>so is waiting for 1-2k sats which will not come
Just like 8k, 6k, and 4k 'will not come'? Have you even been here these last few days? What makes 4k the hold out this time?
I hate this fucking coin so much. JUST give me my money back. Give this poorfaggot a break in miserable life at least...
Lol you already have like 10 FUD posts in this thread alone. Why are you doing this? It's obvious that dumping right now is not in the developer's best interests. There are much worse projects with significantly higher market caps.
You'll never be released from the joogrip until you're smarter than the joos.
You could have waited for prices to tank after news of the bitcoin kikes releasing their free ponzi money came out, but instead you bought high. Just wait for these fucking retards to get their bitcoin meme money and the price will quickly recover. We only have like less than a month left of this horse shit.
that was during the moon to 20k you fucking retard.
This is fake news fud bitch. Post the screenshots if you care so much. I was in the slack since day one and i never saw shilling. THEY DONT WANT ETHERDELTA because it is a shit stain and they would rather say something about it than nothing and so they say fuck that bullshit delist it. You are a dumb retard whale bitch daddy money whore or some virtually vitriolic autist amonst us. I am on the board, and I have shilled and fudded, TO MAKE YOU RICH now because I am wise and this nigger is a dumb bitch.
Who's a dumb nig? You are faggot
Why not just wait for 1 sat then?
Don't tell me you think it won't happen, user.
he's basically calling people who sell ODN this low retarded, and he's right. lmao
fake news bitch big bitch asshole bitch eat my ass bitch hoe ass nigger bitch
why are you so emotionally invested in this coin?