Who would win in a fight?

Who would win in a fight?

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Bruce Lee.

Neither can fight.

Arnold because he is alive.


Bruce Lee is a trained martial artist who made his own school of martial arts and used to train students before he passed away.

Define fight.

Punching or kicking until one surrenders? Arnold wins.

Fight to the death, no rules? Bruce wins.

Arnold could probably just grab him and squeeze him to death.

He's exactly that, an artist. Not a fighter.

You're an idiot. He is a fighter and he used to to make ends meet by fighting and teaching fighting before becoming a movie actor. All Arnold does is chug down food like a monster truck and lifts weights, he's strong sure, but he has zero experience about fighting.


trolling is a art, too

artistry is mutually exclusive with all other professions, therefore you are not a troll but you are a artist

Arnie's mass would work against him. Bruce would KO with one kick to the head.

Bruce Lee is just an actor and an artist. Arnold would crush him.

Lol Bruce Lee is nothing more than a fraud. He never had a professional fighting record and anything about his past was pure hearsay.


fight do death, no rules: Arnold wins if he has enough stamina
professional fight: bruce wins, probably by points

>professional fight
>winning by points


>Arnold would crush him
Arnold's a pretty cool guy. I bet he'd pump him up instead.

Arnold weights over 110kg, and Bruce is like 60 kg.
What's stopping Arnold from just running at him and giving him the shoulder? He doesn't even have to take a long running start, just hurl his mass toward him and ram him down.

>le super power Asian Manlet


Because current MMA shows us that mass is usually a hindrance against agility.


Oh they proved that in the famous 110kg vs 60kg division?

Lemme guess, only street fighting with nigger packs is "real fighting", huh?

All I said is that you're gay.

Are you retarded?

In a no holds barred fight, Bruce Lee would win. Arnold is physically stronger, but not a strained fighter and would have way less cardio and endurance than Bruce.

Bruce would run circles around Arnold, striking him here and there. If Bruce can't knock Arnold out cold with strikes to the head, then he'll choke him out with grappling.

Bruce had some fucking rough streetfights in Hong Kong, those cunts there will cut you up just for spare change.

Not an argument

An argument to what? I just said you're gay.


What anime is this?

Can Ahnuld even fight? Like, can he actually throw a punch? I don't mean to be an AGIfag, but Arnold just seems like a kind of guy who'd be puffing after 10 yd dash. Obviously if he gets to tackle, he'd crush the manlet's neck in an instant

Martial artists used to challenge Bruce around the clock and he'd kick their asses. Used to piss off movie producers because they'd have to stop filming every time someone wanted to take the little nip on.

Lee he beat Chuck Norris.
Lee is a god.

Yeah, I think this is a good definition of a fight. I agree with you now. Arnold would win in an UFC type of thing. Street alley fight with no rules, Bruce would win.

Proof? Or did they never filmed it because they had to stop filming every time, huh?

It's not anime. If Arnold was a trained fighter, he has a decent chance of defeating Bruce. However because he isn't Bruce can exploit that. If Bruce fought Muhammad Ali, Ali would win, Bruce himself said so. But a heavier untrained opponent would even the odds. A heavier, trained opponent would put Bruce to a disadvantage.

Look up the friendly tussle between Conor Mcgregor and Hafthor. Conor was fast and tired him out.

bruce lee is a literal meme, there's literally 0 proof of him having done the things he said and people claim

He's a myth

Prove it didn't happen

Nah bro I'm sure you're talking about this one shounen anime.

If Arnold gets a grab in or a strong punch in quickly then its over but if its a prolonged fight lee might win because of muh cardio endurance and kick him until he gives up

I can't prove it didn't happen because there can't be proof for something that didn't.

Prove it did

In fact Bruce's punch wound t do shit to Arnold if not hitting directly at vital spots

Strength+mass>everything else stop reading your stupid manga

Prove it didnt

are you daft?

and schwarzenegger is a barbarian

>vital spots

You fucking retards need to understand how extremely hard it is to aim for a "vital spot" and also be lucky and hit strong enough to kill the person. Especially as a runty little chink fighting a 6'3 muscleman.

Bruce doesn't stand a chance. He's a literal Jackie Chan memer, just an actor.

are you?

Wrong you noob. He's actually a deadly robot. Bruce Lee would clearly break his hands and legs trying to hurt a metal dude.

Bruce lee literally weighed like 120 lbs. Arnold would kill him. Mike Tyson would kill him. Anyone double his weight and not fat would kill him.

50 year old Jackie Chan could beat Arnie in his prime ezpz.

Any amateur full contact fighter that has trained decently hard for 2 years could beat Bruce Lee.

Post body

what did u say'd?

I haven't seen that movie so it doesn't count.

Arnold is too confident to feel like he has to fight anyone and Bruce Lee is too mindful to ruin Arnie's physique.



Two guys tinytrip used to hate on all the time.
Wonder if he's in this thread.

You there chimp?

>what are examples of him on youtube
>what is experience as a martial artist

I haven't seen your body so you don't count

What are you talking about, he's a boring computer salesman.

I don't count as what?

Okay so what's his professional record again?

Proof of those claims?

You're a fag


fucking lmao

Prove you're not

I don't like men.

you're browsing Veeky Forums

I'm not.

You mean Arnold wins in boxing and Lee wins in UFC.

>He never had a professional fighting record

That's because he never was a professional fighter, Bruce Lee was an amateur who trained martial arts because he loved it. His martial discipline which he created himself, Jeet Kune Do, is a reflection of his philosophies and freedom.

Arnold is a big guy but he doesn't know how to fight, he knows how to pick things up and put them down again. He'd win in a carrying contest or grappling contest, but definitely not in a fighting match.

Bruce lee is not a fighter, he's an artist and an actor. Arnold would pick him up, and put him down on a concrete floor, pretty hard. Fight is done.

man arnold's shoulders were tiny compared to this chest.

I don't know what do you have against Bruce Lee so much, but discrediting a person's entire history like this when you can read about it everywhere shows how insecure you are. Look it up, Bruce Lee was a famous fighter and many people who fought against him have said he was inhumanly fast.

Arnold press BTFO

I don't have anything against Bruce Lee, there just is 0 proof of his fighting history.

the trained fighter of course

Remember that time Bruce Lee said Muhammad Ali would kill him in a fight? He was right.

>there just is 0 proof of his fighting history

Oh so you don't know shit, cool. Bruce Lee has his fighting history written in a lot of places, even his own wikipedia page has it. You could also go to the dojo he used to train in. Keep in mind, this was the way back in the 1950's-70's where recording was still expensive, so if you want video proof or shit like that you're out of luck.

So there's basically no proof and it's literally folklore. Got it.

>the young one never saw the early days of vale todo
yes, they proved that in the famous 110kg vs 60kg division.
stop embarrasing yourself underaged faggot.

>vale todo

Stop embarrassing yourself by reading wikipedia, underage faggot.

>you can read about it
>multiple people talked about it
>there are awards credited to his name
>it-it's just folklore

So you're a pretty insecure person who's probably too underage to know about Bruce Lee. Got it.

>the trained fighter with a professional record beats the Asian actor
>being surprised

I've fought people in the past. Should I make a Wikipedia article? Also, if that guy who fought Lee on a film set actually lost, how was no one recording this? On. A. Film. Set?

Neither they would workout together.

nice rebuttal friendo.

Your arguments are literally the definition of folklore.

>t. manlet that thinks he can beat trained fighters because he lifting naw

He was recorded during his work on film sets, but his fighting in films was pretend fighting. I'm talking about his old history before he began fighting.

At least I actually provided any arguments to begin with. All you did was close your eyes and ignore everything, that's not an argument.

>make ridiculous claims
>get asked for proof
>can't provide any
>resort to projecting and shitposting


>before he began fighting

meant to type before he began filming. typo.

Yeah, it's pretty safe to ignore false claims.

There isn't really any point arguing with you if you're not even going to actually refute anything. You're a lost cause.

>giving up just like that

Why even start in the first place?

i am a different user.
grow up.
ooops, you can't :^)

I know there's no widespread proof of Bruce Lee being a good fighter, but I think looking at him you can see he's probably good

He has the exact same body as champion lighter weighted fighters, look at mayweather or mcgregor, their bodies and Lee's are the same, very lean, very wiry, short compact pecs and shoulder muscles, thin arms, I think looking at his body it's obvious he's capable physically of being a very good fighter

That coupled with his knowledge and skill as a martial artist surely means he'd be a contender

You might as well be the same person, since you both defend the same opinion, and both have no proof.