>in the gym
>see dude squat lmao.75pl8
>screaming every rep
>dude next to him squating 3pl8
Are you a screamer/grunter, fit? Does it help you complete the rep?
>in the gym
>see dude squat lmao.75pl8
>screaming every rep
>dude next to him squating 3pl8
Are you a screamer/grunter, fit? Does it help you complete the rep?
The only time I make noise is after the rep is completed. And it's normal just me letting out the breath. Except for yesterday on my squat PR, I let out more of a yell of accomplishment.
I scream while doing my abb routine.
It's weirding gymbros out, so I do it at home.
Silent grunter the same way I take it up the ass.
i scream LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!!!!!! on every rep and AIN'T NUTTING BUT A PEANUT!!!! when i finish my set
75 plates? Wow!
My friend does this before squatting.
.75, or 15kg
It's called bracing. You can't grunt or scream like a retard during the rep or you'll lose tightness in your core and eventually fuck up your back if you're lifting heavy (assuming that you can lift heavy with a loose core). That's why you only see the dyels lifting pussy weight grunting but never serious lifters.
The only noise I make when lifting heavy is the sound of me doing the Valsalva maneuver.
Funny thing is, I didn't even know it was a thing, or had a name, until I heard someone mention it on Veeky Forums. I just did it because it seemed to be a good thing to do.
Youve never seen a 'serious lifter' grunt or scream? Lol you new brah?
When I hit a new PR I let out a Ric Flair WOO
I'll usually make steam engine noises when doing bench or OHP, and sometimes grunt when doing the last few reps of other exercises. I think it does help, it makes me keep in the zone until I'm finished and can get out one last rep I didn't know I had.
As long as you don't slam the weights down and go UHHHH UUUUH UUUUUUUUNNNH while you lift I think it's fine to grunt a little.
> "anonette look, user's doing bench press again"
> "look how much he's lifting!"
> user: " choo choo, choo choo, CHOO CHOO"
I usually don't make more than a grunted count of the reps or a heavy breath after a rep. Except on 5rms the last rep usually gets a full on war cry.
I have a friend who just started lifting this year who sounds like he's being tortured with every rep though.
I do the hook breathing technique (how pilots breathe during high g forces) while I lift. Dont care if its autism, it helps maintain the oxygen levels under strain. Would reccomend
It helps pump you up, but try not to be obnoxious out of courtesy.
Everyone gym has that weak peacock faggot who screams while lifting baby weight. It's obnoxious. They're usually the ones slamming their sub 3 pl8 deadlift like it's the heaviest thing in the world.
At the end of the lift, yeah. During the lift not so much
No but i fart while squatting
Lel i always silently chuckle at the grunters. Especially when they're doing babby weights
This man knows.
I'm a gritter. I grit my teeth really hard. I'm starting to think it's not a good idea because I get chronic toothaches.
wear a mouth piece.
oh the comedy.
I'm quiet, but every rep I do brings out my 1rm face.
I do a quick little "HEP" at the end of a stronglift. It helps me get a rhythm going and adds a little explosiveness. I always get a little chuckle out of the hissers doing babyweights
YO! Me too!
sometimes when i'm doing my heavy ass deadlifts and i'm almost done with a set I start laughing a little as I reset for the rep
I'd scream too if I was squatting 75pl8s
When I first started lifting my friend told me to internalize the pain, direct everything I have to lifting the weight. Now, unless it's my 1rm I don't even twitch my face, or make a sound. It's good. Means less people stare and judge.
pr your squat
I grunt when I'm having trouble with a weight, but only literal retards scream while lifting.
>You know what I need for this exercise that causes me to breathe heavier? Less air!
Yes. In weighlifting and powerlifting.
All I do when I struggle is breathe heavily, maybe a little grunt but I never hear it because I have my headphones in