Which was better? The republic or the empire?
You want to... fuck your mom? You want to...kill your dad?
Fuck mom? Kill dad?
Fuckkill? Mom (dad)?
The Republic had a more interesting story
>this is the End
High tier: Middle republic, Pax Romana
Middle Tier: Early Republic, Dominate
Shit Tier: Late Empire, Late Republic, Crisis of the Third Century
Nice contrarianism
Personally I'd want to live during the Pax Romana.
>not wanting to live in the late Republic just to be bros with Cato and Cicero.
Take your pick
6: Rex's Era
5: Late Dominate
4:Early Republic
3:Early-Middle Dominate
2:Middle-Late Republic
Late Republic and the Reign of Augustus... That's the peak of Roman might... After that it's long shitty periods with some good emperors here and there
The Republic, because it had way more interesting and memorable figures (the Late Republic/Fall of the Republic alone was like a fucking epic drama) and wasn't as repetitive as the Empire was, with its near-constant assassinations and civil wars and ridiculously fast turn-over rate for emperors. There's no interesting story to it, it's just a catalog of repetitive mediocre reigns, assassinations, usurpers and civil wars.
> Wanting to live in a time of constant civil war and disruption
Also I'd almost certainly be a plebeian and they don't get to hang out with the big names of history. I'll take living in a period of peace and stability, thank you.
Yes Man
Didn`t exist.
God fucking daym, the final Republican uniform is the pinnacle of military Veeky Forums.
Absolute P*rthian camelshit opinions
The Eastern Roman Empire from the reigns of Anastasius I to Heraclius is by far the most underrated and patrician period of Roman history
This is literally undisputed by all non-retards
You have shit aesthetic taste then
dumb frogposter
>Implying Roman Catholic Church isn't continuation of Roman Empire
>Slowly developing from lorica hamata and lamellar to lorica segmentata over the course of centuries before abruptly going "fuck that" and going back to hamata again
What was the fucking point?
Lorica Segmentata was fucking retarded. You can't supply that kind of armor to several tenths of thousands of men, not to mention that it was awful to maintain.
Mail was more practical and easier to maintain. A single piece was said to last decades.
Lorica segmentata was never really popular even when it was actually used, the Romans lacked the means to produce hardened steel plates like those used in the 15th century.
So why develop it in the first place?
>use chainmail
>get stabbed to death by anything stronger than a dagger
We don't know, but I'll go with hubris. Maybe it was meant for officials and/or distinguished cohorts, and that's why it's shown so prominently in reliefs and Roman artwork at the time. Keep in mind that the Roman Empire was at its height at the time, before everything from the economy to the political life went to shit.
>"I know nothing about mail"
Shit user, if it was so shit then why did people use it for millennia? Shit's tried and tested.
its cheap to make, maintain, and doesn't need to be crafted to the wearer
Rome became generic and boring the second it became Christian.
Define "generic and boring"
It was expensive hand hard to maintain, and while it probably provided much better protection from thrusts it provided less over all coverage.
Though I suspect the former rather than the latter is the reason it was done away with.
>its cheap to make
As opposed to the finely distilled and quickly identifiable nature of classical Rome:
Diluted styles in artwork, architecture, and garb, diluted racial identity, and plain-old monotheistic religion everybody uses today
It became browner and more convoluted - modern.
No fucking Star Wars references? Is this place even part of Veeky Forums at all?
Anyway, both were good for their time, by and large, and unless your were Senator Biggus fwum Wome, your life would not have been a lot different based just on the political system in place.
Peasants gonna pezz.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You do know that if that culture had survived up to today then it would've been the boring and generic one, right?
fuck off back to /tv/
Clone Troopers were way better than Stormtroopers
fuck off
The Republic. the only TRVE ROME
Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)
Late Roman Empire
Second row, second from the right best
I like all of them apart from lorica segmentata
Because it was expensive and overrated, hamata provided more coverage and sufficient protection for frontline troops, it was also lighter and could be put on by 1 man, whilst putting on the lorica segmentata was a two man job.
Mail was used from the earliest times, the Gauls used it before the Romans, and it lasted all the way into the 15th century, so yeah im sure people wearing it for millenia were just plain wrong, shame they didn't have you to teach them on what to use
>It's now become cool for contrarian plebbitors to hate the Pax Romana
tu quotu im
>Diluted styles in artwork, architecture, and garb
Are you absolutely fucking dense? The Roman era uniforms of the late empire were fucking Veeky Forums as was the garb, they started wearing pants, and a ton of cloaks and had a much more refined taste in clothing, because togas and tunics are so fucking fun right?
The architecture of the late Roman empire was also much better imo, it developed into a fully unique style as opposed to the basically Hellenistic style of previous eras.
>racial identity
>becoming browner
Its obvious you are some 56% amerimutt or underage retard, the Romans never had a "racial identity" according to legend the first Romans escaped from Troy, they also abducted and married the women of the Sabines, then they absorbed the Samnites and a bunch of other Latin tribes, and slowly gave them citizenship, some of the oldest Patrician families in Rome were of Sabine origin. The Roman Empire didn't become browner, i don't even know where this fact comes from or why you think its relevant in any way to Roman stability and power, and how on earth did Christianity contribute to this? You are a larping neo pagan idiot if you think that Christianity somehow fundementally changed rome, Rome didn't go from a classical Roman empire into a medieval Christian empire in the blink of an eye, with and without Christianity roman culture would continue to change at the same pace, we are talking about an entity that existed for two thousand years, and if anything, Rome changed Christianity not the other way arround.
I just find Early and Late Rome to be much more interesting.
Based user
Late Romans were very colorful too.
>boring pants instead of weird and regal, ancient-looking togas
>convoluted cloaks i don't have time to memorize
You're taking offense quite unnecessarily.
The layman doesn't give a fuck about any of this stuff, 56% or not. Statues and paintings of emperors, reinforced by modern movies, give you an idea of a paler and nobler race. This isn't some nazi fascination - white people like seeing other white people and many cultures around the world associate fairer complexions with something powerful.
At a glace, you know exactly what you're getting with ancient Rome. There's a specific novelty and feel to it. Distilled.
Once you get into Byzantium it melts away into complex historical gobbledygook. I'm not trying to insult your pet empire, it's just fact. The mass appeal isn't there for a reason.
So, that point is invalid because it's something we're familiar with. Just saying that something is boring because it survived all the way to now and we've grown used to it doesn't make it generic. This isn't a game made by some talentless idiot in California. This is real life, and this shit was unique at the time.
>You're taking offense quite unnecessarily.
Yes i take offense when fucking morons who don't know what they're talking about spout regurgitated meme facts and talk about nobility and race on a bactrian camel riding training center.
>white people like seeing other white people and many cultures around the world associate fairer complexions with something powerful.
Why on Earth are you bringing whiteness into this? Who mentioned white people? The Romans and Greeks were swarthy. And i don't care what your movies tell you
>At a glace, you know exactly what you're getting with ancient Rome. There's a specific novelty and feel to it. Distilled.
Are you having a brain hemorrhage? Should we call 911? What novelty to classical Rome? The Togas the Greeks wore? The Roman statues and artwork that were literally copied from the Greeks? The """Roman"""" temples that somehow look exactly like the Greek ones?
>Once you get into Byzantium it melts away into complex historical gobbledygook. I'm not trying to insult your pet empire, it's just fact. The mass appeal isn't there for a reason.
There is no Byzantium that was the Roman Empire plain and simple, at the time the West fell it was culturally and "aesthetically" the same as the West, Christianity didn't bring this change, time did.
>Complex historical gobbledygook
Im dialing 911
>The mass appeal isn't there for a reason.
Who on earth gives a fuck about "mass appeal"
>West fell it was culturally and "aesthetically" the same as the West
Unironically the Monarchy
Middle row centurion armour will never not give me a hard on.
>forgetting the Golden age of Romulus - Ancus Marcius
wghats the difference between dominate and late empire? is late empire post theodosius?
>this blatant byzantibooism
good lord
no shame to these people. can you imagine if you were this thick-headed in a discussion of the samurai?
t. illiterate faggot
We were talking about the Christianized Roman Empire as a whole.
they are all so :3
Yeah basically. I would put it after the battle of Adrianople. But there's room for disagreement on that.
ITT: Christianity was a good goy, he dindu muffin
Republic was the most stable
but the Empire had most of the things we love about Rome
now if only there was a drawfag to make them into cute girls
>Early republic lower than Late republic
enjoy your civil wars and senate nonsense
Anything since Tarquin and before the third century, though we've got to give props to people like Diocletian.
>constant civil wars between aristocrats
might as well be a suburban neighborhood compared to the constant purges and civil wars of the imperial times.