*loses the war but causes permanent damage to your country's politics and society*
*loses the war but causes permanent damage to your country's politics and society*
>cold war was an actual war
The absolute state of commies
>invades a country so exponentially smaller than yours
>still get BTFO
>invades a country so exponentially smaller than yours
>still get BTFO
Considering throughout that time several real wars occured in which both american and Soviet troops participated and died.
It is safe to dezcribe it as an armed conflict.
No, is Afghanistan, and is Vietnam.
You can't kill an ideology
USSR didn't get BTFO in Afghanistan didn't get BTFO in Vietnam. At least not on the battlefield.
>gets taken over by Jews and a fucking narc
dat text comprehension skills
Yes you can if you kill all of its adherents and destroy its literature.
>Confeds believe they don't need a centralized gov't telling them what to do
>lose war because North's central gov't have their shit in order
>Nazi's believe they're the fittest race ever
>lose war because Russians adapt to the cold better
>Soviets believes their economic system is the best there is
>lose war because economy couldn't keep up with the times
Soviets lost primarily to political problems, rather than economic.
Collapse of the Soviet Union itself cased damage to American state and empire: it was kept in shape by having been antagonized by the USSR, and it "outsoursed" some of its' necessities to it, like concerns of equality and social rights.
also logic, axioms
yeah, and their political problem was the shitty economy
>like concerns of equality and social rights.
blacks and spics are a drain on the US economy in so many ways, the concern with their well being fucks the US over in so many ways
I'd say the damage has been there since the age of russian empire, and somehow simply stuck around through a revolution.
>because Russians adapt to cold better
But the winter had very little to do with Barbarossa getting stopped. In fact, it had practically halted before the first snow.
Why does everybody ignore the fact that Germany introduced communism into Russia with the goal of removing them from the great war and crippling their empire economically? Do modern-day communist memesters even realize that red communism was literally designed to fail?
nice dan carlin teen
What did OP meant by this? War in Afghanistan?
t. pinko
Fuck off Hans.
[Citation needed]
I'm not a commie btw
Then why do poles still exist
Lost what war??
The Afghan occupation??
I'm not worried about communism lingering. Every communist I've met in the US is either a total lard ass or soy boy.
OP here
lol and they still have the ability to nullify your vote
It's more of a not well thought plan made by the Krauts, like fund some rebels to force the Russian government to sue for peace instead of a full blown communist takeover. Jerries did all kind of stupid shit during the war, like pic related.