Unite or not, which one is better for Europe?
Unite or not, which one is better for Europe?
United by force under Italy
It isn't in the best interest of the wealthy countries to carry the poorer ones but its in the best interest of the poorer ones to get carried by the richer ones.
I'm sure it will wor-
Cutting analysis
Decentralized federation
Adopt Australian immigration policy
If Europe wants to maintain relevancy on the world stage EU is better, but it will hurt the richer countries and help the poor ones
There is no such thing as rich and poor countries, the EU is a scheme for the Germans to secure themselves an exclusive economic zone.
There's advantages and disadvantages to all scenarios. It's not as simple as saying that federalizing the EU is the best option or that all members should do a Brexit.
Intergrate or adopdt the NATO defence model where each nation has sovreignity over the armed forces but can be deployed for common purposes. They should be more than enough fuck shit up in Africa.
Unite but only france, uk, and germany, sink the rest into the ocean
The EU is the 'get along' shirt for Germany and France to stop them fucking the continant again.
This is also not history and should go to >>/pol/
>hating the scandi
Not friendly, user
Yes thats why greece almost goes bankrupt ever year and drags germany along with them
Yeah, when United, they can get Africa to fuck it up for them
Only net contributors get to stay
For Europe; unification.
For the individual states; deunification.
>The EU is the 'get along' shirt for Germany and France
>actually believing EU muh peace propaganda
My sides
Here's how the EU works:
>Germany is by far the largest manufacturer in Europe outfucking all the other countries by a nautical mile
>EEA ensures free trade which makes sure that all the other countries are getting spammed by German exports they can't compete with because they can't levy import tariffs on them
>at the same time the EEA is heavily protectionist against manufacturers outside of it so they have to pay pretty CCT (Common Custom Tariffs) that ALL EU countries have to apply by the same rate
>German manufacturing giants also love cheap labor which is why all those poorfag countries are in it, and why EU is importing so many 3rd world shitskins (no, "muh Syrian war" has nothing to do with it)
>non-German government leaders across EU get routinely bribed by Germany via the ESIF (European Structural and Investment Funds) which they typically spend on complete bullshit, but complete bullshit ensuring re-election
>this is also why until very recently (Britain, Hungary) there was very little friction inside the EU
>this corporate welfare scheme is so important that even economic disasters like Greece are pressured to stay in the EU even if they ruin the common market, just because it benefits a handful of companies
Basically German industrial giants hold German government by the balls, and German government more or less controls the EU. Entire Union is a fucking scam.
Britain out.
time for the holy roman empire to kek poland out
This is how brainwashed people are.
Rich countries need poor countries to remain rich. They need cheap resources and cheap workforce to produce quality goods and sell them.
It is also in their best interests to constantly feed idiots like you only the information that makes them look good, such as only data of raw cash contribution / gains, and not the overall picture of who in fact gains the most.
Tbqh its a bit of both.
>ECSC is founded to stop western Europe killing each other and thus the world
>EEC comes along and brings about free trade in Europe
>EEC gradually becomes EU that still promotes free trade in Europe but German industry is booming (Wirtschaftswunder) and the EU acts as a incubator protecting German (especially car) industries against china effectively making the EU a protectionist zone for German industry and to a lesser extent French agriculture at the expense of everyone else
>Treaty of Maastrict effectively turns EU from economic to political aims with an "ever closer union" causing
>Euro launched
>Euro currency circulates and it is important to note that the Euro becomes the second most traded currency in the world despite only being 3 years old showing the magnitude of the EU at this point
>Operation Artemis is the first autonomous military action by the EU in the DRC
>Helsinki Headline Goal achieved and now 60,000 troops are readily available for a year long deployment as part of the European Rapid Reaction Force
>Tfw the EU wants to build an army to fight Russia when Russia has an economy the size of Italy.
Why are Germans obsessed with uniting Europe to kill Russians?
Who do you think you are kidding Mr Juncker? I don't want to see and Bong or Frog battalion wiped out on a march to Moscow. :( The EU was a mistake.
If the european governments were set up by educated populaces to actually benefit the people and the union as a whole, partial unification with a focus on some matters (military, foreign policy) yet greater local authority in economic matters would be best.
However the governments of most of western europe are in fact only benefitting elite interests with support of the naive leftist populace and the aid of the semi-controlled media, wholly accepting if their countries become muslims and nigger hellholes in the process. Therefore it is in fact in the best interest of everyone that those that can suck out as much value from the EU as possible, while hastening the economic and social collapse of the self-destructing states. The further the collapse progresses, the more likely political changes are. In a potential post-collapse situation, the remaining governments would then influence the political developments in the collapse states in such a way that they become dependable partners for this reasonable union after all.
>le franco-German open boarders meme empire
let it burn before it becomes a third world shithole
The west needs Poland to sell their stuff in our market and as a source of cheap labor. They won't kick us out, even though I think our current government took too aggressive stance on some issued raised by the EU like the refugees so we'll get bullied even though the EU needs us, they still can cut funds we get from the European budget.
God, how can Poland complain about EU, they're the welfare queen of the continent.
Europe uniting would be as dumb as going into Africa or the Middle East and randomly setting up countries with no care for traditional boundaries or ethnic seperatio- oh
oh wait
hahaahah oops
Well - then it looks like poor-rich relation is well to be called symbiosis. Both sides get richer thanks to this cooperation