What did they mean by this? Why in 2017 is this allowed on Wikipedia?

We did they normies and grandpas to keep pumping this shit on the way to 10k and beyond, but when wikipedia has it on its "Scams and confidence tricks" section it does not help our cause.

So going back to my original question, what did they mean by this?

pic very related.

Other urls found in this thread:


just some salty nocoiner cuck who slipped that in there and had a kek to himself.

Say goodbye to all your money.

Probably but I don't like it, we need to get it out of that section.

Wikipedia. Shut it down.

people are afraid of change and things they don't understand

I love checking biased edits in wikipedia to see if there are in fact commies behind them (which turns out to be the case for about 70% of such edits while the rest probably just didn't bother putting the commie badge on their profile)

>This is the revision where that was added en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Internet_fraud&diff=prev&oldid=619488328 (2014)
>By en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Funandtrvl

Not openly a commie but who knows. It's a female tho

Oh, just noticed that she's a boomer as well. That explains everything

why are boomers so against crypto? don't they want the current generation to get out of the problems they started?

Wrong. You're looking at the page, not the template. The actual culprit is an unregistered IP address. I fixed it instead of just whinging because that's what wikipedia's all about.

This is the revision edited by the IP
This is the one edited by the female

Both of which are indicated at the top of the page. Also the edit of the female user is the first time the word "bitcoin" ever appeared on that article

>I fixed it instead of just whinging because that's what wikipedia's all about.
You sound like a massive faggot

Still wrong. You're looking at a revision that adds that template to the article. The template is it's own thing.
And here's its edit history
And here's the relevant edit.
Next time, consider the possibility that you're wrong.

>You sound like a massive faggot
You sound like you just got learned how wikipedia works.

Fucking grandma does not understand Bitcoin, so decides to call it a scam.

So what happened did you guys edit it? I don't know how wikipedia works, can anyone just make an edit?

Founder hates cryptocurrencies, prob cause he can't launch an ICO for he's shitty site.

Yes, anyone can edit. Mostly, whoever puts in the effort gets control. In theory disagreements are resolved by discussion. In reality, there's ranks of increasingly privileged users who adjudicate lower tiers when disputes get unruly.

Damn, he is salty. Not only did he call it a scam, but an "absolute scam". Now it makes more sense why wikipedia is slandering bitcoin with blatant lies.

>Gets random NEETs to build the world's biggest online encyclopedia for him for him without any compensation
>Gets pissed when those same NEETs actually try to become self employed and make money by investing in new technology because writing free articles that can get overwritten at a moment's notice doesn't pay the bills

>Internet scams and countermeasures
Bitcoin is obviously in the latter category

If they wanted you to succeed, they wouldn't have cut your legs out from under you. Boomers care about themselves and their retirement.

Ya I always thought it was weird that the site;s information is maintained mostly by "volunteers" and for whatever reason they are always asking for donations and handouts to keep the site running.

The longer you can keep normies from staying out the more money you'll be able to put in. Once your average joe starts putting in money then the real bubble starts.

Except that it is not so obvious, it may be obvious to you and I, but the majority of people will be like "you see Larry I told you this was a scam, it says it right here on wikipedia and you know they are never wrong or biased"

Larry and his idiot friend deserve to be poor. Eventually normies will be removed from the human race by natural selection because they will be too slow and outmoded to keep up. Cryptocurrency is the beginning of an extinction-level event for normies. Governments will try to put the brakes on, but they are too slow and incompetent to do much to slow it down.