This is the physique of a man voting for Trump

Why do leftie scum look so fucking weak and effeminate?

Why do y'all lefties have a weak ass chin?

Other urls found in this thread:

Go back, this isn't related to fitness

Polfit faggot.


i hope i'll one day reach this physique, i want to be viking mode. i still look skinny at 175lbs/6"0', added 7kg in 3 months. don't want to look like a weak beta leftist anymore.
i do 3pl8 diddlylift tho. im working on it pls dont give me up brothers!!!

It's fitness political philosophy.

You limp wristed lefty feggits.


Yeah, back when he was in high school

Now he's a fatass couch potato reminiscing about high school football glories, popping opiods, and collecting disability checks while bitching about illegal immigrants being freeloaders


Fight me.

Reminder that Leonard Persin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Mentzer, Lou Ferrigno, Mark Rippetoe, Mark Lobliner, Lee Priest and many more bodybuilders and powerlifters are confirmed right wingers.

Post body, DYEL

Clinton is a literal sociopath, a liar, and a corrupt politician.

Still infinitely better than trump

Right wingers are just as bad if not worse than leftist HAES feminist genderqueer tumblrinas

oh no, CTR made its way to Veeky Forums now?



I posted that and don't know what ctr is.
All I know is trump supporters don't even lift.


He's Jay Gould, former tech guru and current millionaire.

Why don't you post your body for us?

Arnold wouldn't last a day in today's GOP

Rip is more of a Dale Gribble-libertarian type

>Leftist SJW movements like body positivity, fat acceptance,benefits for the otherwise disabled such as welfare, and free pills and healthcare for the people who can't take care of themselves.
>Non-competitive thinking such as socialism, communism, free shit, is a magnet for anorexic men and otherwise invalid people.
>Leftists is the politics of irresponsibility.

>hurr dank memes are a better argument than sam harris articulating why clinton is the lesser of the two evils
Good job, /pol/lack.

I like how you dont post body because you are megaDYEL

>if you aren't a radical leftist, you automatically support trump
Retards, ladies and gentlemen.

lmao all the butthurt lefties in this thread

>while reminiscing about popping your wife's cherry when she was 15

Lmao at these "I'm so euphoric and enlightened. I'm so much better than everyone I knew in high school" bitterfags


Lmao all the dyel /pol/ faggots who have never touched a barbell in this thread

Not sure how u ascertain anything to do with Trump.
>Sperg is triggered.

>Why do y'all lefties have a weak ass chin?
Trump confirmed lefty?

Compelling argument, DYEL.

I feel sam harris did a better job, though

Why are /pol/tards trying to convince themselves they look like Chads when your actual Chads are the nice popular guys that get along with everyone. /pol/tards are scrawny 16 year olds that posts white supremacist speeches on a japanese cartoon forum like pic related.

>thread about trump
Gee i wonder

It's funny you had to save this as a resort to anonymous people on a Scandinavian basket weaving forum repeatedly calling you a fedora.

You have to go back, shitposter.

>take two seconds to google "le hat guy joke"
Yes, what a desperate tactic i have resorted to, clearly you have me on the ropes

Be own one though don't you?

Never have.
never even get called fedora really.

Also the first time i wasted my time talking to /pol/lacks, so i am assuming that is the main cause

Does this sexy motherfucker look like a fedora wearing fagbitch?

Because being liberal is mainstream among their peers and they want to be different.

Most Trump supporters just like the idea that he pisses people off. This is because they are emotionally-damaged and in need of professional health

They look like that carl the cuck meme /pol/ loves to use to describe the appearance of "libruls"

Why are you guys so fucking gay for this faggot?

I'm a woman and I don't find his tribal tattoos, pussy blonde hair, deformed chin, and dyel arms attractive. He just looks like a mongoloid.

>liberals are so far down Hillary's asshole that they unironically believe this
what are you going to tell me next, that Trump eats little babies?

pic related, that's the type of people who ARE WITH HER. But here you are telling us that we're DYEL.
LM@OING at your life

Arnold's still in today's GOP and last time I checked libertarianism was right wing

He also has small hands
Babby hands=babby dick
Clinton probably has a bigger clit

Look at what Arnold did as governor. Massive government infrastructure spending, particularly with an eye toward clean energy. Wouldn't last in today's GOP

Libertarianism is the redheaded stepchild of the GOP. They were considered wingnuts and suppressed for decades by conservative intellectuals (Buckley, National Review). It's only been in recent years that the John Birch Society/Cliven Bundy types have been given an air of legitimacy

Why do so many conservatives bug the fuck out about anecdotes and one-off random events?

>some random broad writes a stupid article

If you aren't DYEL, post body.

You will not because you are DYEL
>hurr this boderline satire is representative of everyone who doesn't support trump
I hope for your sake you are just being outrageous to get attention, and not actually retarded

I didn't post my body because you are obviously a paid shill. Anyone with a brain knows that physically fit patriots will vote for Trump in record numbers.

I am not an American

Why are leftists 'cucks' and trump voters 'alpha'?

Libertarianism is still right wing and Rippletits, Lobliner and Mentzer are all adherents to it. I'd say it's the ultimate Veeky Forums ideology because it's about doing shit yourself rather than waiting for the state to do it for you like an entitled cuck.

leftists hate their country and want to import mass Muslim and Somalian migrants. The only logistical reason you would want these people to come into your country illegally to live of welfare and rape your women is if you had a fetish for watching them fuck your wife/gf, aka cuckolding. That's where the word cuck comes from.

Trump supporters understand that it's their responsibility to protect their own tribe and it's borders despite what the childlike minds of leftists think and no matter how many times they try to slander their name by calling you racist. They do whats right even when the mainstream media and the traitor globalist politicians are telling them it's wrong.

>shit body with what looks like a man bun
yeah, point proven I guess

confirmation bias is more common in the less educated

Its a buzz cut, DYEL

>so much effort to flex under the right angle and under the right light
>abs still 404

kekkeroni m8ey

Im a communist and stronger than you faggot

I'd say it's about being the best version of yourself so you can help people who need it

After all, I'm pretty sure that's what Jesus would do

>I'm so different look how racist I am.

essentially /pol/fag virtue signalling.

Post The Iron Extortionist in his MAGA hat so we can /thread

>/pol/fag virtue signalling.
Holy shit way to hit the nail on the head

Delete your account

>I didn't post my body because you are obviously a paid shill.

How is anyone but you a shill when you bring politics to a fitness board?

You're quick to call out "hillary shills" but what about Trump shills? Isn't the presence of trump shilling much more abundant than for clinton?

Wow, I can see that you're a giant nu-male faggot even over the internet


Lmao you're definitely suffering from the same delusional warped reality of your leftist beta cult if you for some reason think you look slightly intimidating or muscular


AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA .... that face... that body.. checks out

>if you for some reason think you look slightly intimidating or muscular

post your body perhaps?

that's literally you but with being racist though

This is a board about fitness. What the everloving fuck does Trump or Clinton or Bernie sanders have to do with it? We're just trying to discuss fitness and you come in here with "muh niggers", "Muh wall", "Muh deport the mexicans". Who cares? Keep it on /pol/ it's just unrelated here

Because it is on record that "Correct the record" has been paid $6million to form teams of people who spend all day on the internet shilling for Clinton. They are all over reddit and Veeky Forums.
It's not a meme. Every time you see one person in a thread randomly pop up and start shilling for Clinton in a desperate panic you can be assured that person is paid to do it

>AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA .... that face... that body.. checks out

Attach a picture of your current body.

You have 10 minutes

Canadian here, cheers amerineighbours.

I'm rather confused regarding presidential candidate trump, I don't really know much about his platform (except of course his radical foreign policy, and he's republican, so >muh guns). I have no real preference and no reason not to like trump, so I'm wondering what other policies he has that make him so attractive, and why people put so much effort into crusading in his name on Veeky Forums

please omit any memery (>maga, >buildwall, etc.) and anything involving his foreign policy or gun regulation, I'm already up to speed there

help a friend out lads

>Because it is on record that "Correct the record" has been paid $6million to form teams of people who spend all day on the internet shilling for Clinton. They are all over reddit and Veeky Forums.

Don't you think it's also quite likely there is Trump shills who spend all day shilling for Trump as well?

I mean go on /pol/ it's non-stop MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA spam, or really any board. There's always a thread somehow tying Trump with whatever board topic, just like this very thread.

>Every time you see one person in a thread randomly pop up and start shilling for Clinton in a desperate panic

I don't really see happening much at all, if not at least far less so than what's done for trump.

If anything, I see Trump shills EXPONENTIALLY More often than Clinton shills on Veeky Forums.

He insults people and bitches about "political correctness", which basically means conservatives want safe spaces where they can say whatever they want and people won't call them racists

I want to be fit because I want to overthrow the government

And kill untermensch

just looking for facts on his platform, thanks.

>I want to be fit because I want to overthrow the government

Well are you fit?

post your body

>And kill untermensch

What if you are the very untermensch you hate and you get killed instead? Have you considered that?

The reason America has shit health care is because health insurance companies aren't allowed to cross state lines. This has resulted in each state being totally monopolized by one insurance company who can charge and do whatever they want. Trump wants to remove this sanction and make it so that all health insurance companies can operate everywhere in America. The free market and competition between companies will result in record low prices. This combined with price transparency will result in America having the best health care it has ever had.

The root of the dwindling American economy is corporate inversion. The reason all the best corporations in America are moving to Ireland is because America's corporation tax is 45% and Ireland's tax is 12%. Pfizer just spent $150billion to move to Ireland because $150billion will look like nothing compared to the money they save on tax. Trump wants to lower America's corporation tax to 14% because not only will it stop corporations from leaving, it will give incentive for new corporations to begin in and move to America. This will create new jobs and opportunities and create millions of new jobs and fix the horrible youth unemployment rate.

nice underwear
i have the exact same pair


>responding to the same post twice in your post.
Good job on outing yourself as a newfag, shill. I doubt you will be getting paid the standard $0.02 for that post

Because liberals daw the same comparisons to poor, uneducated country whites and school shooters.

post your body, Mr Ubermensch Aryan

>You have 10 minutes
>post your body on a kazakhstan volleyball team image exchange forum
you wish dyel boy. enjoy that face HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

I hope that shit is fake

good argument dude

But what makes you think there aren't Trump shills when he's getting shilled far more on Veeky Forums? How often do you see Hillary Clinton threads posted on Veeky Forums for example than Trump threads?


So you talk shit but you refuse to post your body?

Why? Just post your body, show us your Aryan body. You aren't a skinnyfat degenerate are you?

right here mate

typical /pol/ fatass who doesn't even lift but comes to Veeky Forums to shill for trump

Can't wait until he loses to kek at /pol/ tears

It was a good argument. Thanks shill

Also my common sense makes me think that and knowing that Trump gets 20x the number of supporters at his rallies than Clinton

Postin in a Veeky Forums MAGA thread


>Rallies are an accurate barometer of electoral performance

Yeah just ask former president Hubert Humphrey

>It was a good argument. Thanks shill

How is it that anyone who disagrees with you is a Shill, but people blatantly spamming Trump threads aren't shills?

>Also my common sense makes me think that and knowing that Trump gets 20x the number of supporters at his rallies than Clinton

Then why do the polls reflect Clinton leading?



Rallies are an accurate barometer of public enthusiasm and willingness to express your support for your candidate. You are going to have to try harder if you want to earn those $0.02

why don't you post your body?

It's really easy to criticize and pretend to be "Le Aryan bodybuilder millionaire entrepreneur" when you refuse to post your own body

God emperor has great physique. Tremendous strength and stamina.

>Rallies are an accurate barometer of public enthusiasm and willingness to express your support for your candidate

What about polls?

The polls that have Clinton leading? Or is that probably paid off by hillary because it disagrees with you?


fair point on the healthcare, although being canadian, it's still a foreign notion to me

>the root of the dwindling american economy is corporate inversion
Not necessarily saying you're wrong, but that's a rather bold claim for so complex an issue. I'm somewhat skeptical of trickle down economics.

thanks for the input