Who here /nosugar/?


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Literally the best decision I ever made

Problem is I feel hungover if I do ever eat it anymore

Its been about a month and a half since I cut out sugar. Craved it at first, but now I dont even think about it at all. Dont see why more people dont rid themeselves of the sugar jew

I eat a dessert/something sweet about once a month. What's actually bad about sugar though if you only eat something sweet a few times a week?

I've been doing it a week now. Was hard at first but the cravings are passing. Hopefully I'll last the month.

former fatty on a journey of 2 years here (5'7",19-21 180>120). Been gradually cutting out sugar and most shitty food. I thought I was able to go fully cold turkey about a month or so ago, but I still cave and find myself snacking once in a while, and the cravings are starting to get pretty vicious again. not sure if what I need is to push myself further in terms of self-control or just a legit cheat meal/day to get it out of my system for a while.

checking in

Took some time to get used to coffee without sugar but it's not even that bad tbqh

problem is that it's horribly addictive and few people can actually limit themselves to only one per week or one per month. It's easier to just decide to go zero

partaking in the caffeine jew

Fair enough. I know a lot of people who add it to everything
Funnily enough I have an incredibly addictive personality when it comes to drugs and gambling but I'm good at turning down food probably because I've viewed it as nutrition not entertainment since I was about 12

Is sugar specifically bad? Surely if it fits my macros its alright?

>inb4 bait

I'm a newfag and genuinely want to know
learn me you nigs

Last night I drank about a cup of soda for the first time since 2014. Went to bed feeling sick and like my blood sugar had dropped. Don't know how people only drink that shit.

Most cravings come from sitting on your ass and not doing anything so get busy.

It's not bad it's unnecessary.

>drinking coffee WITH sugar

top pleb

Sugar doesn't fit into any macros.

Honestly refined sugar is okay right before a workout to spike your blood sugar and make sure you dont get dizzy, and right afterwards to help quickly replenish glycogen stores

>go completely cold turkey 3 years ago
>no soda's, only water, no cookies or sugary snacks, not even fruits, only vitamin C supplements
>its pretty doable with enough veggies

>do this too not only because for weight loss, but also because of youtube.com/watch?v=jQr5PMSqkSk
>have actual clear symptoms of candida, like white rash on tongue, itchy elbows, itchy asshole and penor tip
>anti fungal creme from doctor helps to keep the symptoms at bay

>besides no sugar diet, also have extremely high pro-biotic diet with kefir and probiotic pills
>have to use cream less and less
>until now, where i dont have to use cream at all

>finally managed to suppress it
>start eating fruits again
>no resurgence
>dont really want to eat fruits again though
>small desire for sugar still remains (as it is/was healthy with people before the easy access to foods)
>but can easily control it now and prevent from the normie, fattening.


On a cut it is. Sugar spikes your insulin triggering your appetite while causing resistance to leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full.

that's actually completely on point. I've been realizing that my fat-mind still turns to snacking as a way of dealing with boredom, but when if I'm busy and actually engaged in what I'm doing, I'll skip meals or straight up forget to eat. time to find some shit to do

Not only does it spike insulin, it also legitimately promotes cancer cell growth

Natural sugars are fine familia. Its only refined sugars you need to worry about

I get cravings for something sweet most every night before going to bed. Years of having fruit smoothies post dinner cos they were "healthy" according to mother have got me fiending. I'll usually eat a can of mixed vegetables.

this, have an apple, orange, banana or something every once in a while, there are other important vitamins appart from C as well as minerals

>Not only does it spike insulin

Know what else spikes insulin? Protein.

Insulin spikes mean jack shit if you're not a sedentary overweight diabetic.

I used to be a complete sugar fiend, I ate ridiculous amounts before realizing I was on the type 2 fast track and started reigning it in and doing more stringent cuts where I only eat meat and vegetables for a few days. Coworker leaves those soft, after dinner mints in the break room from some party they had. Decide one after my meal won't kill me.
I was wrong, god awful shooting pains from my teeth, worried, but have dental visit coming up. Teeth are fine, turns out you can develop sensitivities to things with out constant exposure. Every time I get a sugar craving now my teeth throb and it goes away

I dreamt about eating two pieces of cake and then dreamt about drinking a gallon of water followed by endless cardio to try and get it out.

Sweet foods do very little for me. If I want something sweet, I'll grab an orange or something.

The only kind of sweet I really eat is chocolate. Like one or two dark chocolate Hershey's kisses every week.

My guilt food is pizza. Can't control myself around that shit.

I just started eating more fruits instead

>hey i have an idea
>why don't i replace sugar, with sugar


Best decision ive ever made.

It's replacing refined, nutritionally void, rapidly-absorbed sugar with whole foods that decrease your risk of developing chronic diseases. Sugar isn't bad just because "it's sugar."


>The WHO guideline does not refer to the sugars in fresh fruits and vegetables, and sugars naturally present in milk, because there is no reported evidence of adverse effects of consuming these sugars.

keep thinking there's any significant difference, they all get broken down into the same thing, if you aren't diabetic it literally doesn't matter.
These threads are always the same fucking dyels who try something new, get a placebo effect, then have to post on Veeky Forums how much better they are than others when they have no fucking clue about anything.

I only eat some in tea

Sugar and not cholesterol causes cholesterol

i can relate to this, I feel like shit the next day "hangoverish" I guess

No man, even fruits are kinda shitty. Fruits shouldnt be avoided of course, but they shouldnt be consumed too much either. Fast sugar is fast sugar.

rephrase it with "no free sugars" and I'm in

thats pretty fucking impossible to do. most shit i eat has some kind of sugar. milk? that has sugar. bananas? you better fuckin believe it. Rice? sugar motherfucker.


>they all get broken down into the same thing

At different rates, which matters a lot. Complex carbs get broken down into simple sugars too. Even proteins can be converted into sugars. Unlike with white sugar, the water, fiber, and phytochemical content of fruit lowers the absorption of the sugars so that they enter the bloodstream in a slower, more controlled way rather than just dumping a bunch of glucose into the bloodstream at once. And with fruit, you also get anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-angiogenic, and neuro-protective compounds.

"Causes cholesterol"

All my sugar comes from fruit, rice, cottage cheese, etc, so I never get sugar lows or highs anymore. Since fixing my diet (and cutting out all sweets basically) I have constant energy throughout the day and never fall asleep at 3pm like I used to. I do miss Maoam Pinballs though.

The only time I eat sugar is when I add a bit of brown sugar to my greek yoghurt

Otherwise I have cut sugar from my life, no candies, no sugar in coffee/tea/whatever

Haven't eaten sugar for about a year now. I was heavily addicted to sugar, eating more than 200g chocolate per day. I quit cold turkey because I read so much bad things about how sugar fucks up your body and most importantly your digestive system. Sugar nurtures a fungus called candida that fucks up your immune system, is responsible for mood swings, depression, anxiety and even changes your behaviour by sending your brain signals that gets you to eat their food - sugar.

I rebuilt my digestive system by taking Escherichia coli pills, good bacteria which help your immune system and has influence over your mental and physical health.

I'm doing pretty well, never cheated since I stopped eating that shit. I still dream about eating cake or other sweets every other day though, reminding me that I'm a sugar addict.
Hardest part is telling people that I don't want to eat their cake, like my gf's ma/grandma, my aunts etc. Most of them feel insulted and don't get my talk about sugar addiction.

I'm not a preacher though, quit it or don't. I'm just sharing my experience.

>Sugar nurtures a fungus
>by taking Escherichia coli pills

think you've been reading a little too many alternative medicine blogs bro

>Unlike with white sugar, the water, fiber, and phytochemical content of fruit lowers the absorption of the sugars so that they enter the bloodstream in a slower, more controlled way rather than just dumping a bunch of glucose into the bloodstream at once.

source on this perhaps?

I know that complex carbs are slow to adsorb, but never heard that of fruits. If good enough source, I might eat a bit more fruits again.

Not the guy you're replying to but those e.coli pills are normal probiotic bacteria found in kefir for example. I take them 3 times per year. He's right that sugar tilts the good vs bad bacteria in your digestive system to the bad side. Probiotics help you regaining lost ground.
There are a lot of studies around but I can't be assed to find them.

this nigga is pretty much saying the same thing.

meant to reply to


Polyphenols in fruits affect the transportation of sugars

No mang, that dude is right. Watch this sensationalized, corporate half truth video, it explains the core truth pretty well


I am also this personWith candida there are

>clear symptoms (white tongue, rashes on ellbows, butthole and penor tip)
>clear cures (ketoconazole from my doc removes the itching in those area's)

and the "home remedies" also are effective, as I have used ketonacol less and less.

>l reuteri

Is what I used to restore my gut balance. It also cured me of car sickness.

Candida is not a myth, or something we imagined. Science acknowledges it as a problem, but it is somewhat a not well researched topic, so it lies on the fringes of science. But its science still, its not homeopathy or faith healing...

>strawberry and apple

I wonder if it applies to all fruits though, article behind a paywall but I believe ya.

>Content of Phenolic compounds in Tea, Coffee, Berries and Fruits
The content of total phenolic acids range from 0 (pear cider) to 103 mg/100 g fresh weight (rowanberry). Besides rowanberry, the best phenolic acid sources among berries are chokeberry (96 mg/100 g), blueberry (85 mg/100 g), sweet rowanberry (75 mg/100 g), and saskatoon berry (59 mg/100 g). Among fruits, the highest contents (28 mg/100 g) ared in dark plum, cherry, and one apple variety (Valkea Kuulas). Coffee (97 mg/100 g) as well as green and black teas (30-36 mg/100 g) are the best sources among beverages. Caffeic acid dominates in all of these samples except in tea brews.

>the blueberry jew returns

I forgot to put sugar in my coffee one day, but it wasn't even that bad

The polyphenols in question are very commonly distributed among fruits. I had the full article a long time ago, trying to see if I can find it again for you.

This justifies my insane daily coffee consumption


I am already glad that you linked to some form of research dude, most people dont even do that. Most people just have an opinion, shout it loudly, proclaim it to be the truth and then leave.

I sometimes do that too, but quite rarely and often tied to popular lore, days before, and often I even do the trouble to find it back. But others dont do that. So I am glad that you just give a mediocre amount of fucks already. No need to go the extra mile.

Though, this topic may re-occur a bit in the future, I may paste it to educate others.

>If you don't happen to have a doctor to give you a $5 anti-fungal cream

that is what I literally said though user.

>apply anti fungal cream
>candida itching goes away

what you just did is a typical strawman.

This video was also pretty neat


also, here is a potent counter to that, though of secondary proofs, not first. (kinda unrelated to candida)

(introduction into importance of probitotics)


(corporate half truth scaremongering, still kinda truth though)


(weird bonus effects of probiotics)

(possible test increasing)

(also some extended lore outside of the stomach)


I recommend dropping the brown sugar (which is usually white sugar with molasses added) for just straight molasses. Tastes way better in oats in my opinion, They also sell natural brown sugar (which is a byproduct of the molasses manufacturing process), if you absolutely must have the sweetness in your oats. Disregard post if already using natural brown sugar.

Also switch the word oats with yogurt, I use molasses in both

Your first link is a bullshit "we're so funny and satirical" website

Your second and third link has good criticism to the sensationalized aspect of EVIL CANDIDA, but fails to cite other studies that talk about the importance of balanced good vs bad bacteria in the digestive system, not necessarily the candida.

Your fourth link talks about the quacks that want to sell you special ANTI CANDIDA MEDICINE NOW FOR ONLY 200$

Probiotics are very very important to your health, there are dozens if not hundreds of studies supporting that claim.

Claiming that

>Sugar nurtures a fungus called candida that fucks up your immune system, is responsible for mood swings, depression, anxiety and even changes your behaviour by sending your brain signals that gets you to eat their food - sugar.

is pseudoscientific garbage very different from the medically recognized condition that has an ICD-10 code

what YOU just did is a typical goal post change

>I have this strawman
>No its not a strawman, you just never had this literally written standpoint in your post a while ago, its all a lie!

I eat fruit so no

Or add some berries or even dried fruit so you're getting in some healthy servings of fruit as well

>having an addictive personality
>being addicted to sugar

Just playing devils advocate. What do you say to this study?

to add to that: I can feel a verbal joust coming up, but I have to go to bed. Sort this out yourself.

But clear symptoms of candida are

>itching elbows

Which other diseases have such distinct symptoms?

>itching butthole
>itching and white spots on private parts

All very clear symptoms. All part of candida overgrowth. Hard to call that a hoax...oh well. Not sure about the US and the classifications, but here its recognized as a fungal infection.

So eating sugars is perfectly healthy? This thread made me really scared of sugars.

>healthy individuals shelling out money for trendy lacto-fermented drinks and snacks are probably flushing money down the drain.
>healthy individuals

If your gut isnt healthy, you are not one of these individuals you buffoon.

Those links, aside from the already addressed video, are all opinion pieces with speculation from animal models. Granted, it's a lot better than spouting complete nonsense about Candida and what I was responding to. Learn to read.

I wish I was strong enough for /nosugar/. I really eat too much of it and I think it makes me drowsy after a couple hours.

You're using this word incorrectly. I directly quoted your previous post.

>most are opinion pieces

lol, its the opposite, barely any are in there. Only the corporate shill video is, the rest is pure science.

I could add the research about the gut bacteria of autistic people to that. but I feel like you arent one of these people who really cares about the truth. More like an annoying shitposter.

Are you brain dead? I havent quoted anything about mood swings or whatever. The only thing that I mentioned were the clear symptoms, you shitposter.

You literally just came out, posted a bunch of shit about hippies and then said that I was one of them, even though I only mentioned clear symptoms and the usage of the anti fungal cream.

I think I am off to bed now. Wasting my time with tards here.

>opinion pieces
>actual science

Are you actually a Nestle shill?

You quoted my post, not his you fucking retard. I even used a name on the post you quoted, it should really be easy to differentiate us 2

Allowing the cancer jew

No, refined sugar is harmful for many reasons. Just not because grows a fungus that induces a bunch of vague health problems, and expensive probiotic supplements are somehow the panacea for it.

>lol, its the opposite, barely any are in there.
Except that's all you linked. Opinion pieces and animal models.

>I could add the research about the gut bacteria of autistic people to that.
That's great, but it's still preclinical data, and doesn't change the fact that "probiotics" aren't an approved treatment autism.

>childish insults

Don't worry, defeat accepted.

What's good food to eat to avoid consuming a lot of sugar? I read 30g is the maximum amount a person should eat in a day but some of the stuff I eat has a decent amount in it. Yogurt is usually around 6g, cereal and granola bars have 8-12g, coffee creamer is 6g if I drink two cups, bananas usually have a lot etc.

I feel like it's kind of difficult to pick food to bring to school or work to eat besides nuts, bananas and rice cakes.


(the gut flora from obese mice, makes healthy mice also more prone to obesity)


Il supplement my copypaste and make it even stronger now.


>meta insults
>meta name calling

the shitposters sure grow craftier by the day.

I drank a diet coke the other day for the first time since quitting and got a horrible headache. I have no idea how I drank 6+ a day

to add to that: I remember something about human breast milk, but I dont think thats enough to keep me searching and awake for today, now I mean it and I am of to my eurobed.

That's the key to not being fat. I can't believe people even consider food as entertainment

You have to make sure to pay for your sugars?

It's incredible how much you can move goal posts. That's another animal model and not a clinical trial in humans. They're not always the same with respect to gut physiology


and some obesogens can work independently of the microbiome


Also, many of these findings are hard to replicate. The whole field is rife with academic fraud and variability in study design which makes it even harder to interpret.


>>meta insults
>>meta name calling
>the shitposters sure grow craftier by the day.
Talking about yourself again?

I've never really thought about it like that. I've turned down food when I'm not hungry ever since I can remember. Some people literally just eat because they're bored don't they?

Okay but if I can't eat bread or fruit what do I even eat before dinner

whole grain bread

470g of sugar erryday

you weak ass betas will never achieve the true bermode

post pic of urself


I grew up drinking ~3 sodas a day plus whatever other sugary bullshit I could find thanks to my shit parents. I'm much better now that I'm in charge of my own diet, but I don't know if the cravings for refined sugar will ever go away.

>drinking coffee

I very rarely drink fizzy drinks but if I do it's always sugar free

The cinema is basically the only time I ever have them 2bh

I do, unfortunately, eat sugar every day though (after dinner I always crave sugar and eat something shitty like chocolate or whatever)

You 'mirin?