What does my ethnic origin or race look like?

What does my ethnic origin or race look like?

I want to know because this will effect my fitness program when I start up because I have been studying race for years and know what is effective for each and every different race.

The only issue is that I don't personally know what to identify as. I tried to ask on /pol/ but got banned.

I have passed for white, Hispanic or arab before but this is due to how my beard grows fast and I tan easily.

ethnic white with some native admixture a few generations back

ie. your average American


nobody cares this is fit we are much more interested in ourselves than to care where you hail from.

Fuck off. Race bait elsewhere.

looking like mediterranean white or thereabouts with a tiny bit of arabic mixed in


Average white American aka mutt

Some type of Eastern European

looking good, goodlookingmisc