Not to sound negative, but getting a girlfriend/fuck buddy just seems impossible

Not to sound negative, but getting a girlfriend/fuck buddy just seems impossible.

What's the point of talking to all sorts of girls (smart, dumb, fat, slim, young, old, white, black, etc) when you get rejected all the time ?

Lastly, I'm not from /r9k/.

I can honestly say that I'm a nice/normal black guy who has a job, isn't overweight and doesn't know how to attract girls.


theres your problem

That girl isn't 18 please delete.

Go back to africa nigger

Jamal pls, leave the poor girls alone

Stick to meeting black girls, unless you say you don't like them. That would be the same as you saying your own race (including you) is disgusting.


Where do you live?

keep it with your own kind you piece of shit. you're the problem with this country right now

If you aint the same color as me, you can go hang from a damn tree

Do you make friends first or just pressurise random strangers to let you fuck them because you like what you see

>just pressurise random strangers to let you fuck them because you like what you see
sounds about r8 m8

op your fuckin boring LOL

>t. cucked trump voter

I'm surprised the libtard MODS havent 404d this.

I do my best to become friends with them.

I sometimes ask girls who I've spoken to (at least once) for a coffee date or watch a movie (mostly Starbucks) just as friends.

They say 'no' everytime.

And I shouldn't have posted this on Veeky Forums, because the amount of racists here is unbelievable.

work on yourself buddy, stop 'wanting' it so much, girls can smell desperation and it's just about the worst thing imaginable.

just be yourself, be cool, don't care what girls think, and they'll come to you. Then you need to pick up on those signals and swoop. It's easier said than done but get into your own head for a while, love and work on yourself, instead of looking outwards and trying to chase pussy.

Because you're don't act like a nigger user. And that's a good thing, forget those girls.

I cant believe this pic caught on.
Still, that dudes forearm was huge.

Is this guy trying to do the Pacha pose? He needs to look at it again.


>And I shouldn't have posted this on Veeky Forums, because the amount of racists here is unbelievable.

>shouldn't post
>posts anyway

im starting to see what these racists are talking about

You probably have the fundamental problems white guys have with this plus an extra layer of bullshit because you're black. Just do what the white guys who get laid do and at the very least you'll have fixed that which is in your control to fix.

Also, these retards may be trying too hard to show how racist they are, but this isn't even fitness related so the shitposting shouldn't be too surprising.

>when the bat hits you just right

>these retards may be trying too hard to show how racist they are

Cuck fag white knight for that black cock. OP asked for help pickin up chicks, not dicks. Get ur cum guzzlin ass out of the thread and back on grindr

You don't have to prove anything to me, user. I believe you're an idiot so stop trying to convince me.

There are a few different things that could be going on.

You are boring as fuck.

2. They just don't Find you attractive. Despite what the media says the majority of white women (especially those that aren't lower class) tend to find African American men unattractive.

It's a numbers game, but the odds are against you.

It's not a racist thing, but it is a race thing. Different races find different facial features attractive. I don't care what you were taught, we are different and like different stuff. The differences are greater than just the color of our skin.

3. You are objectively ugly
You are not attractive in the face at all.

4. You creep them out by presenting yourself inappropriately (suddenly sexually overt with no buildup, etc)

5. Leads back to 4. As said, you may be too desperate. They can pick that up (subconsciously or consciously-it doesn't matter), and it affects how they think of you

>black guy
found your problem. good luck user but stick to non-white girls.

What does this have to do with Veeky Forums? Do you even lift?

>the guy right above the dude getting hit

You're getting rejected because the little neon sign that a girl has in her brain doesn't flash "PROCREATE" when she is around you. You're trying to trick nature versus working with it. I could tell you what to do to fix your problem but it wouldn't matter because you're so hyperfocused on all the wrong things, and nature knows that.


>What's the point of talking to all sorts of girls (smart, dumb, fat, slim, young, old, white, black, etc) when you get rejected all the time ?

You should be interested in meeting *people* and interested in getting to know something about the *people* you meet.

If the chemistry is there, great. If not, you still met someone.

YOU ARE DOING LIFE WRONG. All you're doing is looking at the world and asking what it can do for you. "Hm, what can I get out of this person? Can I fuck this person? No? Meh."

Get interested.


Back to Africa you go famalam

I literally met an attractive girl the other day who literally approaches groups of niggers (actual niggerish black people) based solely off of their skin color and niggerish attire/demeanor.

Did she tell you this, or did she come up to you and your homies?

The media jew affects some sluts more than others. I bathe in the joy of knowing she'll be a single miserable mom

stop being black


Ive met incredibly hot chicks who only wanted sand niggers aswell, doesnt really mean shit what you and me say since we combined havent even met 10% of the women in our respective country


>they completely switch sides at the bar
Immersion ruined.

>not dating nubian queens
>pic related

I'm pretty sure I work with this guy. He's a fat fuck.

it's a change in perspective, you fucking retard

This is now a WE WUZ KANGS thread

Why are there two bars on either side of them smart guy? Did your brain switch perspectives?

hol up

>exact same nose






>Nigger OP got his thread derailed this hard

Sauce? This was from a game right?

There's this girl who works at this one restaurant, she's very pretty and I'd like to ask her out or something but I'm unsure of how to

A game that is never coming out.


Mods do your fucking job
>Lastly, I'm not from /r9k/
You belong there

:( you got a name anyway?

>black guy

Wolf Girl With You kid

>I do my best to become friends with them.
>I sometimes ask girls who I've spoken to (at least once) for a coffee date or watch a movie (mostly Starbucks) just as friends.

Dude girls can tell that you don't want to just be their friend, and when you're trying to sneak your way into fucking them by pretending that you want to be "friends" it's creepy.
Just be honest and ask them out, no "friend" bullshit.

Go for latinas. Oddly enough, black guys going for latinas seem to have better luck if they don't speak any spanish so don't bother learning the language.

Just be sure that when they get disagreeable you never, *ever* give in. THey're more concerned with testing you for weakness than they are about getting their way.

Do this:
>When do you get off work?

She'll respond:
>Fuck off

Then you move on to the next girl, rinse and repeat until you get lucky.

If successful (unlikely) exchange numbers and tell her a time/place that you will meet her.

Don't develop feels for a girl until you bag her. Chances are you won't succeed, even if you are Chad. Chad's fuck/date any random girl they deem acceptable, they will struggle just as much as you to pick a specific target and win.

Remember: no feels until you're already dating her

Blacks only have 8% lower chance? not that horrible desu

Listen to Black Phillip and Beige Phillip

Helped me get girls and I didnt have to get Veeky Forums

Being Veeky Forums helps though

Literally doesn't matter what you are or what you look like, If you can convince a girl, ANY GIRL, that you are a thing, you will get into her pants.

GF is fucking easy, but they never just wanna be fuck buddies. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. How am I supposed to build my harem like this?

are you talking to black girls mostly?

>Meet girl i like
>talk to her
>ask for date
>she says yes
>go on more
>she is now my girlfriend and all over me
I feel like i've cheated, it was too easy, soon it shall all blow up in my face.

how do you think it's supposed to go?

I was supposed to get rejected and feel bad

The game is out, it's average but you'll love it.

Fucking with white women is a different ball game entirely and it will end bad. Try fucking a fat white woman.

>black guy

there's your problem

Should not of mentioned you're black at all if you didn't want racist comments. Come on man this is Veeky Forums. Good on you for going out on a limb but generally speaking people on Veeky Forums are white people who are racist, it just is that way, probably just like the white girls you've been trying to ask out are. Asking girls out who hardly know you is also super hard unless they're a slut. Better off building a friendship up with some one and then eventually building up to asking them out. Unless of course you just want to fuck sluts all the time, then just go crazy. Also, don't be boring, you could be a fat guy and score a girl if you are interesting enough and have enough rapport with the grill. God speed user!

ooga booga

come on there's gotta be something interesting in your board, just click it
get in, check it out, and try to avoid coming back

Damn, so many guys traumatized by the BBC in here, your tears and hatred feed my urge to fuck more white girls, this month I'll only hit on blonde girls and post of my nuts hanging out of them for you cucks.


it probably wont happen, will it

Real advice? Get a part time customer service job. Bar tender is best. Develop some social skills doing it and if you're somewhat attractive the women will throw themselves at you

'suffered a broken rib'.
no mention of jaw implies it was intact, holy shiet

Fuck off to reddit, nigger

I'm black and have no issues getting girls
also stop trying to get white girls only faggot. date sistahs also nigga ffs

seems like you're desperate and boring.

>I do my best to become friends with them.
This is the first mistake

>All you're doing is looking at the world and asking what it can do for you. "Hm, what can I get out of this person? Can I fuck this person? No? Meh."
This is not how you must see the world?
Sheeeit. I guess capitalism is the devil them.

It's happening

look at the fucking grandma in the striped pink tank top to the left.
>fuck this shit i paid for these popcorns

My fuck buddy is a qt 19 year old Vietnam twink boy.

>black guy
pick one.
just rape them OP. then go shoot some kids in a driveby

It's pretty easy to get a girlfriend. Getting a super hot girlfriend who won't cheat on you is pretty difficult.

>letting the autists trigger you.
fellow black bro no. this is why none of us mention our race


>black guy
>has a job
nice try nigger

This is probably the most helpful post in the thread. Good on you, user

The problem is that you don't act nigger
Your type is popular now solely because of the Jewish media. Without Jews pushing black "culture" for years you'd be fucking hung on the tree

So use it nigger. Go rap and thug up. That's what people look for in you. Lol you expect people see niggers for stable job and enjoyable life? Fucking delusional m8. You're allowed to talk to girls only because of the Jews and TV.

Veeky Forums can be pretty horrible, even if you're not on /b/. we can choose to leave or become anonymos so people just assume you're white and male.
As a gay jew, I sure have had my share of shit before i gave up.

that kid in the middle is some renaissance shit.

Found Milo

There was a pretty good thread about being 'alpha' the other day.
Basically it came down to, do your thing, be cool fuck what anybody thinks.
You're a hero on your own journey, if anybody else wants in on the ride they're welcome to join, if not, we'll then they can get the fuck out of the way.

One last thing is you mentioned you're black, around here at least I notice it's only a certain type of white girl that goes for black guys.
It's the same for me, I'm a Eastern European immigrant, and I only seem to have luck with a certain type of woman around here, and I hate women of my own race.