What are you eating today?


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Post meal

why not eat alittle bit less rice and beans and more pico de gallo and peppers?

Rice with chicken and spring veggies. Calorie count?

fuck i wish this thread existed before i finished my meal. brown rice, quinoa, curry chicken, roasted chicken, seltzer water. holy shit that was good. i wish i was indian so i knew how to make curry chicken because this shit is the bomb

Not that user
But because rice and beans is fucking delicious

Pic related

FUCK that looks fucking good

I work at a pizza joint so I took a bunch of pizza home last night before my days off. so to answer your question. pizza.

Oatmeal with raisins and peanut butter, almond milk, a banana, green tea soy latte, baked sweet potato, steamed broccoli, tofu