You aren't roiding yet I've heard.
my only question is Why?
Dont you know the benefits of even running 250mg test per week?(About $200-300/year with no side effects)???
You aren't roiding yet I've heard.
my only question is Why?
Dont you know the benefits of even running 250mg test per week?(About $200-300/year with no side effects)???
Other urls found in this thread:
Where do i get it?
Yeahhh I posted alot of info the last time the thread with this picture was up. I'm banned on my home internet until October. Allegedly it's "against US law" to explain how to use steroids safely. Fucking janitors man. Bet they don't even make it.
Plenty of reviews, lots of friendly people, mods and sources. Your best way of getting it online in all honesty. Least chance of getting scammed and best chance of getting some real shit.
Lol really? That's pretty retarded
>implying the FBI lurks Veeky Forums Veeky Forums to hunt down steroid dealers
That's a job I'd like to have desu
>Implying the FBI doesn't monitor all of Veeky Forums's boards 24/7
I've seen studies run up to 600 mg/week. Since any study has to be previously approved by an Ethics committee, I'd argue that it's a safe dosage.
Even that much is unnecessary. It starts to give marginal returns. 300-400mg/week is more than plenty
I'm not disagreeing with you at all. But since this is a TRT thread, I think this study would be interesting.
Another one.
> The 125 mg dose resulted in a more or less normal level, while 300 and 600 mg took the subjects up to supraphysiological levels.
>The 125 mg dose resulted in a more or less normal level, while 300 and 600 mg took the subjects up to supraphysiological levels.
i think everyone knew this already lol
100-150mg is a TRT dose
How to increase T levels naturally?
>no side effects
watch porn on mute for an hour a day without jerking off, while playing audio from The Predator
>How to increase T levels naturally?
Get all your vitamins and minerals, sleep enough, eat enough, be within 10-15% bodyfat, get enough protein and healthy fats in your diet, lift weights
[citation needed]
ok bud, test has been proven to reduce lifespan
>test has been proven to reduce lifespan
[citation required]
it literally has not been proven, in any capacity.
Yeah I'm on 300mg/wk and my test level is around 2500ng/dL. My pre-cycle bloodwork showed low test levels (high 200s ng/dL). I can relate to what the guy said above: I never knew what it meant to feel "like a man." Now I do, and I would never go back to what my life was like before.
Are you cycling or just cruising on it?
Please if you don't mind I'd like to hear what else you have to say on what has changed on your daily life.
Are you fucking retarded?
That doesn't "prove that it reduces lifespan" you absolute retard.
Optimal androgen levels are a biomarker for survival because older men with midrange levels of T and DHT had the lowest death rates from any cause, whereas those with higher DHT had lower IHD mortality. Further investigations of the biological basis for these associations including randomized trials of T supplementation are needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Optimal androgen levels are a biomarker for survival because older men with midrange levels of T and DHT had the lowest death rates from any cause,
Plus it says further randomized trials are needed, you absolute fucking idiot. It's like you didn't even read your own "proven study"
Pretty much this.
read: optimal, not roidmonkey ridiculous
I love these fucking idiots who say dumb ass shit man
There isn't a single definitive study that links steroid usage with mortality or other harm. There are some risks, but they aren't serious in otherwise healthy men , who monitor their health with blood tests and doctor supervision.
>roid monkey
Who the hell said roid monkey? We're not even talking roid monkey ITT, we've been merely talking
o i thought you meant like 600mg carry on then i have no problem with what is the equivalent of trt
It would still be supra-physiological levels.
But we're not talking like 4grams of different compounds total per week like a pro would be taking
dyel with no idea about steroids here.
Googled tren and found
> It is used on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite
You guys take stuff for cows? What the fuck
yeah for sure if you're just taking test but other steroids esp ones that go through the liver are just a bad idea
That study says and implies nothing about the health impact of taking non-therapeutic test in your 20's-30's. You're not a good scientist. Don't pretend you know how to wield it.
so now you're just backpedaling?
you came out from left field with "HIGHER TESTOSTERONE IS *PROVEN* TO LOWER LIFESPAN!"
now you're actually backpedaling and saying "Well actually test is okay but those dangerous orals are what's REALLY bad for you!".
Sounds like a pretty fun job tbqh, assuming you don't get stuck monitoring a shit board.
Why not audio highlight the part where he says his nuts shrank
Because that's not a concern for most people?
Who honestly cares that your balls shrank unless you're trying to reproduce?
Because you should be. You fucking waste of space.
>Because you should be. You fucking waste of space.
Why should I be?
What makes you less of a waste of space than me
My legacy. Of which you will have none
When you are gone, i will still be here affecting this realm in some way. You will not, thus your actions are moot. All your self improvement, for nothing. Nothing to pass on.
What makes you think I'll care about that when I'm dead?
Also lol @ "muh legacy"
Which legacy? Have you built a successful business? Won any contests or have any major achievements?
Probably not. In all likelihood you're a wagecuck working a menial job, which doesn't matter to much to anyone, you could easily be replaced or automated(and probably will be eventually), your opinion matters to no one and your children, if you even have any will grow up average and put you into a retirement home, eventually you'll die, they'll split your estate amongst themselves in inheritance and cut you short on the burial (probably burn your ashes like a peasant instead of even giving you a proper tomb or burial service).
Let's be real here, in all likelihood nothing of yours will "live on", and you'll be just as much forgotten as i will be
I'll do test once my normal levels start to drop
i'm only 20 so I have like a decade of being natty
it is for me
I love when my gf sucks on them
>When you are gone, i will still be here affecting this realm in some way
and what have you done lately to ''affect this realm'' dipshit ? The world would be totally OK without you and your children will grow up to be useless bastards just like their old man
I am still happy improving myself at 24. I am still seeing strength gains and have no problems with low test. As I begin to approach thirty then perhaps I would consider a TRT level does of 250mg/week.
>My legacy
You will be remembered often by your children, and then occasionally by your grandchildren, and then maybe looked up once or twice on whatever the future version of is. Breeding is just something that people do, literally anyone with a working cock and balls can do it, it's not anything special. If you actually contributed something meaningful to our species, that would be a legacy.
this, in all likelihood if you post on Veeky Forums if you disappeared tomorrow the world wouldn't be affected
>Oh no another average man, working an average job, living an average job GONE. HOW TERRIBLE!
no one would even notice, unless you're a business owner employing 50+ people, millionaire, genius, researcher or have a profession that actually impacts people your presence here doesn't matter
He never said anything positive. Just let me put it this way.
I'm only 21, would just getting test be a bad thing since I'm younger or should I wait a free years?
Do it now
Not if i take over the world faggot
Youll see
How important is being 10-15%? I've been at 7-8ish% (measured) for about 5 months now, and I'm exhausted, all the time. My nutrition is practically perfect and always get 8 hours of sleep, but as a natty I feel always being this lean is just grinding me to nothing. I've put on about 8 lbs since November, and kept my body fat relatively even, but I feel like I'm just at the edge of my limit. Every workout Is a huge struggle for energy, and I just feel like i'm running on fumes 24/7. I know about being sub 5%, but I thought cruising at single-digit was possible.
I eat 3350 cals, 6'0, 190#s.
>How important is being 10-15%?
Pretty darn important. It's ideal bodyfat percentage for men for your hormone levels.
>I've been at 7-8ish% (measured) for about 5 months now, and I'm exhausted, all the time
Being below 10% bodyfat as a natural isn't really possible or sustainable, that's why you feel like shit.
>I had the vasectomy
Lemme guess, another decision done by the urging of his wife
>another decision done by the urging of his wife
Why? Men are usually urged to have children against their will, rather than get a vasectomy
Convince that you'll love him all your life, have him snip his balls and then leave him a year later.
Your bloodline virtually destroyed all for a lady. Well I guess your bloodline won't be passed down if you're gay too but whatever
>Convince that you'll love him all your life, have him snip his balls and then leave him a year later.
Literally the opposite happens.
Convince him to have children against his rational mind and wishes, divorce him for half his shit and make him pay child support.
>Your bloodline virtually destroyed all for a lady. Well I guess your bloodline won't be passed down if you're gay too but whatever
Who the fuck cares about thaT?
Kids are expensive and fuck your life up. Most grow up to be shithead edgelords who skateboard and smoke weed and tell you to fuck off when you ask them to make something of themselves.
Raise one right and he won't act like that...
why bother?
Why not save the effort and enjoy your own life"?
You're a selfish human being.
>You aren't roiding yet I've heard.
>my only question is Why?
Because I'm not a useless faggot failure with shit genetics who has to resort to injecting shit into my ass just to make decent gains. Here's a 'pro-tip' for you: Most of us 'make it' with no problems without shitty steroid junk, it's only you genetic failures that need it, and then you look like circus sideshow freaks and act like total tools on the stuff. No thanks, don't need it at all. Here's another pro-tip for you: Learn to accept your limitations and find something else you're good at instead of being such a fucking try-hard and injecting stupid illegal shit. Dumb fucks.
>Learn to accept your limitations and find something else you're good at instead of being such a fucking try-hard and injecting stupid illegal shit
Why would we give up because of our genetics? We're coping with it this way.
Also it's not illegal in my country :)
Nah he's just a naive idiot. Everyone smokes weed and skateboarding is better than watching tv all day
Yeah but why would I want to spend my time and money to support someone smoking weed and skateboarding?
Should I test myself with this?
Because I work in defense and have a security clearance :(
You tell the kid to get a job stupid. It's good your retard genes won't be passed on.
Oh right, when I tell him he'll definitely listen to me.
What's the point? How does it benefit me to have children?
Good point. I wouldn't listen to you because you're a beta moron. You're the kind of person who would tell a kid "please stop doing that for me, please"
>Spending your life injecting once a week causing muscle scarring
>Hiding your vials from friends and gfs like a junkie
>Lifetime of higher blood pressure that requires you to donate blood and be red as a beet most of the day
>Having to deal with a lifetime of also taking estrogen-regulated drugs because of testosterone aromatizing to e2 (the aromasin in OP's pic)
>Having higher chances of heart and intestinal cancer, proven medicinally, even on TRT doses
>Being that much of a capitalistic cuck that you take hormones to adhere to society's"manly standard" built by the entertainment culture, choosing to forego your nature so that you have bigger muscles
It is the ultimate cuckery
Then what do you do?
Take away his allowance, yell and hit him and watch him rebel even further and tell you he hates you and wishes you weren't his dad?
If anything you sound like the naive idiot
>>Being that much of a capitalistic cuck that you take hormones to adhere to society's"manly standard" built by the entertainment culture
Actually society is mostly lazy skinnyfats. Also capitalism is based, why would I dislike it?
>>Spending your life injecting once a week causing muscle scarring
Just rotate injection spots
>>Hiding your vials from friends and gfs like a junkie
Don't need to hide anything though. All my friends and family members know.
I keep them in my sock drawer, anyone is free to see it if they wish when they're in my room.
>>Lifetime of higher blood pressure that requires you to donate blood and be red as a beet most of the day
>>Having to deal with a lifetime of also taking estrogen-regulated drugs because of testosterone aromatizing to e2 (the aromasin in OP's pic)
That depends on the individual
>>Having higher chances of heart and intestinal cancer, proven medicinally, even on TRT doses
[citation needed]
>Capitalism is based
>Supporting a system that cucks you by definition
How does it feel being a dog?
What makes you think it cucks me?
it gives me everything I need, my family and i are quite wealthy
Rather than the 'cuck', i am in fact the "bull", if you will.
It sounds to me like you're mad because you can't compete, which economic system would you more prefer, mr sanders?
>no sides
ehhh gives me too much acne
This is me.
I'll be starting my first cycle in ten days.
>projecting this hard
Seems unhealthy to fuck with your edocrine system.
I do not want to get huge just a bit more muscular.
Im not a faggot who needs a crutch to gain some muscle.
Want to start on test, but know nothing. Where do I start and what do I need to do before jumping down the rabbit hole?
Because I think too highly of myself to pump this shit into my body.
Go on steroid forums. Read up on shit, don't get information from here.
Then just find a source. It's not hard to find one in Aus
>Read up on shit, don't get information from here.
This is the best source of information though
Are there any actual cases of test causing problems, other than the usual side effects, in 18-25 year olds?
Honestly only reason is hair loss. Im 29 and started receding a bit, already taking finasteride so i dont become a baldlet. Would have hopped on trt if it weren't for that.
im scared
Not him but it makes sex awesome, I'm so much more dominant and kinky.
This thread is about testosterone and not trenbolone, and so what? Why is it a bad thing that they gave it to cows. Vets give animals a lot of the same drugs as humans get.
>Because that's not a concern for most people?
Lol, OK bruh.
I knew Veeky Forums has a problem with cucks but Jesus Christ.
Too afraid to ship something illegal to my house
To afraid to shoot material made by a criminal in my but
Also afraid will have bubble in syringe and kill me
I dont know where to get some but when i get the connection i most likely will do it
>I feel so fit, macho, and manly!
>also my nuts have shrunk
So what? Ketamine is for horses and it's still awesome
Youre so salty
because Im afraid to be dependent on it for the end of my life. Thats all. It sucks, to have to take it all the time till the end. Its a whole life of big money and dealing with shady people to get what I want.
>250mg test per week?(About $200-300/year with no side effects)???
cant you blockade yourself on trt? wont you need cycling that?
i'm fine being natty for the time being. maybe in a year or so when i've been stalled for a long time i'll consider it
>no side effects
I want to start pinning 400-500mg of test. I'm 19 years old, but I always struggled with fatigue, depression, feeling like a bad excuse of a man, etc. And I'm also currently in the military. Corpsman School.
Another issue is that I can pretty much only primarily train with these gymnastic rings, doing heavy pull ups and dips and other accessory work.
I want to feel like a man, but I feel that given my situation, this would be a retarded thing to consider. I dunno, what do y'all think?
Yeah it's fucking retarded that Veeky Forums's retard global mods can ban source talk and advice now. Meme aside, that was really the only reason Veeky Forums was better than