Why didn't you start lifting in highschool, user?
Missed Opportunities Thread
got into a couple of ivy league schools instead :^)
>NEET shut-in autist
>lifting for almost 4 years
>lifts are garbage because poverty home gym
The only thing motivating me to finally get a job is so I can join a gym. I'm not even good at the only fucking thing that I do.
All the goddamn time wasted...
>I'm intelligent but I couldn't spare one hour a day 5 days a week.
Sounds like you needed to work 16 hours a day to do that, nothing to boast about.
>I did
I did
I was playing too much vidya gaems plus I was a former fat kid.
Ever tried to live with an eastern-european grandma next doors? How about two of them? There is a limited number of ways in the world you can say that you're not hungry, you're still gonna eat. I figured I'd be fat for life.
because no money for a gym
school had a weight room, but used by the sports teams
i lifted by doing chinups and situps basically
I was busy posting feels on Veeky Forums
>too stupid to lift and get into university
>tfw thinking back on all the pussy I missed out on because I didn't pick up on the most obvious signals ever when I was younger
I also regret not getting more serious with lifting earlier.
I didnt go to highschool
then explain how other eastern Europeans aren't fat? you just didn't go outside, faggot. Fat people always lie
I was too busy working and being abused by my shit family to lift they had me working 40 hrs starting at 11 and took every dime I ever made. I wish I had left them behind earlier but never could gather the courage because of my fucked up psychological situation. I stayed a bone thin skeleton until 23 when I finally left to be on my own.
Yeah me too buddy except I did IB and I could probably bend your skinny brainlet ass over and fuck you until you cry faggot.
>mfw used weight room and listed hours spent there as "Weightlifting Regimen" for my CAS hours
Too busy playing SNES and PSX
actually i did. if i did't have breaks i would be sick cunt, but i'm ok with what i got
Because I dropped out.
Was too poor to afford proper nutrition. I was aushwitz mode all my life until I finally had some money to buy proper food with. Been on a bulk since then
>didn't lift in high school
>didn't really care about fitness beside losing a lot of weight once
>missed out on my twenties, started caring about getting into shape at 26 but had more inspiration to get fit because of my new found interest in muay thai.
I wish I could have those times back, but they were meant to be I guess.
mfw started lifting in the last year of college... now I am a 23yo kv
I did, had a regular spot in the rugby team.
Threw it away for anime.
Too busy playing video games 2bh
You're supposed to train for your waifu
>tfw started lifting at 13
no wasted potential here folks
Asian parents only cared about grades. The joke was on them, however, when I enlisted in the army after graduating.
my nigga
Because I was a fucking retard who could play guitar and drums, so I got into faggot band shit instead of physical fitness
Well, I was playing bass in the band and fucking.
Now, I'm the loser.
>freshman year
>mandatory pe
>find out there is weightlifting class too
>sign up sophomore year
>junior year
>senior year
>ez 4.0
>we deadlifted once in those 3 years
>never squatted
>bench max and 40 time tests that's it
>lots of people got the 225 shirt but probably couldnt even squat 225 like me
>still got mired in college
>at least I did pullups at home with the pullup bar
>hit 24 pull ups in high school
I remember I couldnt even pick up the 45 with both hands. Now I pick up that 1pl8 with one hand overhead
I did. I was still overweight enough and followed a machine program so i made 0 visible gains. At least it fixed my bad posture i guess. If i told people i have technically been lifting for 5 years they would never believe me.
forgot to mention, I'm pretty sure 90% of the males took the class. Easy 4.0, literally do nothing and lift, no homework. I wonder if other high schools had this. Shit was a joke
>parents forced me in gym, because faggot son is too weak
>they've sat me down on a bench
>everybody is looking at us
>gave me a barbell (I think around 90 pounds)
>way to heavy for me, bar is getting close to me
>parents don't give a shit,
>somehow free myself
>Where are my parents?
>parents are already walking out of the gym, competely disappointed
>still hundred eyes on me
couldn't enter a gym without remembering that for a long time
Why don't you have a job?
i did
whenever i wasnt injured from playing rugby and american football or being lazy as fuck
I did, but then i got a gf and said fuck it, great mistake desu
I know that feel. Stopped lifting and gained 40 lbs over 5 years. Kill me.
i didnt even gain weight, just saied dyel, but i could have 2more years of lifting under the belt now
That's exactly where I am now.
26 and feel like I pissed away the better part of my 20s dwelling in mom's basement, getting drunk and playing video games.
but i did
is berkeley good? i got into berkeley
Was too depressed when i was in my teens..
>alcoholic mother and drug abuser
>dad in jail
Finally started lifting almost 4 months ago after i found Veeky Forums a year ago.
Making pretty nice noob gains.
Old powerlifting dude at the gym complimated my chest gains.
I tried lifting a few times before but quit after a week.
I discovered Pre Workouts and they made lifting so much easier for me.
If you want to get an unmotivated friend to lift just give him pre workouts!
like many things because I didn't have good fitness role models and was stupid.
This girl goes to my gym. Super strong for how small she is. Pretty badass. Can probably out lift 95% of fit.
I left some years a deer in the light.
I left some will to spirit away.
I let my fears materialize.
I let my skills deteriorate.
pwo are the biggest hustle. ever.
Well I thought being thin was the way to go, and was pretty close to anorexia for a good while. Then I had some strong role models and knew I could be strong and sexy :3
I know I sound very SJW right now, but I'm not, I just had my struggles and got better, everyone can.
>Dad forced me to play tennis, his beloved sport
>License at 16, I could drive to grocery stores and buy endless candy/chips
>Got chubby by the end of high school and continued throughout univ
>Realize I actually want to die at 19, drop out, live like a mindless zombie for half a year
>Go to the gym on a whim
>Born again
>going to a UC thats not UCLA
I wasn't interested in lifting in high school.
>going to UCLA for anything other than Engineering
it doesn't count user
> Weightlifting for CAS hours
my nigga
>Ever tried to live with an eastern-european grandma next doors? How about two of them?
This would be my dream during bulking season.
nigga go get some part time shit job TOMMOROW
I wanted too.
>stayed after school
>go to school gym
>Football players at free weights section
>coaches would tell you to leave any place if any sports player needed to use something
>machines were always open and really the only thing available other than cardio stuff
locker rooms were locked while football players used gym.
>had to ask one of the coaches to unlock the locker room for me because I wasn't going to work out for three hours like they did
> coaches were always vocally annoyed with me when I asked
> one time when when I got into the locker room after the a football coach let me in the basketball coach unlocks the door and tells me to leave while the basket ball players get dressed for practice.
>I lost interest in weight lifting and exercise in high school because sports coaches were moody 40 year olds
I was a drug addict loser in high school, ending up dropping out, getting my life together by getting my GED, then CC, then finally getting a 4 year degree at 26, been off heroin for 5 years now
I did. Little girls creaming themselves over me and my mates.
>Too much spaghetti to do anything
>Why didn't you start lifting in highschool, user?
My head was so far up my ass that I could never see myself doing something that forces my weakness out in the open so I instead tried to find smug superiority over those that lift. that and i had no reasonable means of transportation to any gym much less pay for a gym membership.
My dad would try to get me to lift with him and I always agreed to because it was one of the few times I could spend time with him. He gave me some dumbells and I did curls at home and push-ups.
I stopped doing both after girls told me my arms were strangely veiny and guys said I had a pair of tits even though I was a fucking skeleton.
really wish I had the will and maturity I do now since my pec development was really nice when I was overflowing with teen test
what a wild ride your post was
glad you made it out bub
I was an autistic shut in throughout highschool who listened to alex jones, david icke, and alan watt.
Now I'm 26 and started working out a year ago and feel much better.
but i am OP :^)
I did, in the summer before my junior year. I joined a gym within walking distance. Changed my life.
>get on train
>look for seat
>only one is next to qt redhead
>catch her staring at me multiple times
>get off at same stop
>ask her where some random mall is just to be able to ask for her number in case i get lost
>she explains where the mall is and lingers
>pussy out and dont ask for number
>she gets on the bus
>looks at me through the window with a dissapointed look and waves
fucking kill me bros
happened a month ago and i still think about her everyday
because everyone around me who lifted was fuckin ugly, had a shit personality or a mediocre intelligence.
Fuck, man. I thought I hated athletic activities, other than martial arts, and I thought bodyweight was enough to get ripped. When I didn't get ripped, I assumed it was because my metabolism was too high and I'd have to wait until my 30s to biologically be able to gain muscle.
Meanwhile, the jocks at my school were ripped, so not sure how I came to my conclusion other than by being dumb.
What I wouldn't give to spend my high school years lifting and not blowing money on dubbed anime VHS tapes.
So they only had one major flaw while you clearly combine all three. What's the issue here?
Take note, m8s. It's way better to put yourself out there and get rejected (or fucking not) than it is to regret not doing so.
>not lifting while doing music
At my high school, we had a written test for bowling.
I did. Not like it mattered. Natty gains cap out in 2-3 years. After that you're getting diminishing returns.
I wanted to be different, I guess. I preferred to spend time alone despite being lonely and hated anything I considered normal.
currently doing IB too mang. It's so fucking gay I hate it. In my final year.
Wtf. How can someone be this much of a failure?
Implying that shit is hard for anyone but the 16yo girls who cry because they have to actually treat their studies like a full time occupation. You could just have told us you're a faggot with rich parents directly user