Lived the normie wagecuck 9-5 life for way too fucking long, only reason I've been alive for the past few months is crypto.
Really made me believe I'm leaving the wagecuck life... I always thought it was too good to be true, I was right. This is too good to be true, you think the world will allow faggots like us to become rich? No fucking way... If you really think there is hope for you in becoming a millionaire, well all I'm gonna say is good luck retard.
It's time to end it all for me, it's been good tho, we had some fun time. Member the NEO moon? ahhhh or the latest moon for me, ELIX, that was a lot of fun. Really enjoyed this run with you boys, most of you here are worthless faggots but some of you are alright, you're my only friends so I just wanna say goodbye.
Anyone got advice on how to do this? I have a shit ton of xanax, how much to overdose on that? And it should be painless right? Since xanax bascially kills you central nervous system.