How are you doin your ABS exercises Veeky Forums?

How are you doin your ABS exercises Veeky Forums?

>Do you prefer exercises on the floor (back will hurt you like hell)?


>Do you prefer exercises on pull up bar (your arm gonna hurt as hell)?

I was gonna do a thread liek this actually.
I started doing abs recently on the floor, crucnhes basically, and my back hurted whenever I looked up or did any flexible thing I was used to doing before. Also my whole spine got redish for a while. The pain goes away after half an hour or so. Any advices? I heard crunches aren't even that good for abs but I don't know if this is true.

I do dragon flags while my upper back is on a sandbag. Check mate.

If you are doing core exercises on your back, and it begins to hurt you, you are definetly doing something wrong. Tips i could give are ; you should look at the ceiling when you do you crunches, it will be harder, but it will prevent you from using your back muscles.

If it's too hard to pull yourself up, you should cross your arms on your shoulders (it will be easier that way). If you feel that you can now comfortably do the crunches, put your hands behind you head, or if you want to go hard mode, straighten your arms behind yourself.

Do variations of core exercises (i.e. Russian Twist, Plank, Cycle Crunches, Scissors, Leg Raises etc.)

To further harden(?) your exercises you can put a dumbbell on your stomach. Or a pair of dumbbells

Thanks a lot, I will try looking at the ceiling and changing the excercises.

Do leg raises

I prefer heavy ass compound lifts.

Also when you do simple crunches, you could try holding your legs up (like in cycling crunches, just without the whole "cycling")

t. No abs

Enjoy having no balance

My ab routine

>couple years of lifting
>calorie restriction for couple months
>maybe use the ab-roller once a month

that's bout it, don't waste your time/energy on actually doing ab exercises,

Hollow holds will help your lifts, hanging leg raises and progressing up to windscreen wipers for dem aesthetics. Don't neglect ab work, unless you want to be a shit cunt your whole life. You can't neglect a part of your body and expect it to magically be strong

You both are stupid

Mine are called "dead lifts" their fun

Much like you every other gymbro has visible abs, it doesnt mean he has a strong core.

>>Do you prefer exercises on the floor (back will hurt you like hell)
If your back hurts from doing ab work on the floor, then you have no fucking back to speak of.
Train your spinal erectors first, so your spine doesn't stick out.

You build a strong core by performing free weights. This isn't limited to only squats and deadlifts, even standing barbell curl trains your core.

Anything that is

1) Free weight (ie not a machine)
2) Has you standing to perform the lift (ie not seated)
3) Limiting use of belts (ie staying beltless for all of your lifts, besides maybe a top set)

Will develop all the core strength and hypertrophy you'll ever get.

I use to literally have an abs day, so don't think I am just biased powerfat-lifter. I am literally the guy thats been lifting for a long ass time, that has done everything.

Ok so will you be able to do a dragon flag or an ab roll out without ever training your core directly? The answer is no. Doing free weights will only get your core strong enough for free weights, thats all. If you want to do anything more advanced than doing sit ups you will have to do abs.
>couple years of lifting
>I am literally the guy thats been lifting for a long ass time, that has done everything.

I just said that is the requirement for having abs.

A couple years of lifting (presumable with mostly free-weights) while eating enough to add lean body mass to your frame, will eventually cause you to develop a muscular core, because of all the load over the years.

That's how it works.

Do you some how think that when you train your shoulders, that it's only your shoulders that are holding the weight???? etc same question for every other body-part you train. ........nope youre core is being engaged with everything you do in the gym so long as you're not doing everything on a machine in a seated position.

Your not even making any sense now btw : About being able to perform a certain lift, that is not about core strength, that's about training specificity. If you've never done a fucking dragon fly before you'll not be able to do it because you don't have the motor patterns built, not because you're weak.

Same reason why someone who never does barbell bench press and only ever does dumb-bells, will be stronger with the dumbbells, at least for the first couple of weaks until they learn the motor pattern of the barbell bench.

Ab wheel is the only ab exercise that doesn't make me want to kill myself.
I can tolerate planks, but I usually don't have anyone to put weights on my back.

Instead of adding weight, try adding time. Will make you have more endurance, instead of strenght

Your long couple years of expience is really showing.
Yes the core is used doing basically any standing movement but thats is simply not enough. The legs are used to stabilize doing the OHP, barbell rows and bench press, it doesnt mean im gonna stop squatting does it?
And yes if your core was strong enough you would be able to do advanced core exercises. Specificty plays a role of course but theres always carry over. I could do standing ab roll outs without ever doing it before just because i did other core exercises. If you are only training with free weights your core is strong enough just for that, dont pretend you have the same core strength as someone doing dragon flags, windshield wipers and ab roll outs for reps.

I can OHP 80kg for reps at a bw of 74kg (5'7)

I can barbell row 115kg and bench 110kg for reps.

I can deadlift a little over 200kg for reps.

The last time I used an ab-machine I maxed it out using sets of like 30-40+ reps. I broke the machine one day because I used to much weight on it.

If you can OHP your own bodyweight for reps, you're going to have a STRONG fucking core, no matter what you do. You honestly think a fucking ab isolation is going to train your abs more than OHPing your own bodyweight for reps? Come on bro, use common sense.

>5'7" manlet OHPing his own bodyweight with his short arms
>cmon bro i have the strongest abs in the world i maxed out on a machine
And yeah i strongly believe an "ab isolation" is gonna train my core more than OHP. Use that manlet brain of yours. When you are OHPing what is yiur weakest point? When was the last time you couldnt add more weight because your core was too weak? Never. 99.99% of the time the thing thats gonna be holding you back from pressing more is gonna be your shoulders/triceps. On the other hand doing things like ab roll outs, flags etc etc your core willbe the weakest point therefor it will get more stimulation.
Good job at fucking up a machine as well. Hope you feel good.

>assuming you know my weak point on OHP

Are you my coath?


>Do you prefer exercises on pull up bar (your arm gonna hurt as hell)?

You're working your lats and forearms just by hanging there. Hanging leg raises and holds and windshield wipers and shit like that are the shit, but you might draw a bit too much attention to yourself during some of the fancier movements.

>Finally pull 405 deadlift
>Give it 3 days before DLing again
>305 for 8, 325 for 6 375 for 3 and then stop
>Go back the next day for my upper work out
>Go to do Tricep push downs
>Have to lower the weight because my core is literally killing me .

Yeah just keep doing your crunches guys, you will have sexy abs in no time. Just 5 minutes a day is all you need ;)