I can't stop eating

I can't stop eating
Been stuck at 212lbs all year
I keep thinking I'll start eating right and cutting calories
But I am a loser

It's about willpower OP. If you wanted it, you would do it. But you don't Clearly. Start bike riding, or running, and start a workout plan and start cutting calories or stay as a ball of fat. Your choice, fatty.

>If you can maintain 212 with no upkeep or effort then you should have god-tier lifting potential.
>Higher reps. Running. Eliminate rests. Lean proteins. Some serious fucking stimulants. Water.
>Cut the fat or Cut the bullshit.

are any of you guys struggling to lose weight ?

I know what the first step is. I lift 4x per week
Stay active at work
I want to weigh less and lose my gut
I just don't have to balls to cut low enough to drop fat

I've kind of hit a wall. I've been trying to cut to 1500 cal per day but it gets difficult because I get hungry at night. I've been doing decent the last few days though.

Body fat has to do with your calorie intake. You should be focusing on cutting down through cardio, And a bit of muscle work. But your main enemy is the food you eat. Use a calorie counter, and aim for 1500 calories a day, and do your weightlifting and cardio on the side. If you do all that there's literally no way you won't lose weight. Impossible.

Just do longer cardio sessions then.
And if you don't do cardio, literally what the fuck are you doing ?

Weightlifting burns a lot of calories aswell, but when I'm cutting, cardio along with the lifting is a must for me. Personally I prefer biking 3 - 5 k daily at a pretty decent speed while listening to music for my cardio but to each their own.

Are stationary bikes good? I could fit that in when I'm at the gym.

Your willpower is like your muscles, if you don't work it out; you won't fucking have any.

Hell yeah man whatever works, whatever you enjoy that burns calories. If you enjoyed sucking nigger dicks, I mean i wouldn't approve, but if it burnt the calories do it man. Add those to your lifts, track your calorie intake accurately, and such, And you'll be golden.

>losing weight on a 50% deficit
>start doing ss with the same deficit
>plateau'd for 4 weeks and counting

I was cutting for 30 days straight.

Making good progress

Had a 4000 cal day today with sugar and McDonald's nuggets....I don't even like McDonald's nuggets.

What happened. Fuck.

You slipped. Don't do it again. Or else you'll be a ham planet.

I already am. Was 320 pounds at my heaviest and now down to 290. How can I prevent this in the future?

personally I hate them, but I like picrelated

Fat fuck reporting in, what do I make for dinner? I need something that's quick and easy because I get off work at 7 PM every day and don't have time to make an autistic meal that takes hours to make and then clean up afterward

eggs and semen


Willpower my friend. You broke once, but next time you need to double down. It's okay to into a craving like once every 2 weeks at your size, once a week once you're down to my size since I'm bulking to gain weight. Next time you have a craving, go into a fat person hate thread, realize that you could be in that thread and that will definitely help your temptation. That's what I did when I was cutting. You can do it bro. I believe in you.

4000?!? You fucking fatass. Just give up and die already before your heart does it for you.

How many calories are you eating a day? How much room do you have left? 200, 300 calories?

Serious question, how do you fat fucks EAT SO MUCH? I have trouble gaining weight, stuck at around 150 after pushing myself to eat way more often than usual.

>lose fat
>build muscle

Pick one.
When you run out of fat, you start to build muscle.

I have no idea because I don't keep track, I just try to eat basically the same shit every day

I'll have something like a bagel for breakfast, maybe a granola bar during a morning break at work, then I come home and make a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch, so I guess I don't really eat a whole lot during the day. My main problem is that I sit a lot at my job and don't move a lot. My other problem is that I get hella hungry around Thursday/Friday and then fuck up my diet on weekends and stuff

I did stop drinking though, which definitely helps I guess

Don't have those. I do like the elipticals but a lot of them could use a good dose of wd-40.

GOMAD your way to an easy 2400 kcal a day.

tried that meme, couldnt drink a whole gallon a day and felt so bloated I wasnt even eating full meals. plus the acne was fuckin' gross

Thanks I will.

That's not an option I have a son and I'm his only parent. Gotta get healthy for myself to be there long term.

Thanks for the encouragement.

It's kind of a Meme, but I lost my weight initially with an app called MyFitnessPal. It lets you scan barcodes with your phone and input your shit into a diary for a day. I suggest giving it a try it might work for you. Like I said, go to fat people hate threads and realize that that's you we're making fun of and that you need to change.

the fuck you green texting for

I use to think this. Then i quit drinking alcohol and starting eating only clean food.

I eat about 2600 calories everyday. I am getting stronger and leaner.

A polite reply to a hateful guy, humanity is going to make it!
You already know how to lose weight and you what you want to achieve. Every meal outside of your plan is setting you back. Don't do it hallway. Fuck instant gratification and keep your eyes on the longterm goals.

Thanks, user. You're right.