>he writes BCE and CE rather than BC and AD in anything other than an academic paper
you don't do this, right user?
He writes BCE and CE rather than BC and AD in anything other than an academic paper
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Why, does it upset you?
At this point I just use BC and AD solely to piss people off.
All it takes is two letters man.
I do it to piss people off too but I use CE and BCE :^)
I wanna give you a high five user, but at the same time, using THREE whole letters when you could just use two, TWO, kinda pisses me off...
How about I just give you a friendly pat on the ass? Good hustle.
>He doesn't solely use BCE and CE and talk about how our view of history shouldn't be derived on religion
I've been doing it since at least 2010 CE
>not using UC
You're souls are weighed down by gravity
I advocate for usage of HCE (Holocene) because fuck Jesus.
Because the change from “BCE” to “CE” is still based around Christ’s birth so it is just an autistic revision to pander to Jews and fedoras.
>Backwards Count
>Ascending Dates
Why do a couple different letters offend you so much?
my top 50 in the world university teaches BCE and CE
Because it obscures history. The date change reflects the historical event of Christ’s birth and changing the letters in an attempt to hide this fact because it triggers some people is ridiculous.
but its literally the exact same view of history, just butthurt atheist and jews refusing to acknowledge the lord and saviour jesus christ
we should just knock everything back 10000 years and forgot about all this
The only person who seems to be triggered is you. How would you feel if I wished you a "happy holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas?"
I've never understood this thing about you americans, why are you so sensitive to being wished a good christmas when christmas is supposed to be celebrated? I would not be offended If a muslim wished me a nice ramadan
Yes historical obscurantism does trigger me. “Happy holidays” doesn’t bother me because at least it makes sense since Hanukkah also occurs in December but “BCE” and “CE” exist for no other reason than to hide the advent of Jesus Christ.
If it seriously is of no consequence, why is it being changed?
I see little point in raising my voice to object. I've read enough history to know that those fighting on the side of whatever buzzword is popular, be it the "Imperium," "Christendom," "Christian Justice" or "progress," are ultimately the ones who win. I may want to preserve the past, but I know I will be crushed under the weight of those who would see it destroyed or whitewashed. They're trying to remove something ugly and so throwing out the baby with the bathwater, destroying something that was flawed but beautiful.
I'm tired of reading about political, religious, and philosophical movements that get away with destroying precious, irretrievable memories. It happens too often.
Is the whole "Common Era" debate on that same level? Probably not. Information is so distributed now that, even though electronic and paper media would decay in the event of societal collapse, a few stable pockets of society will likely exist and be able to transcribe this data. But still. It's the thought behind the action which counts.
I can't even be triggered anymore. I can only be increasingly depressed. History has been erased for the political ambitions of monarchs, in the pursuit of utopia, and even out of pure unrelenting hatred. Now, we're beginning to avoid history for the sake people's feelings. That history is more delicate, precious, and fleeting than those feelings ever will be. All you need to do to forget history, to erase it, is avoid it. Then, the past only exists in physical media, waiting to be rediscovered.
Let's hope our libraries don't burn before it's too late.
I'm sorry, but I needed to get that off my chest.
What do you have against Christian Era?
Not that user, but writing ad makes as much sense to me as writing in the year of the consuls x and y.
Let's face it, both BC/AD and BCE/CE are Eurocentric. It doesn't really matter which we use, the first is based on a erroneous date unsupported by any serious evidence and the later assumes that the world suddenly became "normal" at one arbitrary point in human history.
I didn't know Jesus Christ lived in fucking Europe.
Anno Domini is written in a European language and the system of dating is based on European writter's inference as to when Christ was born.
BCE/CE still points to the birth of Christ
I would personally use the prefer to use the French Revolutionary dating system.
I was thinking more about what those letters actually meant.
"Well shit, they had all this AD/BC shit on their stone monuments, but what did it actually stand for?"
It's implausible we'll see a cataclysm that would erase so much of recorded history, but not impossible. The EMP from a nuclear weapon would total our electronics, to say nothing of the damage the heat and blast would do to physical media. But I think nuclear war is unlikely. I'm more concerned about poles flipping. That will actually expose us to the brunt of solar wind, and unshielded electronics would be toast in that scenario. I don't think it'll happen tomorrow, but it is creeping up on us, and we've done nothing to plan for it. Distributed digital backups are our primary defense against data loss. If those aren't preserved, then an unfortunate earthquake or wildfire could easily destroy any specialist knowledge trapped in a library.
But I admit that's a very contrived scenario. Recording and saving history is easier than ever due to the distributed nature of the internet. Hoarders like me will chip in. Really, the only way to stop that would be to go full Orwell. It's a two way street. It can be used to evade the authorities, but if the authorities harness every entry and exit, they'd have an intelligence state which would make every government from the 1930's cream itself.
Whatever. I'm just ranting because I'm sleep deprived. Good night.
He was born in like 3BC though.
>not BH or AH for maximum analpain
>not saying 12017 Human Era
>professor docked one percent from my MA thesis because I used BC and AD
>it put me below the lower bound I needed to get a guaranteed scholarship
>later transpired that the professor was a card carrying member of an organisation called Atheist Ireland
>my entire future career plan was ruined because of an autistic fedora tipper
>He uses the Abrahamic year zero of Greek-Jewish fanatics who destroyed his people’s heritage
It's because the BC/AD dating system is now used by the entire world, hence making it the "common era."
Chinese professors now talk about the Qin dynasty being established into 200BCE, and not year 2640 or whatever of the classical Chinese dating system.
The only reason it is still centered around BC/AD is because it'd be needlessly difficult to change around a date structure most of the world has adopted.
>historical event of Christ’s birth
user, I...
I don't abbreviate them any more. I always type them out in full whenever I write a year. It is the Year of Our Lord 2017. The Ice Age ended in 10,000 Before Christ. I did this in university for all my papers and the whiney Marxist professors were always outraged at first but I just kept doing it and they eventually fell silent after I started bolding Christ and Lord. Fuck people like that. They want an inch? Take a mile from them. Fuck them.
>The date change reflects the historical event of Christ’s birth
I thought the general consensus was that the calendar is actually off and Jesus was born a few years earlier.
>There was an Earth 10000 years ago
Are you a Marxist? The Holy Scripture of Our Lord is clear, the world is 6000 year old tops.
I am Chinese. The only ones who insist on using CE and BCE are American progressives and Jews
Nowhere is that stated in scripture you Evangelical swine
>he doesn't use the founding of Rome as his starting point
Leave at once, barbarians
I was being sarcastic to the "Year of Our Lord" christcuck. And also yes, it has dates by which you calculate the Age of the Earth, which is obviously wrong since the book was written by a bunch of primitive semi sand niggers without any "divine guidance".
Never happened, or you went to a shitty-ass school with some weak shitty-ass professors.
白左 if you will
I guess I'm retarded but I honestly hate BCE and CE if for nothing else that I find it confusing sometimes. At least with AD you know exactly where you are at a moments glance.
did you take it up with your school? it may have been possible to kick up a fuss and get your professor to rescind
must have been real disappointing in BC times wondering what the date was counting down to and then finding out it just the birth of some jew
What do you get out of lying to Veeky Forums? This isn't your hug box, I'm not going to jerk you off for making up ridiculous stories and posting them here.
To be fair, it is a bit weird that our dating system revolves around some backwater jew getting cucked by his wife
This post made me glance over the wiki for the Chinese traditional lunar calendar.
>The Chinese appear to have adopted the seven-day week from the Hellenistic system by the 4th century, although by which route is not entirely clear. It was again transmitted to China in the 8th century by Manichaeans, via the country of Kang (a Central Asian polity near Samarkand).
Crazy how cultures can dramatically influence each others even so far back.
>Other than the seven-day week system, in ancient China, the days were grouped into 10-day weeks with the stems, 12-day weeks with the branches, or 9/10-day weeks (旬; xún) with the date in the month.
>Months were almost three weeks long (alternating 29 and 30 days to keep in line with the lunation). As a practice, the months are divided into 3 xún. The first 10 days is the early xún (上旬), the middle 10 days is the mid xún (中旬), and the last 9 or 10 days is the late xún (下旬).
Is that not illegal?
I dont, because I do not give a shit, no matter how stupid "anno domini" might be.
>historical event of Christ’s birth
Another Christcuck btfo
Marxist retards, any actual Christian knows that the earth began 3836 B.C.
Read A. Helwigius and educate yourselves before you start spouting this ignorant crap.
Latin is not an european language, is a Roman language. Europe didn't exist as a concept until much later.
of course not, I'm someone with values
>Europe didn't exist as a concept until much later
The Greeks clearly distinguished between Europe and Asia.
According to greek geographers, the italic peninsula wasn't in Europe. The Europe you are refering to was the southern part of Thrace.
The concept of europe and asia are like countries, just lines on the sand.
Both still belong to eurasia.
In Spanish we only have AC (before Christ) and DC (after Christ), you godless heathens.
Sounds like horseshit to me.
So what was the landmass from which the Italic peninsula extends called by these alleged Greeks?
I guess each region had a name. World wasn't big enough to be neccesary to englobe all of actual Europe into a single continent
>He doesn´t use Spanish Era
>he doesn't use the Maya long count calendar for dates.
Nice copypasta, too bad it's not true
CE BCE is gay Jewish subversion. Has literally no reason to exist other than they hate Christ
Christ was a Jew you fucking retard.
Basically Jews own the media and don't celebrate Christmas and so refuse to allow jt to be said on their networks
They changed it to "happy holidays" because there are several different holidays celebrated at that time. But of course, Trump and his retarded followers had to throw a tantrum because if you don't jerk off Christ 24/7 you're Satan incarnate.
>not writing BC and AD in academic papers too and telling anyone otherwise to fuck off
Its not even a religion thing like erroneously implies. I'm not changing for no one desu.
So was Shitler.
What's your point?
>it's not a religious thing, I just get offended when people don't refer to the death of my religious figure as the focal point of their calendar and when people don't solely acknowledge the holiday celebrating my religious figure and opt to acknowledging all of them
You're not fooling anyone.
>lele thing
>le he do le thing
burrlphd ,why u do dis user XDDD
la pehpeh.jpg
>Using the sun to measure time
I'm not the user you replied to. I'm an agnostic. I don't dislike it for religious reasons, obviously. I dislike it because we're changing a very longstanding tradition on a whim, just to placate the feelings of some people.
Why does a person have to be a religious nut to want to avoid setting a precedent for the erasure of longstanding traditions?
There are so few remaining primary sources that I know we're reading from the same books. You and I both know how easy it is for people to start erasing history. It's been recorded so many times, and what little we have left is a testament to its efficacy.
Do we really want to start that again? I'm sure they thought it was harmless and justified at the time too, but when we look back on them, what is it that we see? Obviously I can't speak for you, but I just see a bunch of zealots.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
>le slippery slope fallacy
But really, isn't that how precedent works? When have humans EVER drawn a firm line in the sand against a growing ideology popular among the youth, and actually had it stick? They never have. Because the old die, and the youth assume positions of power. I'm sure you and I both have read enough history to know the whole song and dance by now.
So to reiterate: maybe I'm being overly sentimental, but does a desire to preserve living history REALLY make me a religious nut?
I don't care that people are using CE and BCE for religious or even ideological reasons. What I do care about is that they want it standardized: and thereby erase a fundamentally harmless piece of living history.
It seems pretty autistic honestly. There is no functional change, basically a heavy-handed political statement at most.
>AD is death of
>not using Long Count
>rewrites more than half of the book
>killed by Jews as well
>death of my religious figure
Why should I even argue with a retard who doesn't know basic stuff like this?
I went to a top 10 university and I still think basing your dates on Jesus's birth but then getting butt blasted about AD is silly.
Common Era doesn't even make sense.
Its a dog whistle for the anti intellectuals who currently wear the mask of the smuggy trumpite. The whistles are important because the right doesn't ever admit to their opinions.
The longer we pussyfoot around changing it, the harder it's going to get. Someone needs to rip the bandage of Western cultural domination sooner or later, might as well be now.
This. The story doesn't really make sense. And even if it happened, if that one point seriously made that much of a difference, user is probably an idiot that wouldn't have gotten a passing grade anyway.
i went to a top 1 university and we used BBC and PAWG (based on the date Yakub created wh*Tes)
It's just anglo writting (I don't even know wtf it means). The rest of the world uses + and -
Do you feel in charge?
To be completely honest, we should stop with the BC/AD vs BCE/CE nonsense, and just use AUC again.
Isn't the historical record somewhere between 5 CE and 5 BCE?
Stuff like that is why it makes more sense.
Can we at least use our culture within the context of our own culture? Or do we have to erase that too, so we can be more inclusive?
>this ugly thing didn't happen, and if it did happen, user deserved it.
A charming rationalization so you don't have to humanize an enemy tribesman. Human psychology is truly marvelous.
I can't speak to user's veracity, but it wouldn't be the first time a self righteous prick in a position of power fucked somebody over. My stint in a Jesuit university had shit worse than that, though it was mostly from the students. The professors at least had some epistemic humility.
Its a convenient dating system since the starting point being 0 BC/AD is measurable.