>First day of senior year at HS >been lifting for around 5 months now, Decent lifts >Wear tight shirt but look DYEL as fuck >Enter classroom >Everyone stares at me >Someone breaks the silence by saying "Holy shit user you look swole as fuck" >Smile and say "y-you too" >Continued to get mire'd left and right by my fellow classmates
Are normie standards this low or am i just making it? I really look DYEL as fuck, I'm starting to feel like they were messing with me.....
Thomas Flores
Don't worry OP! You are just starting to develop the extreme body dysmorphia we all developed and live with day to day. You might never like the way you look and the harder you try to look a particular way the more you will notice that you don't look that particular way. It isn't that your body isn't changing, and it isn't that other people wont notice the change and complement you on it. It is that your expectations for yourself will change as quickly as your body/lifts change. This will create a perpetual feeling that people may be messing with you.
Fun fact: If you have a bad week at the gym and/or with your diet and you aren't feeling all that hot, but you get complemented all the same you might actually get offended. It's happened to me, and I doubt I'm the only one. Anyways, try not to let it get the best of you. And keep at it my friend.
Liam Gonzalez
Yup I'll get memed for this but I'm 6'0 but feel short as fuck even though people tell me I'm tall. Ive come to realize I'm tall enough for normies, but not for Veeky Forums. The day you start lifting is the day youre forever small.
Jonathan Stewart
Jesus Christ... This is extremely accurate of what I feel. Holy shot thank you for reassuring me that I'm not alone in feeling this way.
Jayden Reed
Damn, i honestly thought that body dysmorphia was just a meme, but holy fuck was i wrong...
Levi Powell
>high school
Nolan Johnson
>normie standards
they called me popeye when i was still in DYEL mode. normies are retarded.
Levi Murphy
Angel Morris
>decent lifts Post them. If below 2/3/4 pl8 kys.
Julian Morgan
He didn't know it only took 6 months.
Ryan Thomas
Joke is on you, I've never been complimented on my looks
Bentley Turner
>wow, have you been working out? >"it's just the lighting"
Julian Bennett
>complaining to friend about short calves >send pictures >wow user they are beast >don't know if serious or taking the piss >haha.jpg >don't know if really haha
Gavin Nguyen
Post body pic so we can judge you to hell.
Juan Wood
>Your hearts in the right place I'm sure. >Git not DYEL >Git more mirin' >GIT GUD
Zachary Gutierrez
>normies compliment me for 3 weeks small progression >get pissed at them and sperg out Am I autistic now?
Noah Hughes
You are your harshest critic, and that is just how it should be.
Also, people have low standards for instance, people think I'M swole.
Jeremiah Allen
please post body so all of us Veeky Forumsizens can shit on you
Nicholas Young
Your body is average gym goer at most. Not even a gym rat
Carter Reyes
>6'2'' 190 lean >get mad when people call me big someone said I had big arms the other day and it pissed me off because I know they are only 16 inches
Brody Walker
>It is that your expectations for yourself will change as quickly as your body/lifts change
>tfw everytime I hit a PR I'm barely happy because I had expectations that I would get it >"why are you happy, you should be stronger than this anyway"
I want off this ride
Mason Parker
Uh oh
William Kelly
>that body >swole Ahaha, those people can't be serious. Probably still look dyel in a loose t-shirt and look fat in a tight one because you obviously have never heard of cutting.
>You are your harshest critic Nope, it's actually Veeky Forums.
Chase Butler
>back to uni after summer >(fat balding guy looks at me) hey user, you lost some weight. you should eat more >yeah hehe >(grill)what? user actually got bigger, at least in shoulders >(other grill) yeah user, you look more... manly I guess >Yeah, I know
Played it cool, but I was actually overwhelmed by so many good opinions. I was once mired in gym for squatting lmao1.5plaet 5x5 by a guy swoler than me.
Samuel Foster
>not recognizing that pic Lurk moar
Ian White
When normies compliment my physique I dont really count it as a compliment because they are all tiny worms 2bh Only other swole bros compliments mean anything No homo
Anthony Price
Blyge kenta
Levi Price
Mfw people call me "muscley rob". I look like someone took a picture of a normal person and just dragged the corner of it in picture to make it bigger.
Muscley? Yeah, right.
Jaxson Morris
Drag the corner of it in mspaint***
Jordan Roberts
>not 1/2/3/4 >not including The Press, king of lifts
William Ortiz
Yeah, normie standards are pretty average to low. I have been lifting for one year now and although I look dyel in some shirts people still tell me im ripped lmao.
Oliver Harris
of all the things that never happened, this one never happene the most
Jose Reyes
Its the press™ my good sir, and i did not include it since anyone who trains it even occasionally and has 2/3/4 can press 1pl8.
Jordan Thomas
The day you start lifting is the day you are forever small.
I used to think Brad Pitt in fight club was swole.
Elijah Johnson
Pics? I'm pretty much the same, 6'2" 197' 16.5" arms
John Lewis
>19, 5'10 >trying to explain muscle insertions to this girl >get my bicep out to show her what I mean >She covers her mouth and says "Oh my God, you're so big" >mfw my biceps are 14.5"
Ayden Phillips
You don't even know the difference between an insertion and an origin, I'd wager