The correction after the fork will be fucking staggering. Glorious times ahead
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this is the market telling you that segwit2x is probably a very low risk event and chances are high there won't be a hard fork (other than maybe bitcoin gold)
I mean, the 1x chain is very likely going to die. There will be a bit of chaos but with the 2x capacity increase feels will fall dramatically for the next couple of months at least, allowing substantial transaction volume growth.
>says increasingly nervous nocoiner
keep telling yourself that faggot
2x is going to die, look at futures.
BitMEX is also not going to support 2x because there's no RP. Even if there was RP, it just shows that they view 2x as an alt.
Same goes for other exchanges.
The market is telling us that 1x is the real Bitcoin.
Without the hashrate, the 1x fork dies. Transactions become effectively unusable and any 1x transaction broadcast has an overwhelmingly high probability of being incorporated on the 2x chain.
1x is going to have +90% of the hashing power. Exchanges and buyers have more power than miners.
Anyway, you'll see it happening soon enough.
The correction of alts yes
Right now you have ~90% signaling for 2x. When do you expect this shift to occur? Why would it happen?
its actually amazing how retarded some people are
the exact same story as last time and people STILL dont learn lmao
btc went up 65% last time before any real pull back
thats around 9k this time
>but s2x is a different fork!!
>its the real REAL bitcoin this time!!
>"its different this time"
Yes, having the overwhelming majority of the hashpower behind a fork is what makes it different this time. Having the majority of the hashpower behind a fork is what makes that fork or any change to Bitcoin still Bitcoin.
you realize they have no user nodes right
they're literally begging coinbase to set up nodes for them
I have 90% of my total worth in crypto son. I embrace this.
oh hi, you must be fucking new
hahahahahahah yeah like with BCH
this is just the market reacting to the chinks being btfo. i would enjoy more bcash/b2x uncertiancy but it looks like more people are able to see through the chinks and their little altcoins now.
There's plenty of nodes, what are you talking about?
>When do you expect this shift to occur?
More exchanges are going to make statements again 2x and smaller mining pools will stop signalling for 2x. After that it's just a matter of time, of course I can't predict it.
>Why would it happen?
1. exchanges
2. 1x is going to be worth more, as futures show and simply because many exchanges are not going to list 2x. Mining 2x will not be profitable enough (same difficulty as 1x) and there's also no emergency difficulty thingie (no idea what it's called), so it'll stay not profitable (for a long time) and it's simply going to die.
>mining bitseg or bitcoin instead of bitcoin gold
*against 2x
Do you even know what Bitcoin Gold is?
if you want to join an exclusive pump group you found your lucky day
Yeah, apparently you don't sweetie.
$5 per BTC after correction?
>The chief way they have decided to do this is trying to solve miner centralization through a proof-of-work change.
>The proof-of-work that they’ve chosen is Equihash, a memory-hard algorithm that’s fairly ASIC resistant and also used by ZCash.
Do you understand what this means?
The futures market is very, very small.
I've only seen one exchange not listing 2x.
If you have the hashpower behind 2x, it's difficult for 1x to both be worth something and to be unusable.
Yes, and apparently you don't. What are you arguing here you fucking retard?
Bitcoin mining power is not going to switch to Bitcoin Gold.
Oh gee you fucking retard, really? CPU miners can't mine bitcoin gold? Wow thanks alot for that, you're almost like some sort of an expert on blockchains!
>>mining bitseg or bitcoin instead of bitcoin gold
I bet you're the kind of autistic retard who thinks I meant that you'd be mining bitcoin gold with a CPU, because you're autistic.
when do y'all think is the optimal time to dump BTC for cheap alts?
I'm hesitant right now but also don't want to miss the opportunity
You're retarded.
>this mad he thought I was saying you can mine BTG with a CPU
Okay kiddo. CPU mining is dead after 25th, sell your worthless antminers
never dump BTC. Your little lizard brain wants to believe you can do better jumping around, but to do that you'd need to know the future. You can't time this.
>S2X a low risk event
in terms of being priced in?
You're the one who got mad, I'm just stating an observation.
you have to agree there will almost certainly be a pull-back, this is inorganic growth that needs correction
Yeah, I'm pretty mad that you're too stupid to read english properly pajeet.
Shorting it with 100 leverage when it happens
All 1X has to do is survive until its difficulty adjustment.
Right now 76% are signalling 2x over the last 24 hours.
Of that 76%, a decent number will MINE BOTH CHAINS.
1X will survive and having survived, will have proven itself.
2X will be rejected by the market.