engaged >She wanted to fukk >He did it and took vids >Sent vids to her fiance >Relationship ended and she raged on him
was this too hard?
Carson Davis
that's only a misc celeb though; If I remember correctly there was also a vid that I watched of him fucking her
Andrew Thomas
>lying to impress your Internet friends
Jason King
Noah Evans
Oliver Sanchez
You missed the part where he released a vid of him going to town on the girl with his friend whilst wearing a bert mask and ended up going to jail for said video
Juan Carter
Does it mean I'm not a newfag anymore because this story is familiar?
Adrian Reyes
This again?
Xavier Lee
Suicide. The way the paper is oriented is how a right-handed person would use it. Ashtray and soda on left-hand/non-dominant side also suggest right-handedness. Although the lamp being on the right side suggests left-handedness.
Obviously they turned around on the stool, shot themselves, and then fell to the floor. Only other option is that they shot themselves, fell to the floor, then roll over 180 degrees to face the room.