Hi Veeky Forums this is my body...

Hi Veeky Forums this is my body, obviously I'm not a fattie but as you can see there is a small amount of fat around the stomach but otherwise I'm a skinny guy. I've been exercising recently but am clueless about nutrition. Should I "cut" a little first to lose the stomach fat?

This will probably seem stupid to you but it's a serious question.

hello? pls just a small piece of advice that i need :(

Just do an AB routine, there's muscles there too you know.

Yeah I know man but I've heard about people cutting to lose fat first so I thought maybe I needed to do that

You don't need that. You're a tiny twink boy and you need to get some mass on you before some Veeky Forumsfag decides to use as a portable onahole he'd carry around in his back pocket.

You're just gonne look worse if you cut

Aight cheers lads

Stop being Indian first

Pure white English mate, I've just been in the sun a lot since April because I've been travelling. Never had so much colour in my life 2bh I'm usually pasty af

>obviously I'm not a fattie

scooby style bulk


Since I live in the middle of buttfuckign nowhere, I have no access to gyms.
Which exercises are recommended to build abs and back muscle and can be done at home/outside?
Whenever I'm doing sit ups, I get the feeling I'm doing them wrong.

Forget cutting or bulking until you know what they are and have just been going gym for a few months. Start simple, eat protein, and read Veeky Forums

I'm not :( Just a bit of flub around the belly because I party a lot but I've dropped alcohol from my diet now completely
?? no idea what this means m8

Get a home gym you cuck, or work out in a park if you're /chimp/

>Get a home gym you cuck
I would if I had the money.
>or work out in a park if you're /chimp/
I'm surrounded by forest with the occasional house.

OP here well I don't know much but sit ups are so easy. Bro just youtube a guide. It's impossible to do it wrong there's so much info easily available.

Get a new hobby m8

On a serious note, should be doable but fuck if I know how. People get jacked in prison with less

>not fat
>there is fat covering stomach