Is this the perfect world map?
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Put Egypt under British control and give Anatolia to Greece and it would be
>look at this perfect world map that I just created even though I don't know shit about geopolitics and I just like judge my world history view from /gsg/ and /pol/
Kinda autistic desu.
I like larping as an imperialist as much as the next guy but realistically in the modern world all of those fuck-huge empires would be inefficient and unwieldy. Yeah, a couple states were actually better-off under European control, but you've reassigned several states that are doing reasonably well back to foreign control. What's the point?
Portuguese colonies need to be wiped out
> Germany exists
Get the fuck off my board.
No, but this is.
So, I assume you believe we live in a perfect world, because this is almost exactly what the world looked like at the beginning of the XX century, save some difference at the Balkan side and Mongolia belonging to Qing, and Latin American Colonies, none consequential.
>that groß Russia
>What's the point?
I'm bored
Why the asspain?
Yes, I think if the colonial empires had remained the world would be better off now and I wonder what others think about that.
Looks like a perfectly normal Russia to me.
Your map is beyond shit to the point of retarded.
Dunno about perfect, but, there are currently 4 super groups all with the same equivocal GDP, and a few other metrics, 2 west and 2 east. They are:
Again, your maps shit, either kys or read a book. Redpoll bluepill bitch.
>Yes, I think if the colonial empires had remained the world would be better off now and I wonder what others think about that.
Then how about you try to argue your case instead of just lazily posting a shitty map?
>colonies uplifted through infrastructure, schools etc built by colonial powers
>3rd world conflicts don't exist because their prevented by the colonial powers
>assuming all empires have nukes there won't be wars because of mad
>easier cooperation of the whole world because there are only few giant empires and not hundreds of countries
>ebin colonial buildings
Do you think that's retarded?
>because their prevented
>ywn be this much of an autistic bong
>Get the gas
Thanks for the half of Germany too, Hans!
>that groß Russia
That would be every Slavic territory + former Byzantium.
>we don't live in the timeline where there is a road from Singapore to the Cape going through New Delhi, Jerusalem, and Cairo
JUST fuck my perfidious up senpai
>colonies uplifted through infrastructure, schools etc built by colonial powers
I think you need to do a lot - and I mean a fucking lot - of reading on how much useful infrastructure e.g. Britain built in India. I'll give you a hint: less than you think.
Fuck no, I don't want to be ruled by Pommy Cunts.
>Humboldt also published a comparative analysis of bread and meat consumption in New Spain (México) compared to other cities in Europe such as Paris. The city of México consumed 189 pounds of meat per person per year, in comparison to 163 pounds consumed by the inhabitants of Paris, the Mexicans also consumed almost the same amount of bread as any European city, with 363 kilograms of bread per person per year in comparison to the 377 kilograms consumed in Paris. Caracas consumed seven times more meat per person than in Paris. Von Humboldt also said that the average income in that period was four times the European income and also that the cities of New Spain were richer than many European cities.
We would have been a superpower if mas*ns and R*eGo didn't fuck shit up
how about you go fuck yourself cunt
its not even close
>Chile outside New Spain
Chile was never part of New Spain it was part of Perú
Actual reaon is so South American natives would have their own nation, same as Eed India, California (for cucks lel), Abyssinia, Arabia, Shiitestan and Sunnistan.
Uhm, why are the Falkland Islands red care to explain?
There should be a flaming crater where Germany is.
Most interesting thing about this map is that it probably wasn't made by an anglo.
Romania is a little too big for my tastes
>French Vlaanders
>Germany and Austria aren't merged
>Poland expanded West instead of East just because you don't like Germany
>Belarus and Ukraine exist
>Moldova isn't Romanian
>Königsberg is Russian
>Norway and Iceland exist
>Azerbaidjan exists
>Uk should own all of Ireland, or nothing
>Switzerland exists
>Aoste isn't French
>Anatolia isn't Greek
>the Balkan/Middle East clusterfuck still exist
Now, that was shit.
>anglo cuck detected
>Karafuto and Chishima still under Russian rule
>Mongolia not a part of China
>Taiwan not independent or part of Japan
I kind of like your Africa and Latin America. The Middle East is neat-y, as well. Germany is perfect.
But the mesoamericans can choke on a dick? They were the best out of all the America's natives desu.
:^) tier map
Is this the perfect world map?
I second that.
go do a calculation brainlet shit
Is this the perfect world map?
>give Anatolia to Greece
they tried that once and it didnt work
free tibet and link it with nepal/bhutan
>the very wonderful hardworking japanese
Do Brits like Japanese for some reason?
Both island niggers
But the real question is, do Italians like Koreans?
The British and the Japanese had good relations and mutual cultural interest until the end of WW1.
>Egypt not controling Sudan
>Egypt in union with Arabs
I feel only pain.
[citation needed]
Yes, you do.
my point was BRICS and OIC arent meaningful geopolitical blocs you dumbass. BRICS is a term for developing regional powers, not an alliance. putting Iran and Saudi Arabia into the same alliance is fucking retarded. five eyes and the EU are much more cohesive and the two are much closer partners than BRICS or OIC are within their own organizations