are there actually people on here who manage to make money daytrading or are you all just LARPers/memers? all it takes is one bad trade and you're worst off than when you started
Are there actually people on here who manage to make money daytrading or are you all just LARPers/memers...
Traders in general are memers. They buy for retarded reasons, then sell to their retarded friends. HODL is the only reasonable investment strategy. Everything else is a meme.
As a LINKlet I've been planning on trading until I can accumulate 5,000 LINKs for the long haul. I started with 2,000 last week and have amassed an additional 130. I already hold a nice ARK position so this is a side project.
There are good and bad days to daytrade... today will be a good day.
I make about $1000/week using 15,000.
Could do more if I use margin, I don't.
I fucked up and missed the bull run on BTC/ETH on GDAX. I was positioned right, had liquid but I didn't act like a cuck.
Fuck me.
I am a fucking retard
>buy ans during initial moon
>up to 3 btc
>don't sell
>buy bancor
>eat shit on it
>buy BCC
>delusionally hold until I'm down 60%
>realize I'm almost down 90% from my ATH
>want to commit sudoku
just start with 10k make 1% per day and you will be a millionaire in less than 2 years
1% per day lmao can't be that hard op
get your shit together
'HODL' only applies to BTC. You don't want to do this with shitcoins. Day trading is the only way for latefags to get that lambo
remember, this is the kind of people who shill here
My ath was about 5.6 btc, I'm currently back at 0.44 due to bad trades over past month and still holding shitcoins during this market. Doubt at this point I'm gonna make it.
you could make 2% in a day and it would mean nothing once you inevitably make a bad trade, even with a stop loss set at the earliest possible price point you'll still get fucked incl fees, to succeed every single trade you make for AT LEAST a week's worth would have to be successful
I'll be rich or ill be mentally rich trying
Nope, I just bought bancor hype right after ICO and decided to use 1 BTC worth of bancor as a small hedge which I later regretted and sold at like a 60% loss. Then I bought all in into the flippening hype and the hashpower meme and ate a shitton of loss on that too. I'm not a shill, just a fool
At least I sold finally into BTC to stop the bleeding.. it won't correct immediately, r-right guys?? right...?
Most of my money is in ripple for a long term hold but I bought 1500 LINK a week ago as a hedge and have been playing around with trading. I'm ultra conservative and aim to make many tiny trades per hour rather than betting on bigger swings. I never bet on a trade happening while away from my PC. That way I can easily stop loss if there is a big swing and just eat a small loss. So far I've made an extra 500 LINK, so I'm up 33%, on a couple of hours of trading a day, across a few hundred separate trades. With a small stack it's easy enough to position yourself between the buy and sell orders but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be anywhere near as easy if you're trading with an amount that other players wouldn't just sneeze through.
>I already hold a nice ARK position
You are never going to make it
>all it takes is one bad trade and you're worst off than when you started
This is very true. The amount of times I have bought the bottom bollinger band and sold the top one all day making daily gains that put wagecucks to shame, only to buy the bottom bollinger band before it dips heavily and doesn't recover.
>find good entry and exit points on a coin going sideways
>make cute profits by flipping 4% a couple times a day
>coin flash crashes and tanks, of course I had no stop loss
Thanks, safex. glad I got out of you at 500sat, you're going to fucking zero.
I was up over 1800% at one point yesterday while margin trading. I could post proofs of it when I get home. Then a whale cashed out and flash crashed it, or some whale got liquidated and market sold his positon.
That was turning 50 dollars into 1k
i'm new to daytrading and maybe it's hopefully because i'm dealing with a bear market right now, it's just such bullshit making solid scalp trades the whole day only to have it all ruined by a flash crash, makes me question is this is even worth it
daytraders put stop losses, and generally do good trades
I'm sorry to all the daytraders who just hold
>generally do good trades
90% of these gambling retards don't make it.
>risks $50
>look at me, ma I'm daytradin
I made quite a quite a bit but biggest btc win so far was betting on football
Yes. I bought a full BTC when it was like $3100
After that I just played peaks and valleys on my days off with the BTC, buying and selling instantly @ 1BTC each time. THen just letting my gains sit in my reserve while. Have made a few grand this way but it's still not nearly enough. Yesterday was great though
The people who make money day trading have enough money to swing stocks by themselves, and have friends they know to pump and dump stocks. The rest of them make money off of books, classes, etc.
I don't like daytrading, but I have a friend who does it and who made good money. He doesn't use margin expect occasionally though.
Recommended reading on daytrading?
Why would I risk more than 50 bucks on 100x leverage? You sound like a retard.
I made 14€ today
Hi guys, I'm new to altcoins but not in trading. I wanna try some daytrading in these new volatile markets, wich exchange would you recommend?
A Platform for technical analisis and quick transactions is a must.
If you are so successful with daytrading earning "20% gains per day"
why don't you show proof by showing your order book and showing how much you bought at x price and how much you sold it for, no need to show any of the coins to just proof of the gains you make on a daily basis to back your claims.