Welcome to /plg/ - powerlifting general.
Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!
Post progress, PR's, meet videos, schmexy lifts or anything strength training related.
Be cool or get out B)
/plg/ - powerlifting general
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Im judge jury and executioner
But you act like a frozen syrup nigger Leafs fan who drinks a fifth of "superior" Canadian whiskey every day.
>Any experience with it?
#buildmomentum #thriveinit #cripplinginjuries #projectmomentumvictim
>Keep daily volume very low.
Would you recommend doing this via escalating singles into a single max rep, or more reps of 30-40%?
I've seen people recommending both ways.
pls rate.
>a fifth
But they call it a two-six in Canada ?
project momentum is good tho, look at how virtus progressed
you just need to have some work capacity
Reposting these monster squats
-keep it at 5-7 sessions a week, any more and you'll run into burnout zone psychologically
-stop at RPE 9, occasionally go up to 9.5
-you will never be at peak condition, but you will always be within 10% of your true max
-don't add variations until your daily max stagnates, stick to high bar/olympic squat because recovery. only do your competition squat a couple times a week.
-add back off triples slowly, weekly volume will build up faster than you expect
-take a break after ~8 weeks to run some higher rep schemes
Virtus is on PEDs tho
8/10 way to suicide
Why should people listen to your advice? After all, isn't your squat 1RM like 3 plate?
Matter of fact, take that trip off
Buda said your quads in the last thread "almost gave him a heartattack "
cant you post your original webms instead, they were worth watching for comedy
Thinking about joining my local uni's (Newcastle) powerlifting club, complete beginner. I haven't even been able to go to a gym where I could squat, dead or bench for years, any advice. Any advice, anons?
His bench is almost as much as his squat.
do it
smash some PRs
what else can I say?
Just go, its so much nicer to lift in a PL club
Don't do it
Be hella embarassing for you Holmes
You'd be the buda (laughingstock) of your club
When did benching become sexier than squatting?
what should I masterbate to today?
transsexuals as usual
What is a transsexual ?
don't do it. people who go to PL clubs are fucking weird.
Such as Brazilian trannies lol
what are south american gearboxes got to do with anything
68% shitpost rate.
i've seen worse /plg/'s
off to smoke some poultry
The lifting club at my uni was filled with all the biggest assholes at the gym, outside of the Indians.
You said powerlifting + weirdos; I have an example
i didnt say anything of the sort
Unless there's a porno video I am unaware of by her I can't jerk it to pics alone
Feel free to quit tripping anytime now
Yeah you did
>she will never sit on your face after breaking her own squat world record
Why even live brehs?
i feel there has been a misunderstanding here
also we are trying to clean up this general can you pls take off the trip
thanks in advance
After I end all the trips
reminder that Isley is literally the last ranked lifter in the UK 105kg class and yet he elects to trip anyways despite being the countries weakest lifter
not good enough
take it off
Also Isley is a neet
>canned BCAAs
You wot
My work here isn't done
No more than 80% for a single. On your main squat day, do your volume conservatively. On your "extra days", singles only. Feel free to add variation if you want. No grinding, though.
And so are you. At least he's stronger than you.
Nice projection
and this work... do you do it for free?
I want to make it clear to this sad teenager that while he may have issues with tripcode users, he is literally a waste of human existence.
You will never be anything.
Your little ruse is not making anyone smile (inb4 (You) )
Your banter is not remotely offensive, or hurtful, it's just cancer.
Your little act is depressing, and i hope you are able to find some solace with your own inadequacies some day.
As for now, I'm not telling you, but I'm suggesting, it would be wise to turn off the trip so we can get back to mature discussion.
No, you can't rebut in any way that will hurt anybody, your response to this post is proof enough that your base of strength has been shaken. You are weak. You are nothing. And there is nothing you will ever achieve in this world. Go ahead, prove me wrong. You won't.
Look at this fat retarded piece of shit
I did not give you permission to trip
I'll admit I have a thankless job but it needs to be done
>"rocco BCAAs"
You'll thank me later
good work
Isley does have slightly better lifts than me, at a higher body weight. Therefore yes, he does have more absolute strength than me, but I'm not NEET.
Reposting for powerlifting related
Form check on max grip vs narrower grip.I have been doing max grip for quite a while now,which grip do you think is best for my leverages?
dude seriously, you're just depressing. every post you keep this little act of 'le funny police man xD' going and it's just making others respond to you in pity.
grow up, man. I'm giving you the respect no one has ever given you before and calling you 'man'. No one is gonna hurt you here. Just relax, and stop trying to knock anyone down.
Thanks buddy
when /plg/ becomes objectively worse? when there are no trips this place will just be you and sean, and the occasional wimp asking for help on his 4pl8 deadlift.
do you really want that?
Keep walking
>you and sean
trippolice is sean who is pic related
I just want to open up my window and scream "DON'T RESPOND TO SEAN"
So on a 4-day program a la 5/3/1, Squat Day goes as the program says.
I also start slowly adding in squats to the rest of the days, doing singles, but never above 80%.
So, say, a random Wednesday would be like,
12%x10, 25%x5, 35%x1, 45%x1, 55%x1, 65%x1, 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x5x1?
I know i hurt you. that was the point. Keep on doing your little thing though, just be aware that all the trips are gone from this thread not because they fear you or they respect your ideals, but because we don't want our names to be associated with a kid who still asks his mom for lunch money and stays all night bullying anonymous posters on Veeky Forums.
we get it, there is nothing else happening in your life, and the internet is your last resort before falling into suicidal depression. but quite frankly, at this point if you killed yourself no one would care. your mom would be relieved that she doesn't have to keep you alive anymore. your dad won't even know you killed yourself cause he's out trying to forget the pain that he had you as a disappointment instead of a strong son like alex.
you don't have any friends, they won't miss you. so just stop man. before you lose your sense of self and kill yourself.
thanks for trying though, i get you have a need to be rebellious, but there's fags out there that need to be lit up. go fuck them up, and leave /plg/ alone.
it's not even remotely amusing, it's just a trump gif out of context
>thinking im reading that wall of text
I want the best for you. Stop this little tomfoolery while you still can. Or kill yourself, i really don't care, just stop.
lmao didn't see that
You sound very angry
theyre all over in sweden, its like 3€ for a can
Will it increase my insulin
Back the fuck off ?!
You sound worthless. I'm actually a well respected trip here, but whatever. Ruin /plg/, it's shit anyway. It's night time here, nn
>well respected
Worst at nationals still beats everyone who failed to qualify
Also someone could bomb on the day
In norway too. I don't know anything about them, though. Not sure if they give anything.
lads I didn't know Silent Mike even actually lifted fucking damn.
Is Alex here?
Newcastle AUS or newcastle UK?
pls note lift was completed with a DL bar.
Why were you sad? It's eating away at me not knowing. It just be something interesting, it has to be, I have to know.
Sure. Don't repeat though, just hit a single.
After a cycle of that, take it higher on good days, or repeat a couple times at 80,%.
You can also add singles on DL day, 5x1@ 90%TM.
Lots of ways to do it, but don't let the strain fatigue you for your "big volume days".
>Roidpigs needing a spotter for the deadlift
Note how these are the people that bash on IPF for having bad spotters and they put a tiny guy as a spotter
Sounds fun. Thanks dad.
>Deadlift bar
Are you stupid or just dumb?
>muh two inch ROM difference
>off the floor
it's like not even a real issue man
why spotter for deadlift?
I think you are being facetious but I still hope bad things happen to you
What's the guy in white if not a spotter?
If you haven't read it, "Beyond 531" is excellent.
531 is an outdated template, if you haven't read the new stuff. The pdf is free to download, Google it. Maybe a 30 min read, and there are templates.
So it's stupid, then.
Yeah having a guy spotting a deadlift is pretty stupid, I agree
i keep forgetting about the elitists on plg that don't even compete
Maybe it's in case the lifter passes out?
The actual purpose is to catch the lifter if he or she fails suddenly or loses grip and stumbles backwards.
Does that happen? I haven't seen anyone pass out in a deadlift either in training or when streaming big competitions but then again no one in the IPF bleed like the tomatomen either.
>I haven't seen anyone pass out in a deadlift either in training or when streaming big competitions
What? Passing out after finishing the lift isn't exactly a rare thing.