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Go ahead OP
b b b b b r e h s b r e h s
r r r r r
b r e h s b r e h s b r e h s r e e
h h h e h h
s s s h s b r e h s s b r e h s
h h h t t h t t h i g h
i t e s t i i e e i e e i
g g g ss g ss g hnng
h h h t h t h t e s t
bumping with a classic
it's only acceptable because the chick is fat. if she was skinny and attractive this would be erotic. how's that for fat acceptance.
could anyone explain these scooters to me? does walmart provide them for handicapped people, whoever wants one or just fat people? were it up to me i would require official evidence that you're actually handicapped...
They are for the handicapped and I remember when only the elderly and injured could use them without stigma. Then everyone got fat and now being fat is handicap, but it's okay, we have scooters.
Whoever wants to take one.
It's the same system at most big department stores the size of walmart.
Way to compound the problem.
No man they're 4 stroke gas engines.
You're trolling, right? I've never seen one of those things so I have no clue.
Who has been stuck behind these fuckers and then you can't help but play Mario Kart music in your head.
The further south you go they have to step up to Cummins diesel, git dat torque
The url is youtube.com/watch?v=1D5Sa2Yq-2g
Also the cousin is female it sounds like if you were confused about that. I was but that is probably just because I am a big dummy.
not my story, but it can go here
Im curious about which people attend these threads, always thought it was a majority of self loathing fatties.
>technically overweight BMI due to muscle
Nigger at least put in a swole category.
didnt want to overcomplicate it
chefbro was truly D E V I L I S H
God fucking damn it. Why did this make me laugh?
god took a McRib from Adam and made.... her
Newer models use solid rocket boosters to get the fatties rolling and a turboprop engine to keep speed up.
Why are black women proportionately more obese, god it's disgusting
Sadly it's obviously fake.
you fucked that up bud
also the food. Their diets are generally disgusting
Finally have a story to post here, happened the other day
>work at a hotel
>we have a contract with a bus line to host their tours
>this includes baggage handling, a serves meal on arrival and a cookie for every passenger the next morning
>big fat chick at front desk is working the day of an arrival
>I mean morbidly obese (5'5 350lbs approximately)
>do the baggage and whatnot, and head home at the end of my shift
>come in next day, and go hang out with my buddy who works in the kitchen
>"hey man, want a cookie?"
>I'm cutting, but fuck it, I'll have one
>he information me that there are 120 cookies on the shelf and I can take as many as I want
>ask him why they have so many cookies
>turns out the fat chick at front desk didn't give them to the bus passengers because she was hungry and was gonna take them home
>politely decline taking a cookie
Tldr fat bitch violates a contract and attempts to steal 120 cookies because she was hungry
All fat people diets are disgusting to be fair.
He's fucking with ya. They're electric
>he doesn't have a 24 cylinder turbocharged scooter
This app has sooo many fucking fat women that refuse to drink water and wonder why they're fat. Most of them lie and say they follow the calorie guide of the app and also workout, and yet gain weight. The amount of mental gymnastics these women use while venting their frustration is reason enough to use the app for laughs. Besides that, it's great for recording intake and exercise
All hambeasts are thieves. Don't hire them.
Ever heard of old people and I'll people dying of starvation in hospitals? It's because fatties are stealing their meals and they don't have the strength to do anything about it.
>he doesn't have a 32 cylinder nitro scooter
Lel-img at ur lif
stop it, I'm scared
Still using that old model ay?
Take a look at this new scooter, custom green paint.
You jelly fags?
why didn't they put one of the hippos in a glass case?
started as a fatty, use these threads to lose weight. Lost 20 pounds now, still got a shit ton more to go
Too fat to figure out how to post a gif.
this thread funny af coming from someone currently trying to find some guide on Veeky Forums to do everything right for losing weight (im fat currently, not too much, but im fat - i need to lose around 40 pounds to be on a perfect weight).
that's so fucked...
man I wish I could eat pizza
Jesus Christ. If she had mental health issues then his answer should have been HELL NO YOU CAN"T HAVE KIDS.
what's sad about this is that she would look really good at a healthy weight
fucking whut
You ready to feel a lot better Veeky Forums?
I feel so bad for that guy.
>Fats hop aboard socialized medicine
>The rear suspension instantly snaps
>They stay asleep
oh ho ho pretty great
though i do have mixed feeling about this
what about the fatties that need medical attention and were trying to lose weight already(same for smokers)?
and the addicted (that cant afford rehab, shrinks)?
>what about the fatties that need medical attention and were trying to lose weight already
All three of them?
yes, and maybe some of the ones in these threads too
They'll get better treatment as the rest will die off
>Captcha: Select all the food
>oh hohoho irony
>grandma has Alzheimer's
>heartbreaking shit, you know if you've been there
>sometimes funny though
>drive her and grandad to Target
>after shopping, grandad's blood sugar feels low so he asks to chill on a bench up front and have a snack
>sure thing
>grandad quietly eats granola bar thing
>grandma forgets where we are
>grandma forgets what year it is
>grandma forgets obesity rates have skyrocketed since the 70s which is the time period she keeps thinking she's in
>loudly calls out in surprise, "Boy, she's FAT!" as a hambeast waddles past us
>shush her, say it's not polite, etc.
>she apologizes
>2 mins later, another landwhale sighting
>"Look at the SIZE of that fella!"
>she isn't being malicious, just shocked
>keeps being shocked by every obesity statistic that passes us
>doesn't remember the ones i was just shushing her about
>continues being taken by complete surprise by the size of modern man
>"What are they FEEDING them kids?"
>"Boy, she's FAT! Did you see that?!"
>"That child is bigger than ME!"
>"Look at how FAT that fella is!"
>and over
>and over
>try not to laugh for grandad's sake
>he eventually has enough and herds her to my car
>we pass a lardful family
>grandma gasps
>"That whole family is fatter'n anything I've ever seen!"
>death glare from Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs
>get her into my car and get out of there
>she repeats the same thing as we pass the Tubbs loading their wares into their SUV
they weren't even the obesest people we saw that day. not by a wide margin.
She couldn't handle two days of only 1 diet soda a day. Went off the wagon on day 3 with one with each meal.
Yep. That's some healthy shit right there.
>Getting my post BJJ burrito and beer on at Chipotle today
>Here some woman talking about how she bought some protein at GNC and it's gross and she won't do it and she wants to see what the return policy is
>Having worked at GNC I can hear how fat this person is already
>Look over. Fatness and dyed red hair confirmed
>Her it talk about doing a gym membership but it's $60 a month and what if she doesn't use it
>Rage intensifies
>Look over again
>Notice it is wearing tights and its legs are as big as my torso (6' 195)
>Look closer. It literally has donuts as print on the tights
>I vomit
>It will never lose weight. It will continue to acquire mass until it's body can no longer sustain its own weight and it collapses into a black hole devouring us all
fuck you shit lord, don't you know that you cant tell how healthy someone is by what they do or don't eat???
Her body has merely evolved to get all it need form burgers and soda, the same way a druggies body has evolved to get sustenance from crack and heroin and a Veeky Forumsizans body has evolved to get all its macros from rage and semen
>ywn grow up in a generation foreign to obesity
it happens a lot more, and those fatties don't ger caught.
can confirm, that clear piss after my gallon of water feels pretty good
More like she couldn't handle making posts that only got single-digit (You)s.
I think its good you can find a bit of humor in such a terrible disease.
I almost want to have you take her to wal mart in an inner city.
This happened yesterday.
>have 3 jugs of water in my cart so over 120 pounds on shitty cart wheels.
>huge slob blocks the path I was going to turn into
>yell fuck as she smiles at me
>go straight and wait for this thing to pass
Fucking cunt could have simply backed up instead of blocking a high traffic area.
fair enough, how would we know them from the liars?
all of my REEEE
fucking hell
And you know it's a sign of hydration and health, something foreign to solar systems
Filipino caretakers don't do this.
i sometimes wonder if the ham planets just piss straight soda and think its normal
It's his own fault, really.
If they pissed soda there wouldn't of been such a shock at bear grylls drinking his own piss. These fat fucks would have been doing it for years. I imagine it's more of a black tar with blood mixed in that emanates from all their holes
oh god im a week sober and ive been eating great and running alot and i feel physically great but im getting the cravings so hard please talk me out of walking 4 minutes to the bar
oh yeah and fuck the shamelessly obese
very true, i bet we could burn their tar piss for fuel and solve any energy problem weve had
your ancestors would be ashamed of you
you are weak
call the police station and ask them to take you to an AA meeting. funny thing is they will actually do it.
>Tfw she has a husband and two kids
>Tfw I can't even get a second boyfriend.
>oh god im a week sober and ive been eating great and running alot and i feel physically great but im getting the cravings so hard please talk me out of walking 4 minutes to the baroh yeah and fuck the shamelessly obese
More fat and protein. No carbs. No Sugar. No Alcohol.
Get your Vit D level up t between 60-80ng/ml.
Enough fat and protein and you won't have any carb cravings.
i can't even get a primary boyfriend so ur doin somethin right
dont pussy out now nigger
do you wanna get fit or nah?
do you want to end up on this thread?
get your ass up and figure your shit out mother fucker