My ancestors :)
My ancestors :)
are those dead or alive people?
Only when the Germans were defeated you became brave
They're wanted
Ok Hun
I can't wait until casual violence and executions like this come back.
They are clearly dead
So how long did you fight in march 39?
Some are wounded
You'll probably see a lot of shit like this when American society finally disintegrates and the Civil War restarts.
Could you imagine the kind of folks who take /pol/ seriously not committing war crimes if they thought they could get away with it?
What is happening there? Who is executing who?
foibe > epulsion of germans
Some did before they fled to Poland
Shooting a terrorist isnt war crime
Czechs who became brave after the war executing German civilians
Czechoslovak police and Red army executing German terrorists from Werwolf
Based Czechs
Unfortunetaly we were too kind for germans after war, should have genocided them too instead of letting them flee to their side of Odra and Nysa...
mama mia
Mad again from all the toilet cleaning, Bolek?
Why so mad, Hans?
Maybe it has something to do with your post, genius
Maybe executions of gaymans in Czechoslovakia had something to do with their traitorous behaviour, genius.
No, stringing up person with dark skin or purple hair and working prisoners of war to death in concentration camps is. And I imagine will do a lot of that if they ever get the race war they're clamoring for.
Think about that tripfag, NBF. Could you imagine him NOT shooting prisoners for pure sport if he were a guard at Andersonville?
fun part is it was italians who gave the yugo partisans that bright idea, they started dumping people into mountain pits(the dinarids have fucktons of 'holes' like that) and then after 45 they just reatuned the favor - on non fascist civilians that opposed fascism and had a antifascist resistance movement of their own during the war
but realy it was all just about ethnic clensing, both during and after the war, regardles of which side did it at which point
Yeah sure, those traitorous kids just had to die.
Forgot pic
>No, stringing up person with dark skin or purple hair and working prisoners of war to death in concentration camps is
t. Herman von Shekelberg
The g*rman seed is always traitorous. So traitorous that even g*rmans had to steel children from other countries like Poland to minimalize the impact of it.
I provided the source, retard
You can say that to my face if I see you in a public toilet sometime
>it's "that one retarded kid thinking he's so edgy posting old gifs of people commiting crimes against Germans" again
I bet you voted for Piráti as well, fucking nigger
Some random text isnt source. Germs in that town bombed weepons storage which killed 27 people and were laughing and shouting Germ patriotic slogans when White people were trying to help the wounded.
Why would I vote for them? I voted Volte Pravý Blok - stranu za snadnou a rychlou ODVOLATELNOST politiků a státních úředníků PŘÍMO OBČANY, za NÍZKÉ daně, VYROVNANÝ rozpočet, MINIMALIZACI byrokracie, SPRAVEDLIVOU a NEZKORUMPOVANOU policii a justici, REFERENDA a PŘÍMOU demokracii WWW.CIBULKA.NET, kandidující s nejlepším protikriminálním programem PŘÍMÉ demokracie a hlubokého národního, duchovního a mravního obrození VY NEVĚŘÍTE POLITIKŮM A JEJICH NOVINÁŘŮM? NO KONEČNĚ! VĚŘME SAMI SOBĚ!!! - ale i s mnoha dalšími DŮVODY, proč bychom měli jít tentokrát VŠICHNI K VOLBÁM, ale - pokud nechceme být ZNOVU obelháni, podvedeni a okradeni - NEVOLIT ŽÁDNOU PARLAMENTNÍ TUNEL - STRANU vládnoucí (post) komunistické RUSKO - ČESKÉ totalitní FÍZLOKRACIE a jejich likvidační protinárodní politiku ČÍM HŮŘE, TÍM LÉPE!!! - jenž žádá o volební podporu VŠECHNY ČESKÉ OBČANY a daňové poplatníky, kteří chtějí změnit dnešní kriminální poměry, jejichž jsme všichni obětí, v jejich pravý opak! V BOJI MEZI DOBREM A ZLEM, PRAVDOU A LŽÍ, NELZE BÝT NEUTRÁLNÍ A PŘESTO ZŮSTAT SLUŠNÝ!!! Proto děkujeme za Vaši podporu!!! Nevěříte-li na pokoru u popravčí káry, zdá-li se vám naše kandidátka málo dokonalá nebo postrádáte-li na ní zástupce své obce nebo města a přitom MÁTE ODVAHU v této válce Lidí Dobra s vládnoucími Lidmi Zla povstat z jimi naordinovaného občanského bezvědomí, kterým nás ničí a dnešní DEMOKRATURU, SKRYTOU TOTALITU a OTROKÁŘSTVÍ VYŠŠÍHO ŘÁDU zásadním způsobem změnit, KANDIDUJTE ZA NÁS!!! Kontakt: Volte Pravý Blok, PO BOX 595, 170 00 Praha 7 irronicaly
Correction, Sudetenland was rightful German clay.
Everything Czechs are famous for (that's right, all 8 things) are due to Germans. Modern Czech Republic would just be a region of Poland if not for German guidance.
you misspelled start shit get hit
>the department of history and civilization of the University of Florence "isn't source"
OK boy
Only because you rent a flat doesnt mean its yours. Germs behave like modern Niggers
I'm talking about if /pol/ gets the Turner Diaries-tier race war they all fantasize about.
It's gonna make the Eastern Front look like a peace rally by comparison.
So KSČM then? I hope not.
its good hes posting that stuff, we all need to remember, its not about who did what to whom any more, we need to remember what we are, us europeans, not so we would feel guilty or hate each other, its not the time for that now
we need to wake that up, its been sleeping for too long, we are forgetting ourselves, thats noot good
theres a whole planet full of people that havent forgotten, they practice that every day, from siria to burma humans do that shit every fucking day, thats basic human behavior 1-0-1
we need to remember that, wee need to wake that up
>Under Roman Emperor Otto II the area became a bishopric in 973. Until Prague was elevated to archbishopric in 1344, it was under the jurisdiction of the Archbishopric of Mainz.
>Prague flourished during the 14th-century reign (1346–1378) of Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and the king of Bohemia of the new Luxembourg dynasty. As King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor, he transformed Prague into an imperial capital and it was at that time the third-largest city in Europe (after Rome and Constantinople).
>He ordered the building of the New Town (Nové Město) adjacent to the Old Town and laid out the design himself.
>On 9 July 1357 at 5:31 am, Charles IV personally laid the first foundation stone for the Charles Bridge.
>In 1347, he founded Charles University, which remains the oldest university in Central Europe.
>He began construction of the Gothic Saint Vitus Cathedral, within the largest of the Prague Castle courtyards, on the site of the Romanesque rotunda there.
>The city had a mint and was a centre of trade for German and Italian bankers and merchants.
>These problems were not pre-eminent under Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, elected King of Bohemia in 1576, who chose Prague as his home. He lived in the Prague Castle, where his court welcomed not only astrologers and magicians but also scientists, musicians, and artists. Rudolf was an art lover too, and Prague became the capital of European culture. This was a prosperous period for the city: famous people living there in that age include the astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, the painter Arcimboldo, the alchemists Edward Kelley and John Dee, the poet Elizabeth Jane Weston, and others.
"like modern Niggers"
All these butthort germans and nazi sympathisers lol
Never stop making these threads pls
>Edward Kelley and John Dee
that was the 16th century equivalent of SETI, their whole deal was that they ''communicated with extraterestrial intelligences''
realy they were just anglo agents/operatives(or maybe that was just their cover)
>please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.
Can you read nigger?
Some Polish football pundit isnt a historical source, he also claims that in June
>Czechs made a pogrom against the German population in Přerov
But people that ordered this supposed massacre were Slovak Karol Pazúr and German Friedrich Schmitzer
>Charles IV
that guy was Czecho-Polish Franco-Austrian Pole, how is he a Germ
Also moving somehwere and then stealing it from its owner sounds like a being a nigger.
i invite them to try
id love to castrate every nazi and pluck their teeth out with pliers
>Can you read nigger?
I refuse to believe someone would be so fucking retarded to do something as dumb as this. Some people don't really deserve voting rights.
>Did you voted for Piráti?
>No, i voted for Cibulka's meme party ironically
>So KSČM then?
>Some Polish football pundit isnt a historical source
Yeah, I'm going to prefer the University of Florence and Wikipedia over some cheeky Czech on Veeky Forums, sorry.
>that guy was Czecho-Polish Franco-Austrian Pole, how is he a Germ
"that guy was Austrian, how is he German"
What are Austrians?
For crying out loud, are you dumb?
I said I didn't think you were being serious about voting ironically so I assumed you voted for second most cancerous party, you utter gypsi.
Civilised people
>Mfw we were to merciful for our krauts after the war, so since they moved to Germany safe and sound , they demand to give back the land they stole and spread lies about us comitting atrocities.
Humanitarism sucks. Should have slaughtered them all like based Pepiks did to their schwabs
Nice meme bro xD
now fuck off where you came from
If you unnironicaly voted for some party, you are retard not realising that there arent any good parties.
You first, Austrians are completely different from the Germs
I will rather unironically vote for a
>this coming from the edgy teenager who jerks off over dead civilians
Your lack of self awareness is amazing
Pol are beta basememt bois they are abject cowards
So are concentration camp guards, didn't make them any less dangerous to their prisoners.
Grow up you sad retard
learn what does civilian mean kike
>the entire world was duped, looped, and rooped by memes created by cowardly tricksters who talk about esoteric political policies
m8... that makes everyone else look worse. When I first heard about /pol/ I assumed it was a group of renegade Nordic superhumans who calculated every move they made.
I honestly still have this conception of a special division of Hitler's SS Nordic Demi-Gods sitting at a computer in full regalia manipulating the world.
Your ancestors were run over by a truck? Stay strong user.
dont you idiots learn? nazis lost the war but they never stop talking shit. we really should just round all of them up and put an end to them.
I agree that stringing up innocent niggers is over the line (they can't help being niggers), but purple hairs deserve everything that's coming to them.
Both of you faggots are the different sides of the same faggot coin.
>string up the nigger
>kill who I call nazis
Good thing neither of you will leave your keyboards.
well i really wouldnt give a shit if nazis werent inherently belligerent
>says the guy that wants to castrate people he considers Nazis because "they never stop talking shit"
In America race war will probably amount to throwing Mountain Dew cups at each other. Truly the country of utter pussies.
and they would say if niggers weren't inherently rapists/murderers/etc, or how your communist ass is inherently a statist bandit who would plunder and destroy the country (example)
You are both fucking caricatures. It's just so tiresome, and never involves higher conversation.
yeah cause they want to do the same
>higher conversation
i look out for my interests. there's nothing to converse about.
>i look out for my interests. there's nothing to converse about.
You're a tribalistic fuckwit who can barely convey his own interest in an articulate way. Same as the other guy. You're not unique, and not even in an insulting way, you're willingly stupid.
I know this much, you dupe a bunch of kids into fighting bullshit wars against homicidal jihadis, break the mind and/or body and then import a bunch of the people who came from the places where he experienced irreparable psychological damage and force him to live with it or else, things aren't going to be pretty when things start to fall apart and those kids decide its time for some payback. I'm not sure how much of this happened in the Civil War or in Czechoslovakia but I just think you're asking for trouble
ooooh youre so above it all
i know exactly what my interests are and i really dont care to explain them to you
Nah, just above you and people like you. You sound like a 14 year old high schooler who has the entire world figured out, except even sadder is that you've cut yourself off to anything else unless it wholly reaffirms your own bias despite not being 14 years old anymore.
I have extremely strong convictions as well. In this case, that people like you are altogether dumb as shit, and more than that willfully dumb as shit.
Frankly, I think if America has a Civil War in the next ten years, OIF and OEF vets are more likely to be the restrained ones since they already know war and the emotional impact the violence of it has. The /pol/lacks and tumblrites on the other hand, having never known the terror of battle, will be more easily convinced to dehumanize their enemy and kill them on command without second thought.
Youre babbling and have no clue what youre talking about. I have absolutely no convictions.
Oh no 30-50 people! Poor Germany! What did she do to deserve this?!
>killing women
Two wrongs don't make a right you edgy retard. Murder is murder
execution of terrorists a murder
*is not
execution of terrorists is not a murder
you're annoying
ahh yes, /pol/ are the only ones we have to worry if the left weren't equally full of even more violent and unstable people
this delusion lel
Hillary-supporting liberals arent left, there isnt any major leftist political movement in the US
reminds me of those creepy low circulation nazi newspapers
"Now I am become white the destroyer of worlds"....I wonder where ms. "i cant be racist because of my skin color" got that quote from
wut are you smoking? They would be offended by that btw
Tell me what is leftist about them
there is literally nothing wrong with discussing the liquidation of the vermin of Europe; the eternal kraut
>be Czech
>watch wife get gangbanged by the local porn men
>raise our bastard in peace
>Germans show up and try to stop us
>they tried to stop us from being subhuman freaks
>mfw they failed
>liquidation of the vermin of Europe
>the eternal kraut
Oh, carry on then.
>OIF and OEF vets are more likely to be the restrained ones
Oh I'm laffin.