My cholesterol is 113, my triglyceride is 52, my HDL is 50, my LDL is 53, my VLDL is 10...

My cholesterol is 113, my triglyceride is 52, my HDL is 50, my LDL is 53, my VLDL is 10. I am 18 and have no idea what this means. Give me the good, the bad, and/or the ugly

LDL levels like that often mean full blown AIDS.

sounds like ass cancer






You're dying

Shit, where is my pokeflute?


I jus want to know what's up with my cholesterol. Please dont lecture me.

>asking bmi for an individual

Fucking stupid ass nigger

You'll need more than lecturing to change desu

You're dying

fuck off tumblr

Yeah, he is probably Brolly with that BMI.
Hey, maybe it's Wolverine, with the weight from the adamantium and all...

you're so fucking fat you're dying

>implying BMI isn't a good general indication for obesity for most people
>inb4 muh bodybuilders and frauds

This thread is really pissing me off. I just want to know how to lower my cholesterol. Who cares what my fucking BMI is?

It's designed for population statistics. It's essentially useless unless dealing with extremes. The difference between an overweight person and someone with muscles is a joke using the scale. Don't ever ask for the bmi of an individual, or I WILL call you a fucking idiot. Everytime. Kids.

your cholesterol being so high is because you are fucking fat as hell

Your cholesterol is low, unless you mean mmol/l in which case you should be dead

It's quite clear we're not talking about a bodybuilder or a steroid user here thouigh.

*grabs by the throat*

In general though

btw, what's _your_ bmi mate?

It's a good tool for an average person who doesn't train to build muscle

Obviously if they're 13% bodyfat but 30 bmi they're probably a bodybuilder but that's not what we're talking about here. You just want to seem le smart by being a contrarian and correcting people

yeah retard, we know this is your first month on /fi/ and you want to show how smart you are.
guess what? you are still a retard, he has a BMI over 40, I'm going to guess he is a fucking Snorlax rather than Jay Cutler at his prime.

there is literally no hope for you, keep doing what you were doing and stay out of Veeky Forums

>using _ instead of * for emphasis

Dropped. You fucking human piece of shit

BigGuy I'd beat the shit out of you, your retarded ass goon. Your presumptions based on the bmi is exactly why it's faulty in the first place. Do you ever workout your brain, bro? Fucking dummy

> It's essentially useless unless dealing with extremes.
And 41 is an extreme. It served its purpose in this thread.

Now shut the fuck up.

*puts in a headlock*

Fuck you

What the fuck did you say about me? I will have you know I was in the Navy SEALS.

You're a fat fuck. Start being responsible for yourself or you're going to die very soon.

Did you get a liver function panel done?

You gon die

i'm 99% sure this is bait. but if it isn't:

hey buddy, I am 21 and my BMI was 47 5 months ago.

it's 37 now and I've lost 80 pounds, I have about 120 left before i start bulking.

it is very easy to eat less. sign up on myfitnesspal and start eating 2000 calories a day and logging it. you NEED to do this.

>tfw genetics give me high cholesterol easily
>As a kid I ate ice cream every day as a dessert and had it even though I was skinny
>I eventually got it under control by eating super clean
>Didn't get bloodwork very often
>Get tested finally like 3 years after getting Veeky Forums
>High LDL
>Not sure if eggs are actually fucking me over because I still eat clean although not as clean as my prime.

Fuck obese people and "muh genetics." Calorie counting and using a scale is way easier to manipulate than using biannual bloodwork.