Make a good argument for communism.
Lets keep this humanities and not /pol/
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Communism meaning synonymous to Marxism-Leninism:
it provided a highly efficient governance in Russia, China and other underdeveloped nations in the world. It pioneered radical but efficient reforms. It provides critical analysis of Neoliberal concepts. It challenges American-centric world order without a threat of destructive violence.
stops obesity
Communism stopped regular hungers in China and Russia, and eventually provided a healthier and more nutritious diet than in some developed countries.
Imagine if Plato called it Socrates-Platoism instead of a Republic.
College-aged marxist detected.
Do the world a favor and kill yourself. You know nothing about anything
After millions died of starvation? Are you unironically really saying this user? In lots of places people only had one kind of butter, milk or cucumbers brand. What killed the nutriotional value of food where the industrial ways it was procesed, than skewed the traditional ways of treatement (like fermenting, grass feeding, sprouting or whatever) to make it faster and cheaper, a thing lots of comunist states did anyway and only babushkas than still prepared the food in the old ways and got in the forest to forage for mushrooms or wild greens made they diet better, I bet the people in cities had the same shit diets than any nation outside the comunist umbrella.
>regular hungers in Russia
Is this to be blamed on the government?
Russian famines occured mainly because of shitty weather, thus low harvest, also most of Russia's grain and sugar beets were produced in the Black earth region (hence why Grain costed 5x as much in St.Petersburg back then) are you saying the Commies had conspiracy theory-tier HAARP or some shit? Only exclusion I can think of is the 1891 famine, which can be blamed on the government.
How about you show us why he knows nothing with a display of your own knowledge.
Not him, but mortality rate in Russia increased since the break up of the USSR
It has a jewish origin, so is good because we are accepting minorities and encouraging diversity.
>kills more people than nazis
>not worse than nazis
Marx literally wrote 'On The Jewish Question' which many scholars consider to be anti-semitic in nature.
Hundreds of millions of people died due to his disgusting autistic theory. The burden of proof lies on him to prove how he can actually make it work
According to Soviet government statistics, which regularly deleted people’s identities after they and their families were systematically executed. That’s 60-80million deaths not part of the official “death rate”
You’re a bigger retard than the people who think Cuba’s healthcare is good because of their “government statistics”
Guys common, I actually wanted to hear real arguments for communism.
Russia after it fell.
>muh gorillions
Meme. Meanwhile there are sources that backup high mortality and constant famines in the guberniyas of the Russian Empire. CONSTANT, you faggot.
And yes, Tzar got btfo because the last hunger actually wen't down in Pidorsburg as well.
helps identify enemies of society by those that identify with it
>small famines happen sometimes to a pre-industrial society
>Therefore it’s perfectly fine to purposely starve to death hundreds of millions of people
Really makes ya scratch your nutsack and think
>Hundreds of millions
20 million die every year from preventable causes under Capitalism. This excludes funding of death squads, war and destablisation, austerity, and race to the bottom architecture.