There is literally NO reason to buy CL when Ripple exists.
>Ripple is universal
>ChainLink is Ethereums Ripple app.
There is literally NO reason to buy CL when Ripple exists
Other urls found in this thread:
Ripple only works with Ripple. What in the literal fuck are you talking about.
Exactly, just like there is NO reason to buy bananas when candles exists
ripple is just bitcoin but centralized so it can actually scale efficiently.
they're not going to provide data feeds, it has nothing to do with chainlink.
and if you want your secret decentralized tranasactions it will be a on a slower network with masternodes instead of a central bank
>believing anything that jew shill says
CryptoDaily or nothing
Candles are way more delicious than bananas. Who the fuck is eating bananas?
Supercomputes in every walmart are going to turn both of these shitcoins OBSOLETE AND WORTHLESS.
XRP isn't centralized, do your fucking research lol
Tell me how it isn't and how Ripplenet isn't completely controlled by Ripple.
the fuck is this supercomutes in every walmart shit I see all the time... i missed something... can't tell if meme or real thing
Delusion: The post
>XRP isn't centralized
>do your fucking research lol
My God you are retarded
Thread a few days ago where Link was being fudded by some dumb asshole. He eventually said that banks plan ahead and Link would never be successful because they would put Supercomputers on every city.
are you the Ark oracle. what is your take on CL?
>ChainLink is Ethereums Ripple app.
Is this the power of FUD?
lol ok... I saw that going on in threads a few days ago but couldn't tell if there'd been some news from another project, or if its was just a meme... I should have known
My take on ChainLink is that it's going to be huge. I made an observation (take this as you will) that there are 3 tiers of crypto.
Tier 1: Single use blockchains e.g. Bitcoin, Litecon, Ripple
Tier 2: Multiple use blockchains/platforms e.g. Ethereum
Tier 3: Blockchains capable of communicating with the real world e.g. ChainLink
I agree. Chainlink doesn't have any competition right now so I think its gonna be yuuuge. If it had competition things might be different, but as of now I think we are headed for a top 3-4 spot on CMC; likely faster than we think.
I'll just leve this here:
Agreed. I think it'll hang head to head with Ripple until one of them takes the lead. Ripple's demand comes from it servicing the market that Chainlink seems closer at onboarding. That's a good sign for Chainlink's value. This market cap is tiny compared to what we're about to see it at.
I'm confident it will be quick too. Quick moon, quick sell off after where people take profits, quickly followed by a recovery
>Disclosure: Coindesk is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which has an ownership stake in Ripple.
Yup. It'll hit its previous ATH, shrink back to 8500-9500 sat, and then moon from there. Just needs BTC to fucking stahp.
That is the most retarded thing I have ever seen on here
When is a good time to buy into LINK?
any time under 8k sats...i.e. now
It's true though, just look at the price. They're already manipulating it with supercomputes. At this rate the future of link is already fucked. It was a noble effort by Sergey but he forgot to account for supercomputers. A fatal error.
Nice trips. I also feel like coindesk is like the CNN of crypto
it's true though, why are you coping?
Ah, yes. Anyone with a brain should have realised the threat of supercomputers in every Walmart
XRP isn't centralized you fucking brainlet. Literally just google it
Please show me how I can run a ripple node.
I'll wait.
gateways, u fucking pleb
I would be trembling if he said in every city. However he was quite clear they would be ON every city. The economic destruction from having a supercomputer on every city means at least my wojacks won't be the pinkest.
Ripple =/= XRP. RippleNet can just disappear and XRP could still operate as normal, because it runs on a public ledger like bitcoin.
Chainlink development started before ethereum and transcends it. Even if ethereum went away in an year, LINK can work on other platforms
>RippleNet can just disappear
Nice hypothetical, fuckface