>these numbers in the 13th century
Even the siege of istanbul was done with 100k men at most and that was the whole army of the ottoman empire in the 15th century.
Sounds like bullshit to me honestly.
>battle of yarmouk
lol christucks
>battle of nicropolis
lol christcucks
>balkan invasions
lol christcucks
>georgia stronk
fucking christcucks' bullshit
t. ibrahim
>the absolute state of roaches
This is very obviously an exaggeration. The Crusaders took much of Anatolia in 1096-1099 and defeated many Seljuk armies. And we know for a fact that they only had 35,000 men. No ruler in the world outside of China could raise hundreds of thousands of men.
Georgian history is a meme much like many other small, never relevant countries. They have to bloat their victories to feel good about themselves but if they really were that good at warfare they would never be that small.
>if they really were that good at warfare they would never be that small.
t. brainlet
In those battles you had at most 60-80k soldiers in total.
The arab-byzantine wars was mostly 20k arabs fighting against 40-60k byzantines which makes sense as the byzantines controlled anatolia and the balkans.
The battle of nicopolis had around 50k soldiers in total and was in the fucking 15th century when urbanisation population growth started to gain momentum.
The balkan invasions were also done with 30-40k ottoman soldiers.
Go be brainlet somewhere else you faggot.
>Ottoman Empire conquered and subverted large areas of the Croatian Kingdom
>the war on the territory of Kingdom of Croatia was overall a series of smaller armed conflicts ("small war") over the long duration of the war (in other words, armies were not always in constant battle.) The Ottoman tactic consisted of persistent loot and scorching raids whose aim was to intimidate and demoralize the local civil inhabitants, to exhaust the economic opportunities and disable the normal economic life on the frontier areas
>250-450 thousand
i doubt that there were that many seljuk turks in the empire all together let alone in this single battle over the tactically and financially insignificant region of georgia
this is fake news senpai
Georgia had a population the size of Germany and was in the middle of it's golden age, those numbers are completely fine. Don't listen to all these retards in this thread.
It’s not really the date that matters. The Chinese used their blob powers to deploy by modern estimates, three hundred thousand men strong army to invade Korea.
Don’t know about the Seljuks, but like most Steppe nigger empires, most working men could be deployed on battle. Most of these numbers could also be slaves, attendants, officials and such.
It’s probably overblown though. I don’t know much about turkos nor George’s
Yeah but most turks in those times were still nomadic and nomads just can't sustain the same population like an agricultural powerhouse like china could.
Is this map accurate? If so, it is one of the most satisfying borders I’ve ever seen.
Well, I mean, they did win;
in the end.
Them surviving instead of becoming an Ottoman eyalet is an achievement by itself.
>single battle
>Georgian Seljuk warS
>spanning over an entire century
You guys read it right?
>Watching his kingdom being destroyed by Turkmens, George II, in despair, repaired to Isfahan, to Malik Shah, who treated the Georgian monarch with much consideration and promised security from the nomads in exchange of a tribute (kharaj).
>George's acceptance of the Seljuq suzerainty did not bring a real peace for Georgia. The Turks continued their seasonal movement into the Georgian territory to make use of the rich herbage of the Kura valley and the Seljuq garrisons occupied the key fortresses in Georgia's south.[6] These inroads and settlements had a ruinous effect on Georgia's economic and political order. Cultivated lands were turned into pastures for the nomads and peasant farmers were compelled to seek safety in the mountains.[2] The contemporary Georgian chronicler laments that "in those times there was neither sowing nor harvest. The land was ruined and turned into forest; in place of men beasts and animals of the field made their dwelling there. Insufferable oppression fell on all the inhabitants of the land; it was unparalleled and far worse than all ravages heard of or experienced."[1] A similar situation was found in neighboring Armenia as related in Aristakes Lastivertsi's chronicle.[7] To make the things worse, a severe earthquake struck the southern provinces of Georgia, devastating Tmogvi and the surrounding area on April 16, 1088.
Get cucked, wh*Te boy.
>On June 24, 1080, the half-nomadic Turks began to arrive en masse in the southern provinces of Georgia, quickly moving deeper into the country and overrunning Asispori, Klarjeti, Shavsheti, Adjara, Samtskhe, Kartli, Argueti, Samokalako, and Chqondidi. The key towns of Kutaisi and Artanuji and the vibrant Christian hermitages of Klarjeti were all burnt down. Those who survived the fighting had to flee to the mountains, where many of them found their death of cold and starvation.
Daily reminder that Crusaders won more battle than they've lost
turkbitches cant fight for shit, never did never will
The entire Seljuq population in Anatolia probably wasn’t that big
>The arab-byzantine wars was mostly 20k arabs fighting against 40-60k byzantines
Not true at all. Generallythe Arab armies were bigger until the frontier began to stablise and the Caliphate broke up.
Before that the Byzantines usually won by highly mobile and planned out cavalry ambushes.
>which makes sense as the byzantines controlled anatolia and the balkans.
Are you seriously claiming the Byzantines were in a stronger position than the Arabs?
>Upon approaching the Seljuq leaders, the deserters or diplomatic group unveiled their real intentions by suddenly attacking and killing every Seljuq commander in sight and others who were attending the meeting.
>Great Seljuk Empire
gj retard