Bittrex closed down all iranian accounts without a warn. Even accounts that were verified with passport and selfie. I went on their slack and there are also non-iranians whose accounts got disabled. This is a warning to everyone. Take it all out before its late. Pic related. I lost all my money. Fuck bittrex and its pajeet CEO. Fuck americans too!
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>Bittrex closed down all
lol, protopajeet
my german account and everything verified got disbaled too, already send them a mail
Youre next. Not so fast. Just wait for when bittrex becomes the next btc-e. They are already stealing millions of dollars.
Hahahahahaahhahahahhahahaha. Crypto-retards suck big dick. Get the normal job, assholes.
>Fuck americans too!
I don't doubt it, thanks for the warning
Use Bitfinex, Binance or HitBTC.
Holy shit, how can they do that? What country are they based out of ?
i think that does down first
Bittrex CEO is literally a fucking pajeet let that sink in
USA Washington State
lmao...i only have 10 NEO in there, they can have it if they want, worthless chink coin.
Jesus christ are you fucking serious??
I'm out.
I'm fucking out.
No he is not
He is Japanese American fucking liar
Yeah I'm convince that one day the FBI is going to seize tether bank accounts and everyone who thought their money was safe will be ruined.
>Rami Kawach
Are you fucking stupid. Look at the pic. He is a fucking pajeet.
>that scammer face
Bitfinex is a system-relevant exchange, I think it's not very probable that they go down. But if it happens we are fucked.
hahaha no way he looks like the fucking hand wringing jew pic, oh no i am seriously getting my OMG out of there
Now go and shut your whore mouth
Rami Kawach is the CEO you fucking imbecile and he is a fucking pajeet
>tfw i transferred my 2.5 BCC to Bittrex because gemini doesn't exchange BCC
>tfw when I immediately sold my BCC for .25ish BTC and transferred the BTC back to gemini
>tfw BTC immediately went up another $1000
here maybe you can't read small text
Good, Iranian terrorists need to BTFO and trade AK-47's and severed heads with each other they don't need our precious crypto
There is a pajeet on a very high position on that shitty exchange. Everyone should take out their money as soon as possible. Millions of dollars are already stolen on bittrex. Proofi = OP pic. SHUT THE FUCK UP SHILL!
>using shittrex.
You deserved it.
ello sirs I am seo bitrex lets make money together
Bittrex is the next btc-e. Your money is the the next in line to go.
as long as binance stays online im ok. 7btc there
Keep us updated if you can Log back in at any point. Currently have 0,00031 BTC on there. But had quite larger sums a few days ago.
Thanks for the heads up.
Got my ethers back from btc-e, lot more monies worth now
What a bunch of heros.
They're operating on now.
>got 60% of his money back
>is happy
your must be a special kind of stupid
Lol, they've been stealing customer's money for months not just iranians.
> system relevant
Did you just make that up?
80% (tokens trade at 40-50%)
My funds got raided by the biggest terrorist organisation in the world operating out of the most backward country. They saved 60+ percent of them and try to reimburse the rest.
Yes I'm happy
My indian account is also disabled
The difference between Bittrex and, say, BTC-e, is that Bittrex is completely transparent. It's a US company with a dev team that we all know. Not some anonymous exchange run from the middle of Russia.
It's completely fucking different.
and they are stealing millions of dollars idiot. gtfo pajeet.
my American account was unverified today
now I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to withdraw my shit
everyone withdraw from this site asap
Pfft it's going to happen to all the exchanges world wide. Know your customer laws.
>bittrex shill
atleast be subtle about it
bahahaha chand toman az peshet sokht?
>afghan scum
Moin moin pajeet
You mean sand nigger scum?
why are my IDs always pink today
bahahah irooni goh khor boro heroin khod bekash
so sue them, oh wait
I think that's the sign, you're obviously gay
Why are there afghans here lol
I guess I should withdraw all my shit from Binance just in case SHTF
Why are there Iranians posting here? Why risk trading their 2 pajeet coins when their government would probably hang them for interacting with non-muslims
Binance is goat
>putting your coins on an exchange named after an extinct creature
Its like you want to lose your money.
مادرجنده افغانی ناموست رو گاییدم ولد زنای حروم زاده
trump is unveiling new policies about iran today
shitty for op, but I understand why american companies want to stay away from iran and not have the feds come after them
This. Fucking commies
No shit, Shittrex is ultimate sketch
Get the fuck out of here, kike jew.
Where is a safe place to store alt coins you might trade on Bittrex? How do these people get away with it? Couldn't some disgruntled coin holder just order a hit on them?
fuck off chink
fuck trading im moving my coins to wallets. these exchanges are all scam.
motherfuckers. i have .63 komodo in my account. i better not lose it
Can you store LINK on MEW? Sorry, matey, I'm new around here and don't want to get jewed either. Would appreciate some tips if you got 'em.
>on any exchange
gtfo shill
I'm saying I DONT want to keep it there. I want to hold LINK long-term.
oho cheetor zabani tez dar e agha irooni
address e shoma che ast ke yek 10 dollar rawan konam
shoma bechara irooni ha az gushnagi wa tushnagi mesleh pajeet shudan
خوب مادرتون رو گاییدیم تو ایران حرومزادهها. چقدر از شما کسکشا رو کشتیم و دار زدیم. امثال توی مادرجندهها هم قرار کردن به اروپا رو هم باید گیر میاوریم چوب توی کونتون میکردیم. حرومزادهتر از افغانی نیست. کیر سگ ارمنی تو کس اول و آخرت مادرجنده. خوب ننهای ازتون گاییدیم اینجا
They probably want to stop money laundering, considering Iran are state sponsors terrorism.
I applaud Bittrex
>be iranian
>in the news every second day as enemy number 2 of the world police
should i keep my coins
>in a hardware wallet
>in a cold wallet
>in a software wallet
>in a paper wallet
>'Bittrex - 100% based in America and proud of it'
>im a holder
>so is everyone else
go away retard