>Finally start getting attention of girls >Go on several dates >No relationship lasts more than a month
I did all this work to be somebody and now I find nothing interesting or attractive about these girls after getting it in a couple times. Novelty wears off and I can't even cum much less care about these bitches when they give it up so easily.
TFW ultimately attracted to no one beyond first encounters.
I just want a robot waifu to fuck whenever im bored. I didn't sign up for this shit, women are so uninteresting I had more fun pining for them as a NEET.
At least I kicked the body dysmorphia.
Anyone else make it?
Christian Russell
Omw brother. You'll find one who makes you a batter man eventually, don't settle for less.
Jackson Thomas
Your pic related sucks
>dead at 22 >making it PICK ONE AND ONLY ONE
Charles Perez
>Finally start getting attention of girls >Go on several dates >No relationship lasts more than a month
what a degenerate
Nathaniel Adams
>be 15 year old me > 5 10 King on manlets 323lbs >Dad used to be crazy fit back in his day >Got offered scholarship for soccer, also was champion in some badminton shit that was nationwide >he got old and much of his muscle had turned to fat but he was still fit as fuck >he lived away and and always has due to work >only came home like 4 times a year >played sports with my brother and I was too ashamed about my weight and size that every time he comes home I just sat and watched anime and stayed on my computer like I usually did >feelsbadman.frogmeme >FF 4 years 180lbs >Dad and I played badminton a lot when he came home and bonded super fuckin well from being basically strangers with him >Had imagined it in my head that the day I finally managed to beat him was the day I'll have made it >He came home the usual time around a week before Christmas and we play a game like we always did >hype is real cause I hadnt seen him in months >21-16 to me >I made it dad
RIP man you really did turn out to be my best friend
Henry Foster
Brandon Anderson
Carson Peterson
>you're a faggot >you love dick pick both
Ian Gomez
how does it feel that someone who died at 22 will leave a larger legacy than you?
Leo Foster
Find a cute but not too pretty, shy girl. Maybe smth nerdy. She'll be amazed that a 'hot guy' wants her and they are more likely to do their best for a relationship anyway.
Angel Parker
beating your dad in something athletic or a fight is really a milestone, man. Must have been a great feeling. RIP for your RIP.
Xavier James
Dead 22 year old got more pussy then you will ever get. Along with inspiring countless young idiots (myself included). Can't believe zyzz is dead for 5 years and still has haters. Fucking legend
Asher Baker
>Lets have a thread for those of us who made it. if you consider dying in a gay bathhouse in Thailand as making it then sure
Anthony Jones
>Tfw i wrap my thick blanket until its as dense as a the female body(or what i imagine of it) and cuddle with it untill i fall asleep >tfw i like to imagine that we are in a cold cabin and she wants me to keep her warm >tfw get a boner each time I have yet to make it.
Christian Harris
same here user, also make out with the blanket and hug it tightly
James Sullivan
just get a hooker
Lincoln Taylor
I dont kiss it because dont want my spit to ruin the blanket over time. Feel like its disgusting idk. The last thing i want is getting an STD after being a virgin my whole life. No thanks Jeff. Ill probably feel like shit about it as well.
Zachary Harris
what a fucking idiot you are.
he clearly craves affection and not carnal release.
i bet you pay hookers for hugs and to kiss them on the mouth.
Tyler Ramirez
Glad you turned your life around and got to bond with your dad before he passed away user. I'm sure he was really proud
>include me in the screencsp
Julian Sanchez
I've never seen the dude, what happened to him?
Joshua Carter
you are more likely to get an STD from a one night stand than you are from a hooker, and much more likely to get an STD from a slutty borderline ho than either of the above.
Any halfway decent hooker takes great precautions to avoid STDs. They are not suicidal. However, the sex is a job for them, and that what it feels like.
Samuel Cruz
>Legacy among autists and deluded narcissists on Veeky Forums
He has haters because his fanboys worship him religiously and push his ideal every fucking place in the web
Michael Edwards
welp, found the retardo
Nolan Rodriguez
It's not about making it bros. It's the journey that matters. All we have is now. Later, when it is all over, all we will have is then. Enjoy now while it's now, and you won't feel cheated when your now becomes then.
Colton Sanchez
don't bother, they're literally stupid kids and will eventually learn everything by themselves once they mature a bit