So, I'm a beginner and I'm actually trying to figure out about the strength base debate. Is it a meme like SS (I hear that GSLP is more balanced) or does it actually matters? What if I actually do strength but for less time, let's say just a month?
My only objective is only look (and feel) better. I suppose that strength will eventually catch up if I keep progressive overload, right?
Joshua Sanders
wow! ur beattyfull! i will fuck ur mouth and pussy so bad
Henry Moore
wow! ur beattyfull! i will fuck ur mouth and pussy so bad
Jacob Jones
idk man. how strong is she?
Jayden Adams
>beginner >calling SS meme
Holy fuck you're stupid. It's always the total fucking noob that thinks they're good enough to judge a lifting program made by professionals that have worked countless times.
Ethan Barnes
>wow! ur beattyfull! i will fuck ur mouth and pussy so bad
Michael Thompson
go ahead, skip the strength base.
come back in a year and show us your progress.
don't get mad when you can only bench 1pl8 for 5 reps and don't get any bigger.
Brandon Garcia
SS is useless for people who don't care about strength. It has basically no upper body training.
Carter Smith
BTW if you have half a brain and read the sticky properly instead of believing memes then you would know almost all effective beginner program has these in common: >workout 3 days a week >squat 3x >low reps to maximise strength progress >progression every session
Guess what also have all those? Fucking SS. Also if you read the fucking sticky and the fucking book you would know that you're supposed to add accessories to make it more 'balanced'. But of course a beginner like you knows better amirite?
John Taylor
As a noob, you will gain strength and mass on basically any program where you lift heavy shit for 3-5 sets with 3-5 reps.
That's a given.
Anyone who tells you that their particular collection of exercises is superior is more then likely selling you something.
If you want to get strong AND look good then I suggest doing the Reg Park beginner bodybuilder routine. It's a true full body plan that focuses on adding exercises that will embiggen your show muscles as well as getting you strong in those handful of compound exercises that everyone keeps blathering on about.
Joseph Rogers
You should do strength until you strength up 2 plates
Nathan Green
>no upper body training
Is this bait or are you legit retarded?
>bench >ohp >rows/cleans >chin ups >dips >curls >skullcrushers Do these exercises work your cock?
Benjamin Clark
>chin ups >dips >curls >skullcrushers
all things not included in SS
Easton Moore
>I haven't read SS and I've only ever seen the base template infographic on internet forums
William Roberts
I don't know about skullcrushers but I know for sure the others are.
Weighted chins is literally the most popular accessory of the thing
Jayden Howard
Read the fucking book you fucking dipshit. It's literally mentioned. Even the stripped 5x5 by Sean recommended in the FUCKING STICKY asks you to add those into the program. Ffs you can't even do something as simple as reading?
Camden Diaz
oh man oh man
the dyel's are a plenty tonight
Andrew Miller
Yeah, there are actual workout plans that demand an actual full body workout.
Having to add accessories to make it a full program even though they bitch constnatly about following the program to a tee is bullshit.
Reg Park beginner routine is superior.
Nathan Martinez
umm no sorry? only a few exercises are included, thats why its a bad program.
Connor Wilson
Yes ripptoe suggests skullcrushers as an accessory lift but only at the end of the week. He also mentions you should do them with the ez curl bar.
Ian Bailey
ok you had me. you're just baiting and i fell for it. i just hope some other beginner do not bump into this thread and decide to think ss is a meme too.
William Edwards
Skullcrushers were recommended but only at every 3rd workout as to not impede recovery before your not pressing exercise.
Brody Baker
Which reg park program the tnation one with three phases or the ABA one in the sticky.
Justin Cruz
Workout A: Back Squats 5×5 Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×5 Dips or Bench Press 5×5 Barbell Curls 2×10 Wrist Work 2×10 Calves 2×15-20 Workout B: Front Squats 5×5 Rows 5×5 Standing Press 5×5 Deadlifts 3×5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 “stabilizer set”) Wrist Work 2×10 Calves 2×15-20 Training Schedule: Week 1: A, B, A Week 2: B, A, B Week 3: A, B, A and so forth.
Robert Mitchell
Just a chick with hooters. Chill.
Colton Fisher
SS has an entire chapter devoted towards accessory lifts that rippetoe likes. the approach is supposed to be 'pick whatever you want, just make sure you linearly progress and it doesnt impede on the main lifts'
Asher Murphy
Well I think GSLP or AFP are great programs for beginners. You'll get strong which will help with more than just aesthetics - you'll develop thicker bones and tendons and overall be a healthier person. But you'll also gain muscle too. Throw in some skullcrushers and hammer curls alternating at the end of your program for the guns.
Remember what Ronnie said: "Errybody wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights". Being strong leads to being aesthetic and being healthy. After your beginner LP go ahead and switch to PPL. Don't waste time with a Brosplit unless you're on gear.
The whole "SS is a meme" thing is 75% joke and 25% idiots who took the bait. It's a great program but I think it's too intense for anyone who isn't a 14-20 year old male shooting for the football team. Note: I did it for my beginner LP and it was great but squatting every day gets old fast. I have some tendon issues so I don't squat as often and wear sleeves to keep everything in place. But it worked.
Jack Ortiz
>3 sets of bench a week. >6 max. Yeah sure bud
Ethan Sanchez
And you think a beginner should be focusing on volume? This his 30kg 3x10 bench press?
Jeremiah Mitchell
SL is a fantastic beginner program. You want to progress on:
1. There really isn't value in the power clean for 90% of people, Rip puts it in to develop 'explosiveness' but I very strongly doubt anybody cares for that 2. Imbalance of pushing and pulling moves. SS has you upper pulling 9 sets a week with deadlift as your only complimentary pull (although you do add pullups). For this reason I prefer SL with rows.
Josiah Sanders
Thanks. I'm 29 and in bad shape. Would gslp or other programs be more appropriate for me? I have no injuries because, well, I never exercised, but I am obviously weak as fuck. Like 1 pushups maximum weak.
Noah Scott
explosiveness has a better response to motor pattern recruitment desu senpai
same reason why athletes work partial oly lifts
Noah Robinson
PULL Deadlifts 1x5+/Barbell rows 4x5, 1x5+ (alternate, so if you did deadlifts on Monday, you would do rows on Thursday, and so on) 3x8-12 Pulldowns OR Pullups OR chinups 3x8-12 seated cable rows OR chest supported rows 5x15-20 face pulls 4x8-12 hammer curls 4x8-12 dumbbell curls
PUSH 4x5, 1x5+ bench press/4x5, 1x5+ overhead press (alternate in the same fashion as the rows and deadlifts) 3x8-12 overhead press/3x8-12 bench press (do the opposite movement: if you bench pressed first, overhead press here) 3x8-12 incline dumbbell press 3x8-12 triceps pushdowns SS 3x15-20 lateral raises 3x8-12 overhead triceps extensions SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
LEGS 2x5, 1x5+ squat 3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift 3x8-12 leg press 3x8-12 leg curls 5x8-12 calf raises