Does lifting fix autism?

Does lifting fix autism?

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Proof: Jason Genova

makes it worse actually

someone post the screencap of the user who got a gf by acting like Ryan Gosling in Drive

having an at least average face and noticeably fit physique makes your daily interactions like 3 points easier so if you should be coasting on easy mode if you look beefy unless you have crippling autism to the point no return

>That monotone, evenly paced speech

i am NOT autism

Kind of starting to like that guys videos.
Thanks for the link user

I'm desperate and I've got to tell this to someone:
>sleep in the same room with my brother
>we've had the same room since we were kids
>my brother dry-humps the bed, no big deal, when i go to bed he's almost always already asleep
>he grows up, and starts going to bed later in the night, usually after me since he plays videogames
>his dry-humping habit gets out of control
>here's my average night
>try to go to bed at least to hours before him
>almost never manage to fall asleep before he comes to bed
>he starts humping his bed
>goes on for half an hour
>breathes heavily
>bed is old and makes terrible noises
>even when he falls asleep I have at most 10 minutes before he wakes up and starts humping the bed again
>it's fucking 4 am
>he probably goes on the whole night since he humps the bed in the morning
help me


I haven't started lifting yet but after losing a shit ton of weight and getting a tan so I wasn't the pastiest white boy in existence, I went from a 6/10 to 8.5/10 in the span of a year.

I still cannot shake this pervasive fear that blocks me from talking to people. There was a point in my life where that was just general anxiety but as I became more self-aware it manifested itself into VERY specific fears essentially boiling down to "what-if" scenarios. Hard to explain, but essentially whenever I socialize with others, even if I had rationalized the fear prior, it always resurges and the cycle continues. Tbh I think this is just basic agoraphobia and social incompetence manifesting itself as something tangible. Nothing more. If I was even in the slightest bit suave I doubt I'd be fearing minor shit if I ever so much as talked to a coworker.

Also have a shit ton of personality and mood disorders. But it's an uphill battle. The first step in self-actualization is knowing WHY you are the way you are. Cave allegory.

start daydreaming the shit out of your life,im just fantasizing a conversation with a girl that is near me and i forget about my surroundings

*8/10, got a little too far ahead of myself

can we just imagine what this movie would be like in real life

>shes looking at her phone when he passes by her
>the end

it's not a matter of behavioral change, she'd just be a lumbering, acne-ridden hambeast

[spoiler]>h-hey user, my friend thinks you're cute ;)

>good face
>average height
>still trying to escape dyel but in decent shape
>can fake charisma when I need to
>girl shows interest
>I notice there's a possibility for a relationship/fwb/friendship
>I get anxious
>slowly start ghosting her, but still friendly face-to-face
>she eventually gets bored and moves on
>we never talk again

happens every time desu senpai

literally this

Favorite movie. Any Veeky Forumsizen who hasn't seen it needs to watch it right now.

does anyone know the reoccuring song they play throughout the short?

>i've got this girl at the other end of the town where i live
>long brown hair and bugs that fight to get up
>she drops by when she is done at school her friends all off at the mall
>lipstick on her lolllypop and bluegreen bubblegum eyes

Song was written for the movie. I can find it anywhere else. I can tell you its by sune martin though

It gives you a bit more benefit of the doubt/leeway for your autism.

That sounds awsome pls somone post it

pic related its how I feel about that user

>y-you, too

Tell him to fucking fap quietly and efficiently with fucking lube and to never speak of this again

I cant because i already posted it in another thread.


Holy fuck that takes it.

Get him a fleshlight, user. Don't even say anything just leave it in his room in his birthday.

You have to be 18 to post here

>he probably goes on the whole night since he humps the bed in the morning
Does he sleep?

I dont think the anons here have autism, I think they just have super low self-esteem which manifests as social awkwardness

no, but it reduces how much of a conversationalist you need to be to get laid.

Dated a woman for a few months and stopped calling her because I got scared when it got serious. Afraid she would see through my acting and find out I have major social anxieties. Being crippled in mind is just as bad as being crippled physically. FML

Probably not. I'm a support worker and work with adults with autism.
One guy I take to the gym for the cardio machines and so he can bounce on a large inflatable ball for 20 mins. I doubt if I got him to lift weighs it would cure him. I also doubt I could teach him proper form etc. It took me 3 weeks to teach him to put on a pair of gloves last winter.

>tfw when I'm the same
"Guess she likes me too much gotta ghost the fuck out of here"

Go watch the one he just uploaded. I think he losing it.

FUCK man shit like this hits hard. American cinema has nowhere near this level of feels

>Comparing your inability to man up and face your insecurities to being physically disabled

I hope you get hit by a bus and will never walk again, you fucking loser.

Kek, i used to do that as a kid. Thank god i had a room for myself

In fact i still sometimes masturbate by humping/rubbing against the bed. Now i need to put a sock on my dicc to catch the jizz.

At least you can teach yours. I work with profounds and if they don't shit themselves that's a good fucking day. Coming from my professional background this has been a real eye-opener.

99% of all claims of "social anxiety" or autism on Veeky Forums are in fact just people with poorly developed social skills who'd rather have an excuse than work on improving.

Poor social skills is the cause, anxiety is the result. Most mental disorders aren't neurological. Genetics predispose people to depression, anxiety, etc, but it's almost always caused by some experience fucking up your programming.

autism = poorly developed social skills

poorly developed social skills is literally the definition for Aspergers and HFA you retarded fuck.

No it increases it


I know for a fact you've never met an actual autist.

Sure, but when people on Veeky Forums say they have (note the word 'have', not 'experience'), they use this supposedly incurable disease as an excuse to avoid situations that would allow them to develop socially.

Its exactly as retarded as blaming thyroid problems for being overweight.

>a developmental disorder resembling autism that is characterized by impaired social interaction, by restricted and repetitive behaviors and activities, and by normal language and cognitive development

All you achieved with your post is showing that you don't know what the word 'literally' means. Congratulations.

Are you implying people are serious and not just being tongue in cheek when saying autism?

For me social anxiety didn't end til I did to things:

>adopted a controversial political stance, in this case far right, in which I became comfortable having a whole room of people think there was something wrong with me and not feel like I should be ashamed in that scenario


>stop caring what people think of you, stop being a slave to how your own ego wants others to perceive you, then gets confused and frantic when they don't

Used to be a complete beta til the second year of high school, even then only came out of my shell cause I had popular friends. Once I got to college it shot up, now I no longer get nervous at all around anybody, even if I know they're judging me negatively.

When you aren't panicking and fussing over what someone else is thinking of you, you can devote more of your energies to them; talking to them in a meaningful way, advancing the important nonverbal communications, etc

Whether deliberately or not, by applying a specific label to their problem, they are turning it into something they 'have' and are thus not responsible for, rather than something that is entirely the result of their own actions. I'm sure they know they don't have literal autism, but they are still using it as an excuse rather than being honest with themselves about their problems.


a real hero and a real human being

This is the most lowkey newfag post I've ever read on Veeky Forums.

baka amigo


unfortunately no


probably bs but still güd


No, trust me. I just smile and try to say as little as possible, but once you hit a certain level even awkwardness turns endearing.

>"So if I take everything off right now what would you do with me"
>"But we're in public, I just got this car"

Are you me?

It helps but won't completely fix it. I started group therapy not too long ago and it's been a lot of help. They teach us how to be at ease in social situations and what works and what doesn't. It's great for people who never had parents to teach them. And we get to drink coffee with hot nurses every morning before it starts

I thought it was a documentary until about 3:55

You guys realize she fucked him because of the car and because he makes good money, right?

actually it made mine worse, I'm on a Japanese cartoon forum discussing lifting things and putting them down.

>doesn't lift Post pics fuck boy.

>Actually doesn't lift
>I'm an 8.5/10
>oh I'm being too generous
The delusion is incredible. You're a prime candidate for BDD

If you never grow the balls to dive in and actually make a move of course shes gonna move on when she's probably at the same stage with at least 1-2 other dudes at the same time one of which who might actually do something. Unless you're really worth it (you probably aren't) or its just in her nature (it probably isn't), she's not gonna take the risk in making a move first and she's not gonna wait around forever. Your hot/cold attitude is mysterious and exciting initially but she will eventually think you're either a player who's not interested or just gay

I can make eye contact with people now so I guess that's an improvement.

Still do this sometimes. Mostly I close my eyes and think of all the hot nurses.

he talks like he just reads it from a screen and while I type this I think he actually does, terrible intonation and monotone as fuck