Well, which one of you fags was this?

To keep it Veeky Forums related, I'm about to start my second month of sheiko tomorrow. Highly recommend for someone looking for a different kind of strength routine.


Classic cuck mistake. He showed that he cared; the alpha way to handle that situation would be "what ever" and just get on with your own shit. Plenty more pussy in the pantry.

You guys are probably young. I was a fag like that when I was that age also

Me desu

Seeing shit like this pisses me off. WHY you ask?

This is why women have such insane standards and enlarged egos. Women go their entire lives being treated like the above everyone else, but then you have guys like this, who perpetuate this belief over and over and over. These fucking orbiters, these fucking "good guys". They're ruining the whole fucking system by continuously giving these women their attention and affection, constantly sucking up to them in hopes of getting some pussy.

Then you guys wonder why women act like this, of course they're going to act like they're top shit and out of your league all the time, when they have countless hordes of fucking idiots like the guy in OP picture constantly fighting for their attention.


It's people like the guy in OP's pic who literally should be forced to watch porn 24/7 until he stops craving it so much to the point where he is willing to put women on such a high pedestal.Yes PORN is bad, but for these guys, IMO it's a GOOD thing. They really honestly need sexual frustration taken out of them, because the way they treat women is affected the entire fucking population of men who aren't like this.

This is the sexual market right now; just tons of orbiters trying to get pussy, turning women into spoiled little whores who now expect every other guy to bow down to them, just because 100+ other guys have before, and if you don't bow down to them, you're simply thrown aside.

I honestly blame MEN for how WOMEN have become.

Lol look at all this stupid shit you store in your brain though. that giant wall of text is part of you. Are you really any better? Grow up already

rofl no one's gonna read this shitty blog post mate

Whew INCEL detected

Look at these 3 orbiters, so butthurt they got called out and shamed for their behaviour.

Look at their typical responses

Then after posting on here they'll go back to sending countless text messages to a bunch of 4/10s telling them how perfect they're.

They spend their entire lives boosting the ego's of average and below average females, and then wonder why the fuck these same women have inflated egos and only want chad.

Good job on ruining the sexual market you pathetic spineless cunts.

I don't know the dude but the girl is a 20 yr junior in college.

wew lad the beta is strong in this one

You gotta calm down. You're obsessing over something that the vast majority of people don't even know or care about.

Stop thinking women are these other species that you can't communicate with or understand.

I don't know, you need to just relax a bit.

I'm talking about men here, not women......

I'm happily married to an amazing girl, keep projecting though.

No one wants to fuck you because all you think about is stuff like this. You've list the ability to communicate like a normal human whether you see it or not, everyone else can pick up on it. Stop getting on Veeky Forums since you only are capable of retaining and regurgitating the shitty parts of it, or at least stay in r9k

But you make generalizations about women in addition to guys.

Stop worrying about what others do. Just be like "Oh, that's what others do and that seems to be idiotic, I guess I'll not do that" and just move one with your life.

If you meet some girl that doesn't like you, you think she's spoiled or whatever, then just move on and find a better girl. Don't think it's some injustice you need to fix.


>he thinks watching copious amounts of porn will magically make someone alpha

M8 you may actually be retarded

>woman complains about how men act towards them
>somehow you take this as an opportunity to take a shit on women


you sound like me when i was in the 8th grade