Was women being added to the workforce and leaving the kitchens good or bad for women in the long run?

Was women being added to the workforce and leaving the kitchens good or bad for women in the long run?

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Statistically women are more unhappy now than they've ever been, so I'll say bad overall.

It's probably true for most people. Illiterate peasants were probably more happy than modern day corporate workers.

>in the long run?
We don't know yet.

Please. Show us.

I want Kneesocks to fuck me while blushing and being embarrassed!

Do we really have any evidences of that?

Imagine living in a world where you were totally financially dependent upon someone who treats you like garbage, who blows his entire paycheck on booze and leaves your children hungry, who philanders around but would murder you in a jealous rage if you ever indulged, and there’s no escape from this person without completely fucking your self out of a social network and ostracizing yourself from your church, your family, and everything you know and care about.

Now imagine if the world was the same, only now if you want you could get a job and leave that abusive partner behind and strike out on your own until you found a partner who treats you with respect.

Which world would you rather live in?

I don’t mean to derail my own thread here this early, but, why do some poeple from /a/ speak like this? With the overly positive rhetoric and the exclamation point? No other board does this.

>implying women wouldn't just demand alimony instead of getting a job and proceed to live off of welfar
lmao cuck.

>no other board does this
I post on /jp/, not /a/. We do that there a lot as well.

On the contrary it's extremely common across Veeky Forums including in the Dwarf Fortress general. It's pure cancer.

Wow, a hypothetical argument.

That is not nice!

Its a plus for individual freedoms but a minus for the well-being of the state.

A similar example is the population stagger as a result of the French Revolution. Women were given more liberties and the birthrate slowed and stagnated. You might say "so?" but this population hiccup is a major reason why France fell behind in Europe, less people means your nations growth is slower than a neighbor (Germany). The end result is one where despite having the largest population in Europe for a thousand years you fall behind less kind rivals.

>But twice as many people working means more economic growth user
Yeah short term, unless that economic growth leads to population growth it is entirely pointless. I

>Imagine living in a world where you were totally financially dependent upon someone who treats you like garbage, who blows his entire paycheck on booze and leaves your children hungry, who philanders around but would murder you in a jealous rage if you ever indulged, and there’s no escape from this person without completely fucking your self out of a social network and ostracizing yourself from your church, your family, and everything you know and care about.
Sounds like an employer.

So you’re suggesting that being socially coerced into remaining married to someone you hate is better?

Wow, a non-answer

Where did I imply that, soy boy?

It’s a fallacy, I don’t have to answer it.

I'd actually think all your points were justified if women had no choice in who they marry.

why don't you ask them?

My sister's going to medical school to be a surgeon and she seems pretty happy.

I’d rather not base my opinions on anecdotes. Besides I’m on Veeky Forums. I don’t speak to many women.

If you were to put this to the vote tomorrow, which way do you think women would vote?

Be honest.

I think it's somewhat how the japanase talk when they meme about touhou and other cute characters, it's maybe more natural in japanase.

>Letting women vote

That is how we got in to this mess in the first place user.

People don’t always vote in their best interests.

By pathologically dodging the point, incel

You’re too intellectually dishonest to answer it, that’s why

>strawmans other people
Can't tell what's more pathetic.

>people are to stupid to know whats good for them but I know what's best for everyone

People change, circumstances change, people make foolish decisions when they’re young and experimenting, forcing them to remain married to a bad idea only promotes resentment.

Women have always been part of the workforce, though.

Women were always part of the workforce, it was expected for them to work on the farm 24/7 back when societies were mostly agricultural.

>it’s impossible to be smarter than anyone else
That will make them consider the ramifications of an early marriage better.
btw I’m not against divorce

I mean that's not true when it comes to something like, just gonna throw out the most obvious one, immigration, where retards support unlimited third world immigration yet what's best for them is to NOT do that.

>Besides I’m on Veeky Forums. I don’t speak to many women.
why does every thread of this type go this way.

>”it’s okay when I set up straw men, soy boy”

The only pathetic thing here is thinking that your love life would be that much less hopeless if a woman was socially coerced into loving you even though she thinks you’re a fat, slovenly retard who doesn’t deserve unearned privilege

Every economist disagrees with you in reality.

In a small scale Traditionalist community, the honour of the woman was to be protected by her husband, if the husband fails to comply he can be "taught a lesson" by the wife's brothers or father.

>That will make them consider the ramifications of an early marriage better.
Except it doesn’t, kids go on making stupid kid mistakes, and adults spin their own wheels thinking their kids listen to socialy compulsive finger-waggling

I genuinely don't care that sociopaths in ivory towers want to devalue human life for the economic growth of corporations.


>It's possible to know more about farming then the farmer, while also knowing more about fishing then the fisher, while also knowing more about medicine then the doctor, while also knowing more about construction then the builder while also knowing more about finance then the banker while also knowing more about baking then the baker while also knowing more about physics then the physicist while also knowing more about math then the mathematician while also knowing...


> here is thinking that your love life would be that much less hopeless if a woman was socially coerced into loving you
Again, where did I imply this?

Economic growth of the country as a whole and the average person's wealth. Nearly every economist is in agreement on this.
>le every expert is wrong but i'm right because i saw an infograph maymay

That’s all well and good in theory, but in practice there’s nothing to stop the men from colluding with each other to the point of turning a blind eye towards abuse

>In a small scale Traditionalist community, the honour of the woman was to be protected by her husband
This is literally how it still works in places like Afghanistan, would you like to be a woman there?

>economic growth of the country
Irrelevant to ordinary people who aren't wealthy elites.
>average person's wealth
By causing labor to be devalued due to the several millions more people standing around competing for shittier work.

>the kids will be kids meme
Kids will listen most of the time, if taught the negative effects without being preachy. Which is something most adults fail at.
Actually I just claim to know more about societal well-being in general, and not everything like you’ve strawmanned me with.
We’re not Muslims

When you called me a “soyboy” for not wanting to go back to the days of stifling conformity culture which locked men and women into assigned roles regardless of whether they find said roles fulfilling or not.

>By causing labor to be devalued due to the several millions more people standing around competing for shittier work.
That's not how labor works you complete fucking retard, did your entire economics education consist of reading the lump of labor fallacy?

Show me on the doll where the women didn't touch you.

>vastly increasing the quantity of something increases its value
What "economics" have YOU read you fucking retard? You're like someone who claims to know math and can't even count his fingers.

> to go back to the days of stifling conformity culture which locked men and women into assigned roles regardless of whether they find said roles fulfilling or not.
Please tell me how you came to that conclusion from this post:
>>implying women wouldn't just demand alimony instead of getting a job and proceed to live off of welfare
Please, do tell.

They do best when they’re taught sexuality in an objective, non-judgemental way, but merely presented with the facts and allowed to come to their own conclusions.

The reality is that most parents don’t do that for their kids, they either stifle their children or neglect them, and in both cases that leads to kids acting out in irresponsible ways.

I’ll have you know I got a lap dance at age 11.
And I was just asking a question.

Because you’re refusing to answer the original question, presumably because of some political axe to grind

>you refuse to answer this question: therefore you are this and that
please stop strawmanning

The problem is not with working. The problem is the values that came more or less in the same era (we can debate of they have a relationship).

Greed and hedonism. The fall of religion and the belief that a good life is one with "many experiences", a high status, money, etc.

>>vastly increasing the quantity of something increases its value
Jobs are not a limited commodity you complete fucking retard. Immigrating workforces create new markets by expanding the economy and creating further jobs either directly by setting up businesses (therefore requiring local services or workforces), or indirectly by an increased population. cf.
The idea that wages have been depressed over the yeras is also a myth pushed mostly by C*mmies. This is largely due to increasing forms of non-wage compensation such as paid vacation, insurance plans, contributions to retirement plans, and bonuses.
>What "economics" have YOU read you fucking retard?
I have a BA in Economics from one of the top 100 business schools in the USA.

I really hate how pop culture spreads that you shouldn't teach your kids morals.

I think that's a bad way of teaching them.

>Actually I just claim to know more about societal well-being in general, and not everything like you’ve strawmanned me with.
Yes, you just make airy claims about knowing what's best for the "well-being" of society in general while having no knowledge of the society you claim to be an expert on. What you call "the well-being of society" is your own well being.
The only true way to know what a society desires is through a vote cast by every member of the society.

Monarchists get blown the fuck out.

>say that people don’t always vote in their own best interests
>somehow interpreted as me enforcing what would benefit me when I wasn’t advocating for anyhting

People not always make the best decision for themselves.

>implying the existence of a "best" decision

There is. Or do you think all decisions are the same?

>endlessly importing third world immigrants will create new markets there's no such thing as diminishing returns and limited space

Businesses such as UPS has trouble employing people to get through harder seasons, it genuinely starts throwing wads of cash, at least a $100 bonus for new workers just to get them in. Bring in, literally, tens of millions of unskilled third worlders and disperse them throughout the country. Now you just have more people fighting with each other to get the same shitty job that the native would've been paid more for.

Boy I can't wait to see the "INNOVATION" from the ten million illiterate middle-easterners and illiterate Africans sitting in Europe right now. Not even the actually literate, normal immigrants like Nigerians and West Indie blacks.

I'm using a source that won't get called /pol/ but there's plenty of better ones. theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/may/18/womens-rights-happiness-wellbeing-gender-gap
It's not just some meme. Women, in general obviously, were happier raising families. Who would've thought working 50 hours a week at $10/hr would be less rewarding than not having a political and economic voice?
Hard to say about long run though since it hasn't even been 100 years yet.