>be me
>graduate college
>find job
>best offer is $60,000 starting even after negotiating up
Don't fall for the college meme biz. I'm never gonna make it. I should have learned a trade.
>be me
>graduate college
>find job
>best offer is $60,000 starting even after negotiating up
Don't fall for the college meme biz. I'm never gonna make it. I should have learned a trade.
>implying $60K can't sustain any reasonable lifestyle
>implying you have anything to complain about.
I'm in the UK and I can't get a single job outside of telesales even with a degree, I would kill for something like that you fucking turd
What degree? What job?
But how am I supposed to provide for a minimum of 3 white babies and a wife down the line?
>complaining about 60k a year right out of college.
>People in third world countries live on 1/10th of that a year
>living in a time where you can learn pretty much anything for free, talk to people from around the earth, live in a nice apartment, etc. and yet you still have reasons to complain
Christ, Peterson was right. You postmodernists are so fucking ungrateful.
>falling for the "get married and have children" meme
Nevermind, you're a retard.
>falling for the get rich and just travel around the world meme
>What are raises
>what is living cheaply and finding a wife who doesn't care about keeping up with the joneses
>what is getting a better job after a couple years in your starting job
Even my basic ass worked up from cashier to fucking above poverty line wages, and my degree hasn't gotten me dick.
You can work your way up too. It's about hard work, no matter how good or bad your start is.
It's a starting salary, it'll go up. Also your wife will probably work
Who the fuck said I fell for that meme? I'm just saying that getting married and having children is a fucking meme.
BS in Biology with a minor in Spanish. Disease Intervention Specialist.
how is 60k bad for your first job straight out of college wtf?
If your wife does work, remember that you have to be able to support your home on the lesser of your two salaries.
That is to say, live to the lower of your two means; don't fall for the 'living up to two incomes meme'.
Oh. I'm so sorry.
because he's an ungrateful millennial postmodernist that believes the world should hand him 100s of thousands of dollars simply for existing. No wonder boomers hate millennials so much.
Rest in pepperonis my chance in making it. Should have became a deep sea welder.
i just accepted a job offer for 37k with potential for 51k in a year, CAD not USD
so cry me a fucking river
Mfw a dollar buys a penny's worth these days.
going to meet with a counselor for my hvac certification course right now.
picture me rolling
Aww angry little beta male. Don't worry, no one will care when you die.
Who cares what boomers think lmfao they've never worked hard either
Be you.
> Being an ungrateful bitch!
I could live so well on 60k a year. I live pretty well on 1/3rd of that, in Burgerland no less.
Yeah fuck off m8, I've been working for a year at 25k€ with a master's in physics with top grades. Get on my level scrub. God I can't wait to emigrate to america.
>best offer is $60,000 starting even after negotiating up