Current physique update 3 weeks out

Veins starting to appear, 3 weeks out from my first body building show, INBA Tas at the grand chancellor.

Been training for 6 months eating 6,000ish calories a day.

~Every single day, every single breath, every single rep. Shows just how bad you want it.~

How bad do you want it, Veeky Forums?

more like 600kcals a day you skinny bait DYEL

You have not been eating 6000 calories a day...

I want that pet chicken. I'll name him Pablo

Lol, guys. I'm pretty sure I know how many calories I am eating.
My coach has me on 6,000 doing high rep training. I've put on 3kg since starting.
Deadlift increased from 50kg to 70kg in that time.

Just because you phaggots can't afford a coach, doesn't mean you have to be hating lol

How does someone end up looking like that? Focus exclusively on the upper-arm?

I can't find my bait pictures but 1/10 for getting me to reply.

3 weeks between photos. BOOM


Jesus fucking Christ, man. I don't care if this is bait, look at that fucking body shape. Look at the proportions.

How the fuck do you have such bulbous shoulders, but the scrawniest limbs I have ever seen? What fucking muscles do you train? How... how can someone make themselves look this way.

I'm wondering the same thing. I genuinely want to know how the guy made himself look so shit. He clearly lifts... just does it all god damn wrong.


Dude, I'm in sweats trying to fathom the brain power to comprehend how the fuck this has happened. HOW badly does a person have to fucking train to get this way?

Fuck me, you'd have to be lifting almost daily focussing almost entirely on your fucking biceps. Does this faggot realise that they judge the rest of your fucking body, too?

I can't fucking do this.

from Jin to Kazuya kazama style
nice haircut progress

Lad, your bird has more mass than you do.

I'm fit for comp, r-right guys?

I can't get over the arms

You look like the younger retarded brother of will ferrel

I'm still trying to figure out how to use this site.
My friend told me to come here to meet like minded athletes and so far all I've gotten is hate.
So far I've got almost 700 followers on Instagram while you B I T C H E S are on here trying to troll me. Makes me feel like shit


Itt: DYEL OP posts pictures of some guy he knew in high school so Veeky Forums will shit on his physique and the OP can feel better about his own lack of ambition

You are too weak for Veeky Forums gb2insta, you pussy.

He has never done an exercise that does traps amd refuses to squat each workout

He's not actually gonna get on stage, is he?

Already registered for the comp, 25th of September.
Ain't no backing out now.

I'm starting to actually worry now, do you think my traps, lats and legs will catch up?

My coach said they will be the last thing to come in, but he has worked miracles before, some of his clients losing 20kg in the first 5 weeks.

I know weight loss is different but obviously he knows his stuff.

All jokes aside, how am I looking Veeky Forums friends?

>Private profile

It's normal to feel like shit when you're shit, social media is about sharing stuff, not being a private pussy.

M a d m y L a d

Dude don't think this is hate. You can be told some harsh truths with a neutral tone. But...
Your coach is lying to you about at least one thing. You are not eating that much. You are very small, literally smaller than many people I know that just play random sports and don't even lift. Your legs will not get there in three weeks. Your chest is nonexistent. And for how small you are, you don't even have great definition. I would not walk up on that stage, it would be an embarrassment desu senpai. Wait about a year, and then maybe compete.
But seriously fire that fuckin coach or get on some goddamn gear.

Heh i kind of look like your big delt+bicep body type OP except bigger in every way especially traps n legs i dwarf your drumstix lmao

Oh my god is this real
I'm entering the same competition and my friend showed me a picture of you. I thought he was joking when he said you were competing.

Seriously. You are on Veeky Forums, probably the best place on the Internet (perhaps bar Scooby) for bb advice and you have fucked up this bad. Have you even read the sticky?!?!?!

I promise you other Veeky Forumsizens, this is not b8. It's just funny shit.

I'll see you at the comp you skinny fuck.

>All these newfags falling for obvious b8

Srsly m8 the majority of people in our current body threads look better than you. That's not a good sign.

I'm serious
Like I said this is not b8 I shit you not


Yeh no one is buying that without a timestamped picture