Why do people buy this shit?
How the fuck do the charlatins in charge have so much goddamned money
Why do people buy this shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
People need something to believe in
Even if it’s fucking retarded ancient superstition
Death is scary, life is confusing, and being human we try our best to create something to hold onto
The village shaman saying “evil spirits killed your child, burn an offering to appease them next time” is more comforting than hearing “I don’t know”
>Why do people buy this shit?
>How the fuck do the charlatins in charge have so much goddamned money
Bait car.
t. r/atheist
Don't mind me, just going to do my best to learn from a guy who was so good that we've literally had a world-wide bookclub to talk about him for 2,000 years.
Good post, can't wait for the Reddit accusa- Ah, I guess I'm too late. At least I can >inb4 meme hat pics
>God's real, you're gonna spend eternity in hell for playing God for Yahweh. That's why I call it a bait car.
No skin off God's teeth if you become a murderer in God's name cause your lifespan is minuscule compared to the billions of years this universe been around and everyone here on death row.
Honestly, few people with >90 IQ believe very much of the Bible these days. They just want to believe there's a God out there who is vaguely related to it.
No wonder this board is low traffic. It's all teens who have everything figured out
Appeal to popularity and ad hominem
Not an argument
Actually it is, it's just one you don't like.
Who, the Christians?
I can't believe people like you still exist. You know there are memes about people like you right? About edgy atheist pseudo-intellectuals that call everything a fallacy and have absolutely zero understanding of philosophy and theology? Y'know, fedoras? Neckbeards? Redditors?
I think it's deeper than that, people seem to have an ingrained predisposition to supernatural thinking.
No sweetie. The cringe fest fedoras.
Yes.The problem here is that ad hominem isn't a fallacy if it's the argument. Colleges and schools just teach that so things don't devolve into personal defense/offense. But it's the heart of the problem here.
Whatever you say edgy retard.
>You know there are memes about people like you right?
The religious have zero self awareness I swear.
>trying to turn the fedora into a christcuck
this cringe train has no brakes,holy shit. I mean, what's with the "open minded" argument? We have integrity. Conviction. Backbone. It doesn't mean understanding isn't evolving but who really says this outside fedora's unironically?
>The religious have zero self awareness I swear.
I bought a KJV recently to read it for the literary importance.
Alright, do yourself a favor and do what few else here did: figure it out what it is you're reading. Kids here like to pretend it's a textbook. It's not.
Because in the end, we are all afraid to die. So, some people want an assurance.
>Because in the end, we are all afraid to die. So, some people want an assurance.
Do you even know where the idea of heaven comes from?
The fear of death is a wonderful thing, it makes you value life more. Trying to deny or assuage that fear is profoundly anti-life.
>You suck and I bet you’re a teenager
>Anyone who tries to argue logically is just an arrogant pseudo-intellectual and they’re wrong because some people make fun of them
Where's the lie? Religion is as much internal as external. If you aren't sorted, how can you expect to make progress in the discussion.
Atheism is not inherently logical. Look at this thread: People will argue here that heaven is an invention of necessity for psychotherapy, yet who here argued the philosophical or historical beginnings of the concept of Heaven? The fact you kids wank off to your own *feeling* of being an intellectual without actually arguing is what is so laughable. Nothing but baseless assumptions and mental masturbation from you fedoras. Don't bother replying to this unless you're interested in actually discussing the philosophy or history.
>inb4 yes question mark typo
>You know there are memes about people like you right?
Oh no, how will I ever survive?
my church gave me one for free
Galileo being an asshole got him in trouble, not heliocentrism.
Go the fuck away you schizo.
> If you aren't sorted
nice jp teenbro