Only 4 more months untill i will start lifting!
Can't wait!
2017 will be my year guys..
Lifting will be my new year resolution.
Only 4 more months untill i will start lifting!
Only 4 more months untill you realise you should've started earlier
Start today idiot, people who push stuff "to tomorrow" end up never starting or make a half ass attempt in the end.
People like you are born to be failures.
Im spendong the next 4 months learning all I can about fitness and getting my routine planned out
Cant wait to start lifting in january
Too many basketball shorts around the new years
Me too i really cant wait until the first of january im gonna go so hard!! Until then im just mentally preparing and eating well :) were gonna make it bros
Meh, I'm going to start lifting in 2020! Just planning my routine, diet, and reading up on forms and mind-muscle connection and stuff right now.
Gotta wait until you're 25 so the mind and body are fully developed, you know?
you can't be serious...
7 is an unlucky number. start in 2018 instead.
I started lurking on Veeky Forums for at least 6 months every day, been watching shut loads of videos, read a lot and now I lift. Honestly if I didn't do all this before starting I'm pretty sure I would've wasted so much time not knowing what I'm doing and all.
A friend was gonna start lifting with me.
Kept talking about how he was gonna make mad gains!!!
>"ill start on the 1st next month! oh wait.. the 4th because thats on a monday!"
He never started.
2017 is deffo the year lads! Gonna get huge!!
Why wait 4 months? Today is the perfect day to start
>mfw people actually think like this
My plan is wait till January 1st, then go test out a few different exercises so that when i actually start in 2018 i'll have a better idea of what i want to do. It'll be great, ill have a solid year of planning, waiting, and focusing mentally.
Only 4 more months until you shit up the gym only to drop out after your first case of doms
>uni gym
>ded in summer except for the regulars
>fall semester starts
>teams of skinnyfats running train on all the benches
>doing every variation of tricep/bicep work possible with dumbells and barbells
>standing in front of people checking their form so they can shrug in the mirror
>1 month later they leave because nogains and no six pack
>spring semester starts
>new years faggots everywhere
>lines for the ellipticals to burn off those holiday cookies
>they go away faster because it's cold out
Ive got my p90x box set and bowflex selectech dumbells ready and waiting
Gonna tear it up next year. Just enjoying the rest of this year chillin and pigging out since that all comes to an end in 2017! BRING IT
w-what's wrong with basketball shorts?
i hate this shit
so many dyel freshmen shitting up the weight room, i know damn well 95% of them will be gone within 4 weeks.
the ones that stay usually end up being real bro's though
Now that I'm here anyway, how do you old gymrats deal with all the new years idiots? Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on people trying to better themselves (been there, done that), but we all know those wannabe Chads who only start going to the gym to curl 10lb dumbbells for 40 min hoping to pick up some squat butt qt. I find it highly entertaining to mildly fuck with them in between sets.
>line in front of squat rack
>one dyel hanging upside down from built-in pullup bar
>two of his team members handing him 20 lb dumbells in each hand
>starts doing gravity assisted curls
I find the people that go in by themselves always make progress, no matter how slow it is. they all have something that motivates them to keep coming back, whereas these clowns are only there because they follow the herd
Can't wait for 2 more months so when people ask me how long i've been lifting i can say "half a year"
>groups of skelly teenagers with stringers and backwards caps clogging all the benches
The same thing that's wrong with doing OHP in the squat rack.
>only 1 squat rack in the gym
theres litterally no other places i can do ohp..
thank god my gym only has like 0-5 people at a time (small local gym.. comfy as fuck.)
So nothing?
>starts doing gravity assisted curls
>gravity assisted curls
Start today.
Do a bunch of pushups right now you faggot.
Tomorrow get your ass in the gym first thing in the morning.
Why are you gym bros such dicks. I've started going to the gym for the first week, currently a DYEL and I get constant bits of laughter and mocking. One dude even yelled "baby weight".
>4 months and the NYR fags are back
>4 months until another news years comic
Can't wait
Does a new one come out each year?
>2016 resolution
>tear calf in soccer
>dont lift for 4 months after lifting for 3 months
>literally started all over again 2 months ago
sports kills gains
You haven't started planning out your diet? You won't be ready to start in January user.
Nice work user, failure to prepare is preparing to fail!
>people are actually falling for this
You won't make it.