Daily reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you...

Daily reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you aesthetic meme'.

Do not train for strength, you WON'T ever look good. Don't believe me? Reply to any person who advocates strength training with 'post your physique' and they WILL stop responding.

Don't fall for the strength base meme. Don't do that to yourself.

Am I the only one who thinks that body is GOAT-TIER and would personally KILL for that kind of body?
Just gotta put in the hard work, I guess.
Not that anyone can see that kind of thing.

This has to be a bot, right?

This is a better body than 80% of people on Veeky Forums have besides /fraud/

I don't see the problem with that body. I think anyone would be happy with that after finishing a novice strength routine.

If you want more you would be best to temper your expectations and not buy into supplement driven falsification of what is achievable.

looks like a large baby

Is this the new daily bait? I like it

tfw into baby-play
tfw tighty-whiteys look like diaper


Only matters between 18 and 21 user. I'm 26 and it's all money, money, money.

Don't fall for it guys! 3x10 leg press and 3x10 curls all day just try to feel a pump guys don't bother getting stronger! Science is just trying to trick you guys

Can anyone spot the first year lifter that can't eat enough to break a plateau
>hint it's OP

I dont get whats wrong with it. He looks strong. All you need to do is cut body fat. Are you fucking retarded? His lifts are stronger than all you PPL faggots

>He looks strong
>His lifts are stronger than all you PPL faggots
It's like you didn't even read what OP said.

anyone else feel that dumbbell calf raises are shit?

I finally tried toe presses today and I felt a much better burn.

fucking Veeky Forums trolling me with the "free weights are ALWAYS better" meme

All you need to do is cut OP

Yeah. This is true. Everyone who wants to look good should just do GSLP for 2 months and then switch to a PPL.

I love this thread


I quit heavy squat and dl a month ago and my v taper is looking much better

Stay fat blocky fags haters

>there are people defending guy on pic

I'm ok with that, honestly he only needs bigger arms to look like the average bodybuilder that has a relatively high fat percentage, also with roids you can look way better than that while doing strength training

strength training isn't the problem even if you train for aesthetics strength training should be the foundation as a natty. The issue is people who want aesthetics and train as if BSD are the only three lifts that matter. If you focus on strength and train other lifts like weighted, chins, dips, incline etc and don't forgot to train your weak points you'll have a very aesthetic physique while being strong. As a natty strength and muscle growth are fairly closely linked anyway.

I actually follow candito's training programmes and i guarantee my v taper beats yours ;)

strength is only as good as it is functional and useful, ie mix your 1 rms with powertraining and do sprint AND long distance training for both types of short and long release fibres. combine and mix it with some combat based sport or practice training, can you swim 1km? can you swim 10km? can you swim 10km at the beach?

sprints on sand is godtier fitness btw

t str based meme poor manual labour rehab victim

you want diet and to be fit and healthy that means surround ur str with mobilisation exercises, stretching (resistence stretching can increase tendon strength) for longevity,safety, fitness, and gains. girls appreciate when you can literally and figuratively carry them around on ur back till ur dieing days. guess it depends what goal ur after.

you can buy sex but you cant buy love
love is only given to chads with height/face/frame no matter age

>strength training
>one and the same



yeah those bottom heavy nolats nochest bodies look fucking ridiculous

upper lower split or bro split is the best way to achieve taper
