Lindy's getting a DNA test:
Other urls found in this thread:
>french ancestry
He’d literally erase all of his videos and remake them with pro- French bias
I don't know who this guy is so I don't care.
I hope his results are shit and impossible to twist in his favour
Aren't DNA tests very unaccurate?
too much talk about viking jeans
>Today, I'm going to talk to you all about what's called statistical noise...
For the most part, yes. The test those companies run aren't great, and they don't have a good track record of consistency; even they admit that, outside of huge percentages, it's mostly guesswork. I was actually disappointed in how much of an ad that video. Usually, his sponsored ads don't have much of a sales pitch (except a specifically mandated part of the video), and that mattress one he did actively shit on his sponsor and their demands.
>Today, I'm going to talk to you all about what's called statistical noise...
will kill himself on stream
I would recommend you guys checking out GEDmatch, it is a free service ran by genetic researchers, other scientistists and autistic haplogroup hobbyists.
>and that mattress one he did actively shit on his sponsor and their demands.
...he did a mattress vid?
>Scandinavian ancestry 35%
>Western European ancestry (German and FRENCH) 40%
>British and Irish 25%
Yes, and it's pretty hilarious. He clearly thinks the idea of someone known for historical videos doing a mattress review is ridiculous, and is very sarcastic about the whole thing, especially the requested unboxing part. A pretty large part of the video is just him trolling them in exchange for a free mattress and he apparently had to cut a bunch of stuff out before they let him post it.
Holy shit. This guy has a half hour long video on why women have breasts. Best channel ever.
>uploading my genetic information to some anonymous internet website
Anyone who does this deserves to have nanobots programmed to their DNA signature sent to destroy them
He looks like a subhuman m*d, I suppose he will have some untermensch haplogroup like E1b1b, J1 or J2.
Heh, I used MyAncestry, my genetic storage is right now in the MossadData bank. It couldn't be much worse.
Good lord
don't dare speaking to me, frenchie m*doid subhuman
>Black skin to hide in the night
>Eerie scimitar-eyebrows to behead the wh*teman
>Ghastly hook-nose to pierce the wh*teman's skull
>Eldritch ears to revel in the wh*teman's suffering
>Cold and merciless eyes to terrify inferior wh*toid
>Black Gold hair aka petroleum hair to cast despair into the whiteman's hearth
Actually 600k loci is nothing compared to 3billion base pairs in the genome. Also that 3billion number is just one haplotype, so a complete human has 6billion base pairs
23&me are kikes and ADMITTEDLY cheat the results to add nigger and shitskin ancestry to white people.(look it up)
They also belong to google.
Don't give your DNA to google.
>it's mostly guesswork
It's not guesswork. there are sophisticated models used to determine ancestry. Large scale ancestry like Eurasian vs African is really easy to determine. Small scale like North France vs South France is harder, but possible given a large number of samples.
what companies like 23andMe do is basically ADMIXTURE, which is used throughout academia and industry. There are some faults with ADMIXTURE, but for the case of determining ancestry the way 23andMe does, those faults are minimized. 23andMe and other academics use a reference panel, typically HapMap/1000 Genomes. This reference panel is pretty good.
Yes there is statistical noise (errors to be more correct) so whatever ancestry thats
>23&me are kikes and ADMITTEDLY cheat the results to add nigger and shitskin ancestry to white people
Butthurt amerimutt spotted :)
>56% is this mad
>untermensch haplogroup like E1b1b,
>nigger and shitskin ancestry to white people
1-2% is error. Whatever """article""" you reference is bogus. The story of the triplets can be explained with logical biological phenomena (somatic variation). That """study""" is not well controlled (did they prove they are identical with an orthogonal test?, no)
I've replicated 23andMe results with the HapMap3 reference panel and ADMIXTURE. It's not cheating
They are altered to show "we are all related, one race" etc. Jooish propaganda.
Also, give them your DNA and you are in their databases forever.
Who is the owner of 23andm?
They are very accurate. Certain white nationalists don't like the results from these tests so they have started spreading lies about the tests being unaccurate.
Companies have even admitted altering.
A shame that him, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great, put their inhuman energy at the service of Non-Afrasians.
It's going to to be 82% BURITITSH and you know it. look at lindy he's angle as fuck
Accuracy is not even the real issue here. It's the fact that neckbeards are willingly giving their biological source code to (((Google))) and the feds just so they can sperg about muh hurritage on Veeky Forums. Literally anyone who paid for this shit should be nominated for Darwin award.
>biological source code.
the absolute state of assmad ameriburgers.
I'm not American you repulsive jew shill monkey.
t billy "Cherokee ancestry" bob
t. Avram "don't hit in me silly goys" Corporateshillowitz Googleberg
>DNA testing is a lie made by the joos, we wuz whites
What exactly would the DNA profile of a 20 something unemployed shitposter be used for by feds?
Shill somewhere else.
They've done test on triplets who got markedly different results, not to mention they use bullshit like surnames to fill out the blank dots.
>nothing to fear here, goyim!
You are so fucking predictable.
>0.8% Native American
I got 100% english when I did a DNA check, so basically I'm eating fully comped gastropub cuisine and you're a 56% amerimutt paying for taco bells
>Boer ancestry
>Jews invented a way to get your genetic data AND spread multiculturalist agenda AND get your money all in one go
>/pol/ of all places fell for this trick
My fucking sides
all these big youtubers getting "advised" by their handlers at youtube hq to do dna tests and the fact that the youtube and 23andme CEOs are sisters is just a coincidence, right?
nice one
>tfw 6% french and 4% dutch
>tfw superior Med heritage
feels fucking good, my light skin, wavy hair, and light eyes had me worried I was a filthy G*rmanoid for a minute.
>Africa: 4%
y-yeah, "wavy" hair haha
Getting my test done, so GEDMATCH is the way to go when I get the raw data?
it's North Africa and therefore white you filthy N*rdoid.
Forget exact numbers but mine was something like
>40% Iberian
>20% Greek/Italian
>15% Europe West
>10% other European
>10% Sub-Saharan African
>5% North African/Arab
>5% Native American
Who's Lindybeige? Anyone willing to explain this guy to me?
Alright, get ready for the lindypill:
>Bonapartes AKA proto-Hitlers bow to Lindy
>In contact with aliens, especially the ones that won't be allowed due to the very economically advisable and non-retarded Brexit
>Possesses psychic-like abilities
>Controls England with an iron but fair fist
>Controls France with an iron and spiked fist
>Own castles & banks globally taken by his ancestors in the successful Hundred Years War
>descendant of the Anglo-Saxon royal bloodline which has zero French blood
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars
>(Lindyshire will be be the first city)
>own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood wear his sweaters
>said to have 215+ IQ thanks to BA in dance instruction, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Area 51 and Montgomery's command tent when planning Market Garden
>ancient Indian (rightful British) scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>except for the French
>invented nanobots to 'correct' all Boer and French blood
>you likely have Lindybots inside you right now
>in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (who were British), forwarding the word of God to the Anglican Church.
>learned fluent French in under a week, has never used it
>nationstates entrust their lard reserves with him, has forcefed it to vegans and corrected the population
>about 8 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society, but looks 30 due to superior Anglo science first seen in the fantastic Cromwell tank
>in reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>we hope he's a benevolent being
Am I white, Veeky Forums? I just got this today, my mother wanted to do it so I just spit in the bottle for her.
I'm not really scared of these jackasses having my DNA, they probably already would have had it, anyway.
get out of here right now you filthy Celtic-Germanic-trash before I Caesar you to death.
I'm not going to get a serious answer anytime soon, am I? Fucking Nazis...
>This is the average Anglo hater
It feels good to be Anglo.
In all seriousness, he's a Youtube guy with a BA in history and reenactment enthusiast who makes various videos on historical subjects, with particular regards to British history and medieval weaponry. He's something of a running joke on Veeky Forums because of a perceived strong pro-British bias and anti-French rhetoric. Among other things, he claims that the Churchill was the best tank of WW2, that Napoleon was extremely similar to Hitler, that the brody helmet was the best helmet of WW2, that England won the Hundred Years War, that the Boer War concentration camps were really refugee camps, that Operation Market Garden was a great victory, that the French descended and French speaking kings of medieval England weren't really French because French is a modern invention (but English isn't apparently), etc.
He used to work at a university as a dance instructor, and he learned about history from Wikipedia and video games so he feels qualified to make videos about history. Most of what he says is either extremely simplified, inaccurate, or just offensively wrong, but since he wears sweater vests, lets his hair go gray, and speaks authoritatively in a British accent many normies believe whatever he says. He is a meme on Veeky Forums because of how ridiculous some of the stuff he says is, what an over-the-top English nationalist he is, and how easily people are fooled by him.
Huh. So he's pretty much the definition of The Eternal Anglo? I bet he probably thinks Catholics are devils and Scots are savages.
Has anyone ever told him that Normans were pretty much French?
>12% Non-European
Hi Schlomo
>speaks authoritatively in a British accent many normies believe whatever he says
You know, I'd love it if we had more Youtube intellectuals with an accent belonging to one of the other European powers. Hearing half of every Youtube channel be some English dude is fucking boring.
Obviously, since dna is a social construct.
The guy who does Military History Visualized is Austrian.
Learn another language.
The problem is that other accents don't sound as authoritative. German might be the only exception. Imagine a French person trying to say something very serious in English? I don't think I could listen to that with a straight face. Meanwhile Spaniards talk with a lisp and Italians also sound silly. And almost anything east of that is gopnik territory.
The bottom line is that the best English speakers are native speakers, so they either have an American, British, or Australian accent. To Americans who make up most of the English-speaking internet, the stereotypical intellectual-sounding professor voice is English.
As a German I have to say that I cringe every time I hear somebody talk in English with a German accent
Just answer the question
>work at a university as a dance instructor
The absolute state of Veeky Forums...
Go back to your shithole, subhuman.
>8 hours
>still no barneyfag
>finally get 23&me results
>0.1% African
Seriously considering suicide right now.
Shut the fuck up lmao
Sorry bro, you're a Hapa
Criminally underrated
>'''''''Only''''''' 2%
Dude, you're descended from Normans. You're 100% French.
I can't wait for someone edit this with Lindy's face when the result is he's 5% french
23&Me admitted to adding non-white ancestry to white profiles in order to "screw with racists", which is incredibly retarded considering it's a service that people pay for. But yeah, keep Amerigoblinposting even though Euros are also ethnically mixed apes just like Burgers.
Butthurt frogs please leave
we'll find out soon enough
>The Boer war camps were refugee camps
But they were...
>biological source code
and what will ((((they)))) do with it?
>23&Me admitted to adding non-white ancestry
[Citation needed]
23andme, if one genetic marker is common among say austrians and zulus, they will say that you are
You don't have african heritage, when african dna doesn't show you they put
>get 23andme
>15% jewish
So how much of it is statistical noise?
>Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would've been fun to throw a "10 percent West African" in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. "Since we couldn't do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add '< 1 percent' to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren't lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it's a one or a zero."
they add