Compensation: Commission

>Compensation: Commission

>complimentary on-site therapy



are all commission jobs really fucking scams?

If theres actual opportunity there and a decent commission id rather have that than being an hourly wagecuck....No ceiling with commission.

Commission is good if you're actually good, I guess.

not having a base salary is 100% a scam

Pure commission jobs can be sketchy but I enjoy my hourly pay + commission job. I make more than enough hourly to pay for my monthly expenses so all of my commission is money for me to invest/enjoy.

TFW applied for a mostly commission job. How cucked am I guys? It seemed like a good idea.

>compensation: sweat-equity
>fast paced environment (code word for slavedriving)
>high volume (slave-driving... whip whip!)
>"account manager" (code word for sales)
>anything at all sales, especially insurance sales

I'd rather work as a fucking barista than do sales. Just conning senile old people into giving up their life savings for shit they don't need. They should all be shot.


>6 month probation period

I work in sales. I can tell you that for 100% com jobs, IF the company provides benefits, then they usually are not full on scams or shitty companies looking to churn and burn. It also depends on the line of work and what is expected of you. Real Estate is "100% Commission" but the option of working full time is just that, optional.

It really depends on the kind of company and their line of work. But generally speaking if its a full time job you are going to want one that offers at least a 30/70 base. Some jobs have higher backends, some like Account Managers have higher bases, but lower total OTE's.

How can you tell if a job is cucked?

Sales requires a certain type of person - one that is tough and that takes their job seriously. Sales is labor, especially if you are a "hunter", which is a salesperson that is primarily concerned with obtaining new business.

But you can get paid really well if you are good at what you do and work hard. In fact some salespeople make just as much as top Executives. I know some top salespeople that have pulled in half a million dollars paycheck. it's rare but they are out there. Still even if you are moderately good, you can pull in $200k/year easy. Just most people dont want to be hunters, and sit on their butts all day long on autopilot.

Well look at their glassdoor, for one. But Glassdoor can be deceiving....a good idea is to take a look at their business yourself. Does their website look good? Do they present it well? Does their product make sense to you?

Is it door to door sales? If its door to door, RUN. Outdated sales model. Do the people in their office look low morale? Run again. Your performance will be directly affected by the company backing you.

Are there alot of attractive women employed? Another red flag. Is your boss an attractive woman? Red flag. Seriously, its a red flag.

if its an outside job, do they subsidize your gas/mobile phone etc? If they DONT, run.

If its an outside job and its NOT medical/pharma that requires knowledge/skills, and lets say something like a payment processing (ADP for example) then you must realize that while these companies are not scams, they dance a fine line between slave labor and employment. Paycom has a great glassdoor, but its deceiving because they want you out all day long. Also the manager that interviewed me was hot, but totally clueless. Red flag.

>I know some top salespeople that have pulled in half a million dollars paycheck. it's rare but they are out there
Thats why i like commission. No ceiling. Obviously most people dont make that much but if you're aiming for mediocre you deserve to be a wagecuck.

The thing to watch out for is scam jobs that pay only commission and on top of that its shit commission in an impossible industry.

Not always user. My dad is an insurance agent selling like the cheapest/shittiest car insurance available. All his costumers are are low income, driving old crusty cars; they dont need to be paying a lot for insurance but its mandatory.

They pay like $100 or less, they're happy, my dad gets monthly commission from that. Everybody wins.

Small company - no glassdoor. It's email and phone correspondence sales, people look average(not particularly notable).

Base pay + commission but the numbers said for commission are really high, like 30-40% which seems absurd since if you make even a 10 a week that's like six figures. Seems legit?

Also some companies like paycom will force their employees to give 5 star ratings on glassdoor under threat of firing. So remember to read the reviews carefully.

Also look up "scam" accusations. Once again any that is "door to door" or "Direct sales" yeah, its probably a scam in the sense that its high churn and burn, and they require you to go door to door. Scam scam scam. "Direct sales" and "door to door" is codeword for selling to civilians. IF you are doing outside sales you want to sell Business to Business (or government). The only exception is Real Estate.

Does the "recruitment" consist of you sitting in a class? Do they skip the interview because you are special? They SHOULD be doing individual interviews. If they have you sit in a class to be "recruited" run, another red flag.

You want your sales job interview process to be treated like any other sales job. Any "Class" they give you, or if THEY sell the job to YOU, its a red flag.

I'm not good at it, I'm not motivated, and I don't work hard.

My insurance is 75/month and it's a decent company. Your dad is fucking over a bunch of gullible poorfags.

Fuck glassdoor. When I was fresh out of college I took their advice and was insistent on 50k. Turns out irl the jobs like that are 40k. I missed out on a lot of shit because of them. ...Maybe I should ask Steven Shekelstein if I can sue.

Whats the line of business and how did the interview go

Fug. None of what you're saying really applies but it's kind of "in the middle", which is giving me red flags, as you call them.

Freight brokering, interview was pretty straightforward and basic, no real deep questions.

If they are offering a base then it sounds legit, user. Employers always, always overestimate the OTE. As a rule when you are taking a sales job, you should cut down the OTE by 20 -30% when they pitch it to you.

Especially freight brokering. I actually used to work in logistics sales so I know the business. You arent gonna be making six figures, heh. It's a mature business. He wants you to smile and dial. If you are a young guy its fine to take for your first sales job. Take it, do it for a year, if it doesnt work out, time to hop to the next sales position. Lie on your resume and say you hit quota anyway. There is no way for your future employers to check if you hit quota unless they ask for references, and if they do fuck em.

Just a little unsure senpai. Is it tough to get started?

Liek i said, it takes a certain personality to do sales. It sounds like a hunting role right? If its a hunting role they will want you to smile and dial. Especially if its logistics sales, they are old school.

Are you comfortable on the phone? Do you get discouraged easily? Are you comfortable actually doing labor? Cold calling is labor. Can you get into a routine?

I didn't think it would be so much sales... it was advertised a little differently.