Be me

>be me
>5 hours ago
>go go Carowinds with friend, bros day out kinda shit
>drop $135 each for full passes, get the "Fast Lane Plus" pass (basically just cut right past all the plebs and get on the ride first)
>generally hype as hell, sending snapchats the whole way there to friends
>get inside, get our wristbands and head over to the first coaster, The Intimidator
>walk past everyone, get on coaster first

>see the seat
>mfw I can tell the seat is gonna be a tight ass squeeze for my ass from 10 feet away
>approach the seat slowly. I have a feeling I know what's about to happen
>somehow manage to force myself into the seat, once inside it, it's not so bad
>find the seatbelt, strap in with that with ease
>next comes the bar that comes down and clamps your legs in to really secure you in the seat
>reach for it, bring it down to my lap, expecting it to click in
>shit literally comes no where close to being able to latch
>begin sweating profusely, panicking
>all other passengers now strapped in ready to go
>I'm now putting every lb/ft of muscle I have into getting this thing to click down
>ride attendant notices me, comes over to help
>"h-heh, I d-don't think it'll latch s-shut"
>"here, let me try to help"
>attendant puts pretty much her entire upper body weight on it and it clicks into place
>squeezing me so hard my legs almost instantly lose circulation and my feet start tingling
>"h-holy shit"

Apparently it needs to click down three times in order for the ride to be able to start

>ride host dude comes on the intercom
>"Still waiting on SEAT 83 to be secured
>ride attendant starts repeatedly mashing the shit down on my legs over and over like she's trying to shut a suitcase with wayyy too much clothes in it
>"I think I'll be fine"
>"SIR, this is a legitimate security issue, you will not be able to ride. Please stand up and exit the ride to your right"
>friend is a bro and also get up and comes with me off the ride
>walk of shame away from the ride

please post your body with timestamp

Can't right now as I'm still with friends but for a sense I'm 6'1" 290 lbs. I never would've guessed the seats would be that small. I saw people there who were WAYYY larger than me, easily 350+. I assumed that since the majority of people in the US are morbidly obese these days, the seats would be more than enough to accommodate me.

I luckily got a refund. We just ended up leaving after that. Today was a horrible day.

It was at this moment OP decided to start his life long journey of getting fit. Join the club bro. We all had different ways of starting but we all have the same goal of achieving our dream bodies

Are you fat or just big?

Lanklets getting what they deserve. Manlet uprising has begun.

------------ you must be this short to ride

I'll be honest today was also a good day in a sense. I think this might be the push I needed to finally go through with this shit and stop being fat. And desu I don't even care too much about being toned or nothing like that. I just don't want to be a lardass any more.

You don't have any pics of yourself you can post at all? Do it or you're just fat.

One sec I might be able to get something here

how do you even get that obese