How do people get jacked in prison when they have such small shit meals?

How do people get jacked in prison when they have such small shit meals?

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bulking is a meme created by the fatties

They beat up smaller inmates and eat their food.

Nature, bitch.

they suck off inmates to get their macros

They get the hamburgler to deliver McDonald's

(Terry Crews)


They buy food from the prison commissary?

They don't poop. All of the food goes to their gains.

Think about how much you poop, and imagine if all that mass went straight to your muscles.

iv'e seen a guy who could swim long distance without getting tired .
he said is about mindset , he could stop the acid in muscle. (you know that burn you get).
they took blood to see the figures right on spot , and the figures didnt change a bit.

i believe that you can control the inside mechanism of your body , the only thing is we or the majority doesnt know how.

same goes for inmates , bc of enviorment you have different mindset wich forces you stress alot. i think bc of that people get somewhat buff.

Kali muscle will show you the light.

>he said is about mindset , he could stop the acid in muscle. (you know that burn you get).

you should also know that that shortens your lifespan

This guy explains it. NSFW pic included at bottom, blue boarders beware. (do people seriously browse Veeky Forums at work?)



is that why there is brown ppl?


Holy run-on sentences, Batman.

That dude is so obsessed with dropping unnecessary cultural references that I can barely follow any what he's saying. Once you remove the insults, bad jokes, and references, I think you'd be left with one paragraph of actual content.

> I interviewed inmates to find out how they get so strong
> They are driven by fear and work harder than most gym goers
> They are bored, they compete in lifting for entertainment, and they want to get laid upon release

You can buy cans of tuna or corned beef from the commissary, or trade with people for their tray meals.

I used to buy a load of candy and trade with the kids for their tray meals so I was getting 2 trays per mealtime. Tastes shit but is better for hitting bodybuilding macros.

The same way people stay fat in prison


Reddit tier responses. I'm out. Will return and check in another 6 months. Stay dyel kids.

They smuggle in steroids.

fun fact guantanamo prissoners are awarded with food from MC Donalds for snitching on the other inmates

>get paid to ingest semen
>use money to buy protons
>double proton ;)

The jokes already been made lurk more newbitch. Face.


anyone who tells you differently is a fucking idiot.

They smuggle everything into prison, including steroids.

Watch the Elliot video

They get doubles

Worst fucking thread of the day.

Spent 4 years inside.
>Big guys would literally kill for food
>Weak prisoners would give up their food to get protection
>You can buy tuna cans etc
>There was more drugs available inside than on the streets. There were people who took orals.

Shits so corrupt it's not funny. 90â„… of the guards were on gangs payrolls. The only legit guards would only last around 2 months before they left because of threats to them and their families

1. Elliot is a cunt, so no.
2. I am a lazy cunt, so just spit it out.

>fucking Elliots pr depot up in here


>implying he's on this board all day.
What a loser. Lol.

kill yourself faggot

I did a federal bit in Canada. Realized a few things. As many of you realize, people underestimate their ability by training lighter, eating less, and not getting the results they could naturally. Steroids are awesome but there is a TON you can accomplish without them and I really noticed this while in jail. In jail I saw guys grow better then most do while on cycle out of jail. Everyone competes with each other and has an ego to go with it, It is basically just a mens summer camp.

In canada you work a job and make up to 6.80 a day. every two weeks you have the option of spending your pay on canteen, which are items for sale. Guys like myself would buy bags of oatmeal, peanut butter and ramen noodles. Cans of chicken were 2 dollars each and had 75 grams of chicken PER can. the large no name brand cans. Breakfast lunch and dinner, some people did not eat their meat and those people would give their meats to guys like me or to others they were friends with or indebted to in other ways. Tuesday was egg day, 2 boiled eggs, I had 24-36 eggs every tuesday from collecting from others. Saturday was fried eggs and I did about 18-20. So aside from having high cholesterol, I managed a very clean and high end diet that most people do not even manage when on the street.