I just got robbed by a one night stand. Is this the unforeseen perils of being chad??? It was a 15k watch lol i'm mad

I just got robbed by a one night stand. Is this the unforeseen perils of being chad??? It was a 15k watch lol i'm mad

>Is this the unforeseen perils of being chad?


15k watch?
im surprised you didn't get robbed by some nigger

I don't live in the ghetto I rarely see niggers


>15k watch

I'm glad you got robbed. Let's hope you get stabbed next time.

> wearing a 15000 dollar watch instead of letting your money make more money

Beta as fuck

it was a patek Phillipe not some shitty rolex i have class

>> wearing a 15000 dollar watch instead of letting your money make more money

15k is fucking nothing

The fact that you can afford a 15k watch means you are either

a. a successful businessperson, which requires you to be a psychopath
b. some worthless trust fund piece of shit who inherited money he doesn't deserve

The fact that you would choose to buy a 15k watch means that you are a petty, materialistic, mentally inferior subhuman. The world would be a better place if you got run over by a truck.

>i have class
no you dont
why am i even responding to this thread 10/10