Reminder there is literally nothing wrong with class warfare.
Reminder there is literally nothing wrong with class warfare
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What about being a flaky two-faced cocksucking faggot with the initials BR. IS that so wrong?
Reminder your own champagne sipping socialist leaders are about as far from working class as Tsar Nicholas II.
There is literally nothing wrong with race warfare
that would be true if there were little to none social mobility.
unfortunatly, we (first world) live in a society with alot of social mobility.
next year you might be fighting yourself.
Dachas are ok when gommie dictators have them
>you too, can become upper class overnight
Can't wait for this obvious falseflag to draw in the perpetually offended /pol/fags
no socialist society in the history of humanity made that problem any better
Dictators like Stalin are obviously no better than any other ruling class.
Nice strawman faggot.
How on earth would you part any russian leader from his dacha
EVROMAIDAN, if his Dacha is in the Crimea
>unfortunatly, we (first world) live in a society with alot of social mobility.
This must be why the vast majority of Ivy League students come from bourgeois families right
Why are you talking about this like the 1% is where everyone should end up? I am talking about social mobility as in low class -> lower middle class ->upper middle class. Besides, with the exception of a handfull of people, very few stay in the 1%. What goes up, must come down.
>move from peon to executive peon
>what goes up must come down
Yeah the rothschilds sure have declined
>with the exception of a handfull of people, very few stay in the 1%. What goes up, must come down.
reading comprehension you fucking retard.
It's the old dynamic of old money and new money.
>Yeah the rothschilds sure have declined
so they're good with money, so what? The jewish community seem to have a awful amount of nobel prizes, they should distribute those around a little dont you think?
One thing I find funny about commies is that they assume they'll all win a class war.
Wars take logistics, manpower, and organization.
Two of those are literally the specialty of the burgoise, and one of those can be replaced with robots.
I haven't been in /pol/ is months now bc I quit politics, but something i've noticed is that every single other board has a fucking fetish for mentioning /pol/. literally every thread on this website has some weird fuckin shills desperately trying to btfo /pol/. every single thread. it's bizzarre. some ppl believe differently than you I'm sorry
Tyrany of the fortunate over the unfortunate is a violation of the NAP, therefore, in Ancap, the fortunate who try this will receive a free recreational mininuke.
Class identity is a meme because unlike national identity it's a liquid status. You can born poor as fuck and die a tycoon and vice versa.
>establish a fully centrally controlled state that also has a central bank
>this will somehow not result is a dictatorship (even though Marx said it would in communist manifesto) and/or will magically lead to a stateless society
why do left wingers choose to be retarded?
"Class warfare" is just a fancy term for "I'm poor because I'm stupid so I'll steal from those better than me".
The vast majority aren't bourgeoiuse, tho.
As opposed to stealing from poor people be sure you’re smart?
>Buy machines
>Let poor people use run my machines for money
>Commie comes along and says that stuff made in my machines belongs to them because they stood around and pushed buttons
>the workers of a company have no credit in its success
t. corporate leech
theyre gears
>t. spoiled middle class kid
If they want a piece of the company they can buy it like the shareholders did.
I see nothing wrong here. It drives from point A to point B, Da?
So do horses, for a lot cheaper.
t. Budyonny
Finally an anarchist thread.
>Daily reminder that Ancaps are the only actual anarchists. All other types just redefine what government/the state is.
>"dude replace the state with corporate monopolies lmao"
Thats actually the only version of anarchy thats stateless. left anarchist just want to rename government and then say they dont have one now. both are dumb for the record
Yes, the best way to help the poor is obviously to make everybody miserable.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
>with the exception of a handfull of people, very few stay in the 1%
Ebin strawman
Maybe in your little world.
how is that, in any way whatsoever, a strawman? Do you just use words you dont understand when your paper thin meme ideology gets a glaring hole poked through it so easily?
Both left and right wings of anarchism are based on justified hierarchies. Whatever that entails depends on the type of anarchist.
Corporations are literally a creation of the law. The entire concept of incorporation is essentially a privilege granted by the government. Without a government there would be no incorporation.
But corporate monopolies only care about profit where the commune cares about the people.
authoritarianism and hierarchy are innate components of any human society
It means that perhaps you should reevaluate what it is you're actually trying to do, because it is not what you claim to be trying to do, hence the constant failure.
So much for the NAP. As if that would've been followed anyways.
technicaly the commune is the people, by the time the commune has to 'care about the people' shits already fucked sidewys
>But corporate monopolies
as in, not the government/state, the "commune" would have to be a government body in order to enforce anti-monopolie laws or to enforce any other shared ownership marxist things
>because it is not what you claim to be trying to do,
Nice mind reading skills.
Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with killing communists.
Suppose your principle would be "the unfortunate ought to forecefully drag down the fortunate to their level".
Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with killing non-communists.
>average person
>rich “”””people””””
Yeah I definitely know who I’m siding with
Fucking this. Slaves can and should kill their oppressors.
Howd that work out for the USSR, Haiti, and China?
>In this system without laws, you will be rules by a legal entity!
The absolute megastate of ancoms
I think you've replied to the wrong post as in all those countries, the capitalists killed the communists.
I was referring to Marxists broadly. What they claim to be trying to do and what they actual are trying to do are not the same thing.
>haha yeah we own everything and fuck you over daily, what’re you gonna do about it?
>capitalist “””””morality””””
It's another 'philosopher talks about things they know nothing about but they hope no body notices' episode