Most guys at my gym that aren't dyel can bench 2pl8. The dyels usually go over 1pl8
Chase White
>not using 100lb dumbells
Ryan Anderson
> 2 plates > plates all weigh the same ???
Nathan Nguyen
That's because the barbell bench press is utter trash for actual chest development. The aesthetic guys hex press, incline dumbbells and use the cables. It's only the fat fucks and ego lifting dumbasses who load on the plates and go for like 2 reps
Grayson Kelly
What is the bench press even actually good for?
Bentley Martin
I benched 1pl8x17 before and I have a shit chest and no real size. If you've got good muscular development despite not being able to rep 2pl8 at least 5-10 times you've probably got pretty good genetics.
Michael Ortiz
Have memes ruined fit? You are fucking retarted, Arnold had one of the greatest chests of all time and always did flat. I also do incline but that's all I need, flies sometimes.
Jordan Perry
Don't know if it means anything but I tend to get chest DOMS after weighted dips and incline dumbell but rarely after barbell bench
Cooper Torres
killing idiots with suicide grips
i'm all for more benchpressing at gyms.
Brayden Bell
i bench 1,5plate for reps at my gym and there are like 5 ppl benching more than me
Jacob Barnes
this is bait
Bentley Moore
I go to a Gold's gym and regularly see lean looking guys benching 2+ pl8 with the big motherfuckers benching like 4. I've also seen women benching 2pl8
One big fat or built fat black guy squats something like 7 pl8.
Stop looking for an excuse to be weak
Ryder Sullivan
rofl, he would have big chest if he did pushups with the amount of juice he was taking...
Brody Rivera
>1pl8 x 17
i did this 3 months after i was born faggot
Jackson Adams
>I've also seen women benching 2pl8 this is a lie
Hunter Thomas
I saw a new member of my gym (like 3-4 months) fat latino benching 2pl8 for 8 reps, everything is possible
Christopher Bailey
Am I correct in saying 1pl8 is only 40kg?? How's that even hard
Evan Rogers
I walked into a university gym a few years ago because I wanted to start training there. There was a guy with the biggest chest I've ever seen. He was wearing a tight Cookie Monster tshirt and he was putting 4 plates on the bar as I was walking past him. Fucking monster
Adrian Cruz
you're wrong as fuck m8, 1pl8 is a little over 61kg
Mason Rogers
60kg, count the bar
Ayden Adams
1plate bench = 60kg
2x20kg plate + 20kg bar
Parker Lee
That calculation equals 80kg though.
Aaron Thompson
It's 135lbs
Justin Johnson
not that guy but holy shit user 2 x 20 kg = 40 kg 40 kg + 20 kg = 60 kg
Ryan Foster
The IPF records for Women's Sub-juniors have every single bech press record over 50kg body weight at above 2pl8.
If girls born in 1999 can bench press 2.5pl8 under IPF rules, why can't you?
Matthew Perry
Ryder Roberts
Noah Ward
> >Arnold had one of the greatest chests of all time and always did flat.
Yeah, he never ever did anything else, it was flat bench or nothing else. It was always with light weight for a fuck ton of reps too.
Michael Ross
Cooper Thompson
How the fuck did they get out?
Elijah Long
Better question - why the fuck did they get in?
Leo Rodriguez
Subtract the weight for the holes in the plates
Jacob Hill
What's a half plate? Is it 30kg or 40kg?
Chase Baker
Why didn't you label the room's gravity? Which hemisphere is it in?
Michael Murphy
How the fuck is this a complicated concept?
A standard bar is 20kg or 45lbs in the US (so 400g heavier). A standard plate is also 20kg or 45lbs.
Elijah Butler
A single plate is 20kg, half that is 10kg. When people refer to 1 plate it means one plate on both sides of the 20kg bar, so you have 20kg+20kg+20kg=60kg.
One and a half plate would be 60kg+10kg+10kg=80kg.
How do people not get this shit, it's not hard.
Julian Carter
>not counting the weight of your arms bones >making it Those dyels tho
Jackson Sullivan
Jason Turner
I know you dickhead.
Was just making sure. Because if 1p8 is 60, some people might say 0.5pl8 for 30kg, but that wouldn't make sense obviously when you get 1.5pl8. Anyway, just doublechecking.
Justin Wood
you dont count the bar lol
Jordan Richardson
You can't divide the bar by two, that's the part people seem to forget for some reason.
1pl8 is always 60kg because of the extra 20kg from the bar, from there it goes up in 40kg intervals.
Jack Foster
Yh, you do. You count the plates, the bar, and your bodyweight (just the weight of your arms if you're benching, but full body weight for squats, etc.).
John Ramirez
kys famillia
Anthony Cook
dat lmao3pl8 incline tho
Mason Ortiz
>citing a roid abuser to advice natural lifters are you literally retarded?
Sebastian Roberts
did typing that out make you feel better about yourself, user?
Xavier Morris
Anthony Walker
please end your life
or atleast get sterilised so you can never procreate
Ethan Turner
What units are those numbers in? This isn't helpful.
Henry Howard
lmaoing @ u right now famalam
Angel Allen
this post is actually true, all other compound lifts are great for adding size to their respective parts, but if you want a big chest then do some flies
Lucas Bailey
lmaoing@your retardation familiƤ
Wyatt Perez
This is so much fun
Also this masterpiece needs to be on the front page below the sticky
Robert Howard
if I can bench 2plate for reps, how much should I be able to do with flies/dips/barbell incline/whatever? I want to stop looking like a spooky skelly.
Isaac Cook
Camden Bailey
Someone post the scientifically correct way of measuring the plate weight
Dylan Lopez
after years of seeing this meme on Veeky Forums it is actually manifested in real life.
my gym recently bought extra plates from some shitty budget brand. all of that brand's standard plates (the ones marked "20 kg") actually weigh about 18kg because of some manufacturing issues.
it's fucking hilarious seeing some guy deadlift 4 plates of that brand, walk up to him and tell him that all this time they've been lifting slightly less than they thought, it really triggers them.
to be honest though if I thought I was doing 1plate OHP and was actually lifting 56kg, I'd fucking choke somebody.
Jeremiah Stewart
depends if you are doing barbell flies or dumbell flies
Oliver Brooks
Pretty good bait lad
Charles Stewart
Go to a better gym, I work out at my uni gym and see guys benching 2pl8 pretty often. From time to time you'll even see 2-3 struggle reps of 3pl8.
James Howard
I'm 3 months in and bench 100kg at 5'8 73kg, wasn't even that difficult desu.
David James
post gains, I want to see what the chest of a 100kg bencher looks like.
Isaac Lee
You lift the bar too don't you? Retard
Brody Lee
>manlet strength >impressive
Cooper Lopez
the bar doesnt weigh anything because you have weights so long from the center which cancels out the bars weight
Colton Wright
>i go to the gym and see seasoned lifters not lifting what i imagine they could be lifting >i can't figure out why using lower weight actually creates more gains
Hunter Roberts
I bet you count the weight clips as well, fucking retard.
Benjamin Sanders
I want to kill all you trolls.
Robert Cooper
He have this thread everyday now. The answer is: You are a DYEL and surrounded by DYELs in a DYEL gym
Zachary Evans
>the bar doesnt weigh anything because you have weights so long from the center which cancels out the bars weight
so, we can just connect the bar with weights to the linear drive with motor/generator when we release the bar, then it goes down and rotates the generator which generates electrical energy equal to the potential energy difference of bar with weights minus then we use the generator as a motor and use energy to raise the bar with weights up, but since the bar doesn't count, we consume less energy than we generated before
Brody Thompson
To everyone saying flat bench is trash, fine. But do tell me, how does that affect the "4 major compounds"? So are there actually only three? Does incline bench 'replace' bench? Do a few exercises replace bench so there are actually 6+ major compounds? I must know.
Nathaniel Turner
Nigger, I've been at this since February and I still struggle 5x5 dumbbell press at 14kg each. I can't do more than 10 pressups when rested.
What the fuck is wrong with my chest
Luis Smith
What can a spotter realistically do if it goes south in this situation? As if the damage isn't already done before they can even react
Kevin Collins
I can easily bench 90kg for at least a few reps and I don't bench at all. OHP and weighted dips and other Shit are much more beneficial for strength and mobility
Xavier James
You're autistic, I'm low test and I can do way more than that
Grayson Campbell
>taking Arnold as fitness guideline Let me guess. You also read 10+ men's fitness magazine and take every word from them seriously and you also buy whatever supplements the store clerk tells you to
Joseph Fisher
>women benching more than 2 Either they only moved 3inches for 1 rep or you're lying
>mfw I have a IRL hyperbolic time chamber increasing the weight I'm lifting
Jayden Green
Obviously I realize "4 major compounds" is an invention and not entirely objective, but is there a chest-focused compound exercise I can focus on instead of bench press?
Justin Butler
Nice meme.
Oliver Price
Gabriel Cook
You forget that Veeky Forums e stats the fuck out of their lifts and stats >add 10+ lbs to bodyweight >add 2 inches of height >cut length of time lifting in half "because i didn't get serious until a year ago"
List goes on, but you get the idea. Just the other day that dyel faggot with the motorcycle helmet was claiming a 2 plate strict press.
Just remember that there are legitimately strong people on this board, but people are so insecure that they'll lie to strangers on the internet for validation that they dont get in real life.
Andrew Rodriguez
There are actually 3
Bench dl and squat
OHP is a good exercise but shouldn't be up there
Henry Perry
This, always take any number on here with a grain of salt
Sebastian Harris
yes they can and do
Wyatt Nguyen
In that photo the spotter is at the side where he can push the weights clear if he needs to.
Benjamin Hill
>implying you can bench 20pl8s
kys lying dyel
Isaiah Lewis
it just does :/
Asher Davis
so 1pl8 is 80lbs, therefore 260kg then?
damn, I'm only lifting like 1/12 of 1pl8
am I gonna make it?
Gabriel Lewis
here we go again
havnt been on Veeky Forums for 2 years but Im glad to see the same shitposts baits still work so well
Daniel Baker
>cut length of time lifting in half "because i didn't get serious until a year ago"
i hate this one the most.
Kevin Evans
Do dumbbell flys. Those explode my chest to a point where I have to overwork everything else to catch up. Don't even have to go that heavy.
Noah Powell
>Gold's gym aka roid haven
Lucas White
Someone doesn't tuck their elbows to their sides and drop their shoulders
Nicholas Bell
The simple answer is they are talking shit. Ask anyone with a decent physique if benching was a big part of them getting there and they'll all say yes.
How much it hits chest depends on how you bench and your genetics. Technique wise it primarily has to do with how wide you flare your elbows. Tucking them will mean you bench more with your triceps and is the way most powerlifter bench. Flaring your elbows will bring more pec involvement into it but add more stress to the shoulders. This tends to be the way most bodybuilders will bench.
If you want chest development lower the weight and bench with elbows out for higher reps. If you want big numbers load the bar and tuck your elbows more and go for lower reps.
The lift itself is fine, it all just comes down to how people use it and most of Veeky Forums is too retarded to realise this.
Joseph Cook
Ideally you'd want two spotters, one each side, ready to catch the weight if needed. Also, don't suicide grip or try 3pl8 unless you're Arnold.
John Lee
I'm doing lateral barbell raises atm, my chest hurts just thinking about it
Matthew Cook
>he doesn't use the supplements his GNC rep tells him too